195. Chapter 195

"Oh my god, it's gorgeous." Meredith sighed in awe as she opened the wrapping on the huge box in the living room and the image of an espresso colored wood handmade beautiful sleigh crib with a grand heirloom look. "It's perfect." She continued as she stared at the image.

"There's a note."Derek said as he noticed a piece of paper taped to the side of the box and walked over to peel it off as Meredith continued to stare in awe of the crib.

Meredith and Derek had awoken late that morning, trying to get their bearings back on to which time it was and what meal time it was to eat at. For Meredith it was easier since she has been basically been eating at all hours, Derek though had to get back to eating breakfast at this hour now and not lunch like the past couple weeks. Neither of them bothered to check the answering machine, or turn on the TiVo to check on all their shows they had missed, or turned on a computer to check the email. They just wanted to do nothing.

They stayed in their sweats and lounging wear, eating and just laying on the sofa in the family room. Relaxing and doing not much for the day, Derek had started one load of laundry but ended up leaving it because he didn't feel like continuing it. Meredith opened her suitcases to get her fruit out which caused Derek to start laughing and shaking his head. She put it all in the fridge and ate some for breakfast.

Until Derek couldn't wait any longer and decided to venture into the "presents room" as he deemed it this morning to take a peek at what was looming in the big boxes that donned his living room.

Meredith caught him, rolling her eyes and giving him permission to start pulling the paper off. She knew him so well and knew that he was dying to do it since they walked into the house last night.

"It's for me, from Nancy." He said as he noticed the hand writing and signed name. "Dear Derek, don't worry all the paper work for the crib is in one of the gift bags, including the phone number to call to set up an appointment for the assembly we paid for. We love our baby nephew too much to let you try to assemble all this on your own. Or even worse, with Mark as your help. Love Nancy." He muttered rolling his eyes as Meredith burst out laughing at the note Derek had just read out loud as Derek turned to look at her.

"What? Don't be mad at me, I didn't write it." She said while giggling. "Look on the bright side, we don't have to figure out how to carry all this upstairs or do any of the putting together work. It's a good thing." She laughed as she walked over to the second biggest box and looked at it still wrapped and started thinking out loud.

"Well…If that one is the crib, then may be this one is…" she thought as she pulled the

Paper off to see the image of the matching espresso wood children's dresser and changing table. "Then that one over there should be the…" she continued to think as she pulled off another boxes paper to show the matching wooden glider and ottoman.

Derek looked on as she pulled paper to reveal all the pieces of designer handmade wooden furniture that would fill their baby's nursery.

"Told you we wouldn't have to buy anything." She smiled as she turned with sparkles in her eyes as to how much the family had thought to help them out and to look at him.

"I'm suddenly very grateful for the assembly." Derek laughed noticing that everything required to be assembled as Meredith laughed along with him and moved to open another box.