198. Chapter 198

So far it had been a quiet morning, Derek and Meredith both came into the hospital got all their ID badges and signed back in with Human Resources to indicate they were back and vacation time was over. Meredith bypassed going to the intern locker when they ran into Dr. Bailey in the halls. She welcomed them back and told them they didn't miss anything that much, Derek asked her very nicely for Meredith to be on his service for the day and with a roll of the eyes and "you two aren't sick of each other yet?" comment she approved it.

They hadn't seen Mark nor Addison today yet making them think that may be they had later shifts or hadn't known they were back yet. Derek had texted Mark when they got in and said they landed and were headed home to sleep off the jet lag. Which later they'll find out really meant headed home for Meredith to open all her presents.

Neither Derek nor Meredith had changed into their scrubs since they weren't planning on doing much with patients. Derek gave Meredith a stack of the memos to go through while he ran up to Richard's office to check in with the Chief to ease his mind and let him know that he and Meredith were back safe and sound and hadn't decide to stay in New York permanently.

While Derek was gone, Meredith decided to get started. Settling herself in Derek's comfortable leather desk chair, she started reading his memos.

"Boring…"She mumbled to herself putting another pointless memo in the pile of pointless ones. So far there's only been two that she thought were worth him reading and following up on, both had to do with new equipment that was going to be installed in OR2 later in the week.

"Hmmm." She read as her eyes got a little wider. "Cristina Yang leave for medical abscence" she read. Meredith wondered what was wrong with her, she'd have to be on her death bed to take sick days in addition to their holiday break Meredith thought. She tossed that one on the ones that Derek didn't need to follow up on. An intern being sick and taking a few extra days off wasn't going to matter to him she thought, then smiled knowingly, "unless it was me." She beamed talking out loud.

"He's happy we're back and I think I could see he blood pressure lowering the second he saw me enter the office." Derek laughed as he walked into the office shortly after she had finished with all the memos. "You're all done?" He asked while coming around his desk to place a kiss on her cheek and sit on the corner of his desk.

"All done." She smiled before continuing, "all this" she waved to a stack of at least fifty pieces of paper "are a waste of trees and these" she pointed to two sheets are worth you looking into.

"What are they about?" Derek asked picking the top one up to skim over.

"New equipment going into OR2, the schedule, the downtime and how the OR will be out of service for testing. Things you'll need to know when making the schedules. You won't need to know which intern is on sick days or that they're paving the south visitors lot on Tuesday." She said rolling her eyes at some of the memos in the waste of time pile.

"We don't park there and as long as it's not you who is sick, then no doesn't affect me." he said while not looking up and continuing to read the OR2 memo.

"That's what I said." She giggled. "What's next boss?" She asked while he raised his eyebrow looking up from the paper and smirked at her calling him boss, she was getting into being back at work again and enjoying herself.

"Next, you make the schedule while I start going over these charts to sign off on."

"You're going to let me make the schedule?" She asked with her eyes getting wider.

"I won't tell if you won't." He winked as he grabbed the pile of sign off charts and went to take her usual place on the sofa against the wall as he left her to sit at his desk, in his chair and use the computer to handle the schedules for the month.