199. Chapter 199

It turned out to be a relaxing first day back at work for both Derek and Meredith, no huge emergencies or a long night of work. They caught up on the paper work fairly quickly, because Derek had help. He ran out to attend some meetings with the other department heads and had quick meetings with all his head neurosurgeons he has on his team to make sure they were ok and there weren't any issues.

Meredith spent the entire work day in Derek's office, helping him on his work and relaxing. She knew she was glowing both with the baby and with her relaxing vacation under her belt, not to mention her sun kissed skin that was very bronzy with her tan. She had gotten some jealousy looks when she walked in that morning but she was too relaxed to even care. Meredith loved being tanned, she hoped it lasted long and didn't fade soon.

After the world wind of being back home in NY and then their vacation, then the trip home which resulted in a day of present opening. It was relaxing to spend the day in Derek's office, getting back into the swing of things as opposed to something like being thrust upon someone else's service and having to rush into the OR. She did miss surgery. But she knew her body needed more rest now and she didn't want to push herself, Devin came first.

She hadn't missed not running into any of her fellow interns, unsure of how they were doing on their break and what they were doing now that they were all back too. She wasn't up to hearing about their vacations or hearing them complain or roll their eyes that they did nothing while she was off sunbathing in a private villa on St. Barths courtesy of her husband.

Meredith sat in Derek's office, patiently waiting for him to get back from his last catch-up meeting of the day so they could take off and go home. She hadn't seen Mark or Addison all day and that confused her, she thought for sure that Addison especially would have shown up to gush over St. Barths with her and get a play-by-play of the trip.

Meredith could have gone looking for her and Mark herself, but she was quite happy and enjoying just hiding out in Derek's office and not venturing out to the other parts of the hospital. She hadn't even put on her scrubs today since it wasn't necessary to do paper work.

"I'm all done, was accosted by doctors from all over saying "welcome back" and "how was your trip? Or else I would have been here half an hour ago." Derek sighed as he shrugged off his lab coat to reveal his baby blue dress shirt which looked so good on him and brought out his eyes.

Meredith just smiled up at him as he collected his things and got ready to leave while he continued rattling on to her. "I stopped by Mark's office and it was dark. One of his friendly nurses said that he and Addison had today and yesterday off and that Addison dragged him out to some bed and breakfast to be more romantic. Something about her moving to rain city and deserving a trip too." Derek laughed.

"May be he's going to propose?" Meredith thought as she grabbed her bag and put her shoes back on.

"I somehow doubt that." Derek laughed.

"Well he should do it soon." Meredith huffed. "She did move here to rain city for him, but I do think Devin would be the cutest ring bearer. May be its best he wait." She smiled thinking of Devin with Derek's hair and dressed up in a little black tux.

"Wait until Devin can walk just so he could be ring bearer?" Derek laughed.

"Yes." She replied rolling her eyes.

"Considering its Mark its possible Dev would be in high school with a car by the time Mark pops the question." Derek laughed.

"Don't ruin my dreams of seeing my baby in a tux." Meredith pouted.

"I'm sure your dream will come true, one trip to New York and you know Nancy and Kathleen would be dressing him up to take him to those stuffy gala's on the Upper East Side. Showing off their handsome nephew to their snooty high society girlfriends."

"Hey! Watch it, I was one of those high society Upper East Side girls." Meredith laughed.

"Oh right, until you met me." He teased kissing her on the cheek and taking her hand to head out to get the elevator and head home for the night. Knowing tomorrow would be a real first day back to work and not one full of paperwork and hiding out in Derek's office.