200. Chapter 200

Holy moly 200! I wanted to do something big and special for this. When I started this fic it was never going to last this long at all, may be 20 chapters and that was it. LOL But thanks to you who read and review all the time, it kept me going. So thank you for liking it and still reading after all this time! It means the world to me. :))

It had been a long few months since Derek and Meredith's trip. Which had been spent finishing the exterior of their house, furnishing the rest of the interior. With Meredith's pregnancy websites like Neiman Marcus Home and had become her best friend. She could easily order furniture room by room and have it delivered and assembled, neither she nor Derek had to lift a finger other than show where the furniture was going and sign the delivery slip.

Meredith had taken on a lighter load at work as she progressed in her pregnancy. She walked slower, or has Derek cutely called her waddling. With her thin frame, the extra weight was harder on her back which left her not standing on her feet as much as she used to. With her added surgical knowledge, she wasn't lacking in her residency with taking lesser hours. With what she missed in surgery she made up for it in helping Derek run his department and doing small solo surgeries on her own while the rest of her class were still being taught and monitored. Even with a maternity leave looming she was still going to come out as the head of her class. She had taken on the job of helping him with schedules, charts, diagnosing and other jobs that someone in her residency year wasn't supposed to be able to do yet.

It helped him out so he could do more surgeries, which she watched from the gallery and assisted if they were short and it helped him by doing the paperwork for him that he wasn't that fond of.

Her pregnancy progressed rapidly. With only a few weeks left to go. Derek had put in for his paternity leave of a few weeks. His mother and the sisters had tickets at JFK waiting on standby for when the call of Meredith being in labour came. Mark and Addison had been helping with the house and send over hotel food for them when Derek was working and Meredith was too tired. Meredith was grateful that they were still living in the hotel because she was loving the takeout and munchies they would cook up and deliver to her.

Despite their medical knowledge Derek and Meredith had still taken a child birthing class. Which they lasted for about 2 days before they had enough. Derek had kept trying to correct the teacher and was rolling his eyes at her lack of medical knowledge while Meredith wasn't learning anything that they didn't already know, after the teacher had insisted that the mothers must pack a bag and put it by the door of the house for when she went into labour and Derek asked what if she didn't go into labour at home, both decided they didn't need the class and it was a waste of their time.

They had one bag packed for when the time came and it was sitting in Derek' office. It wasn't needed at home or in the car because she'd end up at the hospital anyways so they figured leaving it there would be the easiest access for them. The baby carrier along with Devin's "take him home" clothes were all in Derek's office in his closet.

On this day Meredith was sitting in Derek's office working on the schedule for the following week, her legs propped up as she was also working on the Chief's service this week doing his post-op surgeries notes from the past few days while he and Adele took a mini vacation to Catalina Island, but were due back that evening.

Derek was in OR1 doing a routine aneurysm procedure when Meredith felt a small twinge in her lower back. Looking around and checking the clock, she slowly got out of her chair and decided to take a little walk to see Derek in surgery from the scrub room. Derek had stopped her from climbing the gallery steps a few weeks ago and from now on if she wanted to watch surgeries she had to stay on "ground level" as he called it, either from the OR itself sitting on a chair or from the scrub room.

She entered the scrub room watching as he routinely did the surgery, one he could probably do with his eyes closed and then after seeing her watching him from the scrub room give her a small wink. She smiled and gave him a slight wave and Derek decided he'd let his fifth year resident close up for him.

Derek entered the scrub room and walked over to his beautiful wife who was clad in her Juicy Couture maternity light blue tracksuit that Carly had sent her, in every colour possible but more than one shade of blue since that were the colors of her scrubs. The scrubs had stopped fitting so she was permitted to wear the tracksuits as long as she wasn't in surgery then she'd wear her husband's which was embarrassing enough as is to her. She loved smelling like him in surgery and the feeling of having her with him in surgery even if he wasn't, but people looked at her like she was a whale who had to wear her husband's male clothes and that she didn't like.

"Come down just to stretch your legs? I know you could do that surgery with your eyes closed so it wasn't interesting to you." Derek said to Meredith as he scrubbed out and she waited for him while resting against the back wall, she smiled at him having the same thoughts as she did regarding the routine procedure.

She stood up straight and walked closer to him as he finished up and was drying his hands. Taking them both in hers she whispered…"it's time."