201. Chapter 201

Meredith was the pinnacle of cool despite knowing she was in labor and Derek after hearing the news and blinking a few times decided he had to follow suit. He couldn't freak out or be one of those typical fathers since she was being so calm.

He placed his hand on her lower back and guided her out of the scrub room.

"We need to get your bag, call the OB, call mom, the family." Derek started listing quickly in his head as they walked towards the elevator bay.

"Derek…" Meredith said calmly as he started to press the elevator button harder and more often than needed. "I think once is enough." She giggled. Before she continued, "I already called your mom, she was going to handle calling the rest of them. Already contacted OB and told Richard that your paternity leave started as soon as you finished your surgery. I paged Mark and Addison but both are in surgeries, so I left messages that they should be told afterwards and not during. We just have to get the bag." She finished up with a shrug. As Derek looked at her in shock at all she had handled and with such calmness.

"You're so calm." He said in disbelief.

"Remember my maiden name? I used to plan brunches and high class parties in my teens for the highest of society in New York in under an hour. We had a baby plan and list for when I went into labor and we're executing it."

Derek laughed at her remembering a few of those events he attended. When they first met she invited to him to a brunch her mother was having for hospital big wigs. She told Derek that it would be a great way to get his name out there, before he started his internship. Meredith had just made a few calls to caterers, florists, and a hotel and had the entire brunch put together and planned in an hour. He had been amazed when he walked in and saw the magnificent affair she had assembled. He had ended up meeting his Chief and a lot of 'Ellis Grey' like pioneers which did help him in the hospital when he started work. He was the cool kid that the senior staff knew.

"I remember, but aren't you in pain?" he asked in concern. As they stepped onto the elevator and he calmly pressed the button for his office floor. Just once this time and not frantic like a few minutes before.

"Not really, I do reserve the right to scream and be freaking out later when I'm fully dilated and trying to push your son out. But right now I'm just being meticulous in my list and making sure we have it all under control. We're ready for this, nothing to worry about until it starts to hurt. Which reminds me I paged for drugs already, and I apologize in advance for hurting your hand. I'll try not to since it makes us millions of dollars."

Derek laughed again "thanks, I appreciate that" he said as they got out of the elevator and walked towards his office. He opened the door and grabbed the bag from behind it.

"Ready? He asked her feeling much calmed with her calmness wearing on him.

"Ready…let's go have a baby." She smiled as they locked the office door behind as they walked back towards the elevators to head up to OB.