202. Chapter 202

In true calm fashion that Meredith had handled being in labor, Devin's birth occurred in such a state as well. There was no twelve hours of delivery with no movement in dilating, there was no screaming at her husband or threatening to dismember him. He held her hand while still wearing his attending scrubs, she held on and didn't let go. She pushed and breathed with him like they practiced in the one session of the birthing class they went to. The highest she raised her voice was when the OB doctor told her it would be any time now and Meredith realized that Carolyn and the rest of the family wasn't there yet. Meredith said "No, we have to stall!" Which Derek proceeded to laugh and saying it wasn't up to them and joked that Devin didn't want his evil aunts around for his birth.

Nobody expected her labor to go this quickly, she had heard nothing but horror stories from them and they had nothing but horror stories. Meredith remembered sitting in the waiting room for Nancy's second baby for eight hours of labor. The third lasting over six. Everyone had said they would have lots of time to get to Seattle and fly back to New York, that they'd be there for the birth. There was no throwing of things or screaming for more drugs. Meredith was progressing swiftly after her water broke and within an hour of being admitted as a patient, little Devin Christopher Shepherd was born.

Seven pounds and eight ounces with gorgeous bright blue eyes that his mother hoped stayed blue and a full set of dark hair that wasn't as dark as his father's but wasn't as light as his mothers. A perfect cross between the two, a chestnut brown. He had ten perfect fingers and ten perfect toes. He had this little sly smirky smile. That was close to his father's teasing smirk, but also a bit calculating with a bit more bad in it like his mothers. Meredith did have a bad girl past before Derek and she saw both of them in Devin's cut little face.

Meredith took one look down at her beautiful boy as he lay peacefully in her arms and at that smirky sly smile and knew Devin was going to be a heartbreaker. He was going to be a handful little boy who knew he was perfect, spoiled, wealthy, gorgeous and was going use it all to his advantage. That one smile could get him away with anything she smiled at him as she held her baby in her arms.

She giggled knowing that Derek's going to get gray hair a lot sooner than he wants with this little one around and when he started growing up. She couldn't wait to tell him that when he returned. She had insisted he go to the airport himself to get the family since she and Devin were great and that they missed it all, he was excited to tell all his sisters they were all wrong. There was no need for them to rush to the hospital since it was so late, they could go drop off their bags at the house and Derek could bring them to the hospital later. Visiting hours didn't apply to Derek and Meredith so they could come at anytime.

Being members of the hospital did have its other perks. One was the private birthing room that was available to Derek and Meredith. Which aided in the fact they could get visitors come and go whenever they wanted since it was a private wing. They were grateful for it because they didn't want their child or Meredith on display to all the hospital gossip like they were animals at the zoo. Instead of a normal hospital room they had a private room that looked more like a room at the Westin than a hospital room.

It was large, spacious and comforting to Meredith, Derek and Devin. He had a little bassinet instead of a plastic ugly Rubbermaid looking container thing. There was a comfy pull out couch that Derek could rest on and they even had a view of the mountains.

Meredith and Devin had a steady stream of visitors since he was born hours earlier. Mark at one pointed wanted to stand outside and be a bouncer to make sure the people coming to visit actually deserved to be let inside. The Chief along with his wife Adele, Dr. Bailey, Alex, Izzie, George, and even Cristina all popped in to say congratulations. Some board members and other local renowned doctors that had heard "the Doctor Shepherd" had a son born. They had received more gift baskets that Meredith expected, even some from Derek's old hospital in New York and some other renowned doctors he has worked with. Word had spread fast like a little celebrity she giggled again looking at the peaceful sly look on her son's face before whispering to him..."you're going to have an ego worse than your daddy with all this attention."