203. Chapter 203

"My baby!" Carolyn squealed as she entered the private hospital room seeing Meredith beaming and a small gorgeous blue eyed baby awake and staring up at his mommy.

"Do you mean Meredith or my son?" Derek teased as he quickly bypassed Carolyn and went around the bed to place a sweet kiss on the side of his wife's head as he looked down at their son. Taking his finger and gently rubbing his cheek, "and how's my son doing?" He asked as Carolyn still stood there frozen with tears in her eyes taking in the scene, watching her once little boy with his wife she basically raised herself from a teen holding her grandson, her Shepherd namesake grandson.

"He's perfect and I think a night owl." Carolyn whispered as she came closer to the three.

"So a night partier like his mother, just my luck." Derek chuckled while sitting down at the edge of Meredith's bed.

"Hey!" Meredith giggled…"My night partying habits is how we met mister!"

"She has a point there, son." Carolyn added.

"You ready to meet your grandson, grandma?" Meredith smiled up to Carolyn while also looking around before adding "where's my sisters?" She asked as Derek rolled his eyes.

"They didn't want to overwhelm you and Devin, sweetie. They're touring your hospital now and then they'll come in gradually. After he's met his grandma." She smiled taking him gently in her arms. He didn't stir or cry at all while he was being passed to this new person. He looked up at his grandmother with his little eyes and gave a small yawn.

"I'm your grandma Carolyn and you have a grandpa Chris but he's back home in New York working in a hospital just like this one. He promises to come visit you very soon but in the mean time I have to take lots of pictures of you so he can show off his namesake grandson. " She cooed to Devin as she walked with him over to the rocker in the corner of the room so they could continue their conversation and bonding.

At the mention of "grandma" Meredith's eyes went suddenly wide in recollection that her mother still didn't know she had been pregnant and turned to stare at Derek. Derek knew what she was thinking and he had been waiting for it for some time.

"You ready to let her know?" Derek asked smirking and looking at her with a slight "I told you so" with him knowing that telling Ellis Grey that not only had Meredith been pregnant but she gave birth as well was not going to go over well with her.

"Don't give me that look, Derek Christopher Shepherd. She would have known if she bothered to call in 9 months. Have you spoken to her since her last swooping in on her broomstick?"

"No, she hasn't called."

"My point exactly." She huffed while Derek stifled a laugh at her hormones now coming out strong.

"We need to let the news come from us, since the news is spreading by the looks of it and it'll be worse tomorrow. If she hasn't heard already. " Derek said glancing at the flower arrangements and gift baskets already littering the room. Thinking that someone could have told her congratulations on her grandchild thinking that she would know.

"Well good luck." Meredith smiled patting him on the leg as he half laid with her side by side on her small bed.

"What?" Derek says looking at her in surprise. "Me?"

"She likes you better, she'd be proud of you having a son. To take your name and follow in your world renowned Doctor status etcetera etcetera. Me having a son would be a disappointment and some detrimental thing towards women and how she knew I couldn't be a doctor."

"So I should just call her up and tell her I'm a father and not mention you?"

"Pretty much, yes." Meredith said in thought as Derek laughed. "Don't forget to point out she hasn't called in nine months." She said seriously as Derek pulled out his cell phone, kissed her on the head and walked towards the door to handle this call from his office.