204. Chapter 204

Derek headed to his office and the walk to it took a tad longer than necessary with all the congratulations being given to him as he passed his co-workers. Nurses, doctors, janitors, orderly's all stopped to congratulate him on his new son. Derek had to wonder if someone had announced Devin's birth via page or if it was on the hospital website considering how fast the word had spread and the amount of people that knew.

When Derek got to his office he sighed in relief to have a few minutes to himself and in the opposite of the phone call he was going to have to make. His beautiful but stubborn wife probably still had no intention of telling her equally stubborn mother until Ellis gave in and called her. If the baby being born hadn't been such big news in the medical world Derek knew that Meredith still wouldn't have budged from her stance of not telling her mother.

However the chance of Ellis finding out via gossip is the only thing that changed Meredith's mind, although she still didn't want to tell her herself. Derek knew the wounds between mother and daughter ran deep. Derek saw the loneliness Meredith grew up with when they had first met. She had all the money in the world, a private school education, a busy nightlife of getting into all the clubs and hotspots of the cities, brunches, galas, VIP access into all the designer stores, a huge penthouse in Manhattan, a maid and a room with a shoe closet people would die for. Yet she was so lonely.

Ellis never gave her the love and attention of a mother. Just money to busy herself, lectures to be proper in Upper East Sides' society and maids to clean up after and feed her. Derek knew that Devin while he'd be spoiled rotten with material possessions, he'll also be spoiled rotten with love.

Derek sighed again while picking up the phone and dialing the numbers. Kind of hoping she was in surgery.

"Dr. Grey's office."

"Hi, its Dr. Shepherd calling is my mother-in-law in?" he asked politely to the secretary.

"Yes, she is, please hold."

"Derek, what can I do for you? Consult?" Ellis asked in a rushed tone.

"No, this is more personal. " Derek said hesitating.

"I see, I've been waiting all day for this, get on with it then…." She told him in a more sarcastic tone.

"You know?" Derek sighed while closing his eyes.

"You mean do I know that I now have a grandchild? Yes I know. Imagine my surprise when one of the board members congratulated me on my daughter and son-in-laws purebred future doctor of America. I called Richard to confirm, who also gave his congratulations assuming that I would know something like my daughter being pregnant for nine months."

"Meredith wanted to tell you, but you never called for those nine months Ellis. Can't blame it all on her."

"I had nothing to announce."

"So that's the only reason to call, when you have news to tell? How about calling just to check in on your daughter once every ninety days or so?" Derek asked annoyed.

"I think we all know I won't be mother of the year Derek, however can you argue with the fact that Meredith didn't turn out too badly. Is the baby healthy?" She asked with some slight mix of pride and interest.

"Yes, he's perfect." Derek replied puzzled at Ellis's lack of anger, she sounded kind of pleased.

"Name?" She asked or more like demanded in her odd tone.

"Devin Christopher Shepherd." Derek said proudly.

"Strong name, good doctor name." She pointed out as Derek rolled his eyes.

"Well don't go out sending the medical school graduation announcements just yet. He can barely open his eyes on his own at this point."

"Well with his breeding it's only a matter of time. Will Meredith be returning to work?"

"Of course she will, after her maternity leave." Derek rolled his eyes again, of course Ellis would think Meredith would quit being a doctor, she never gave Mere that much credit to have it all.

"Well then...Give my daughter my well wishes and my new grandchild as well."

"I will." Derek said before continuing "and you are welcome to come and meet him you know." Offering an invitation to meet her grandchild.

"I will see what I can do." She offered and Derek knew that she was interested in meeting Devin. They bid their farewells and Derek put down the phone in relief before mumbling to himself "that wasn't that bad, a bit weird but it could have gone worse."