205. Chapter 205

"So?" Meredith smiled as Derek walked into the room seeing all his sisters and his mothers occupying each free sitting space available. Sam had Devin and was showing him outside standing by the window.

"So she already knew." Derek said climbing up onto the bed next to her and laying his head down on hers.

"Is little Derek tired for dealing with his mother in law?" Nancy teased.

"Shut up Nancy." Derek fought back without much force.

"You know how lucky you have it? Ellis comes around once every few years and she adores you. Tom's mother comes every holiday, every birthday, every reason she has to and the woman refuses to leave".

"And she detests Aunt Nancy." Sam added in telling Devin in a baby voice.

"Please no corrupting my son, he's only hours old." Derek jokingly warned Sam.

"Turning him against Uncle Tom's mean mommy isn't corrupting it's preparing him for the real world."

"Real world of a crazy old bat that will pinch his cheeks." Carly added rolling her eyes. As Meredith started laughing at all the banter around her before seriously turning to Derek and quietly whispering, "Was she mad?"

"Not really, she was interested and may be annoyed more than anything and kind of strangely proud. She seemed to expect that you wouldn't tell her first and if she had called she would have known." Derek said in thought as Meredith smiled at his confused face.

"It's a power thing, me calling to tell her she was going to be a granny would have given in to all her warm and mushy feelings she doesn't want to acknowledge having. Me not telling her because she never gave the opportunity shows strength and I didn't fear her." Meredith said rolling her eyes at the reaction she knew her mother would give and the games they've always played with the other.

"It wasn't the conversation and reaction I was expecting that's for sure. I was expecting screaming and bad language. Her being more hurt and I got none of that. "

"That's because you grew up with all this..." she said waving her hand to survey the scene of his mother and all his sisters who had dropped their families, their work, and their medical practices to be here for the birth of their child. The Upper East Side scheming games parent rules isn't your thing." She giggled. "Leave that side of New York to me." She winked.

"Was I supposed to invite her to visit? Because I kind of did." Derek looked at Meredith wary of her reaction.

"That's fine."

"That fits in the rule book of rich people game playing with their lives?" He said rolling his eyes.

"Yes," She laughed. "She'll wait a while, until he can hold himself up and can be debuted. Then she'll come and make a production out of it."

"What do you mean debuted?" Derek asked wary again.

"Debut, in the New York Times and to all her society well not friends, but society people she spends time with. I don't think any of them really like each other, but just spend time together because it's what they're supposed to do." Meredith thought out loud. "She'll come with presents, take pictures and go back and make a big deal of the future doctor grandson she has and the heir of Derek Shepherd." Meredith muttered rolling her eyes again.

"I should be scared shouldn't I?" Derek laughed.

"It'll be ok, we'll set some ground rules like only two newspaper announcements with photographs and no visits with her alone."

"Well that goes without saying." They both laughed as they looked around the room watching Devin as he now peacefully slept in Sam's arms and the rest of the family just be content in her room together.