206. Chapter 206

"You all can't camp out in my room, this isn't a slumber party." Meredith laughed at Carly's suggestion they don't go back to house for the night.

"We can make it one." Carly pleaded wanting to stay with Meredith and Devin.

"No. I'm putting my foot down on this own." Derek said as Meredith raised her eyebrows, smirking and not wanting to laugh at Derek trying to lay down the law to his 5 sisters.

"This is a hospital, she just had a baby. You all have been here all afternoon. Mark's going to kindly drive you back to our house to eat, sleep, and rest and also so Meredith can do the same. She and Devin are coming home tomorrow and I don't even want to know how long your tickets home says you're staying, so you'll see her in a matter of hours, okay?" Derek finished looking seriously at all his sisters filed in a line around Meredith's bedside. Carolyn had left earlier with Addison to go back to the house and cook up some dinner for everyone leaving Derek to fend with the 5 sisters on his own and try to protect Devin from being corrupted from birth. He found himself wishing his dad and brother-in-laws had come too, his house would have ended up a zoo of over twenty people but at least Devin would have spent some time with the boys and not Nancy and Kathleen talking to him about color co-ordination of his future outfits and male designer labels.

"Well, I wasn't going to sleep here in a hospital on a pull out sofa to begin with." Nancy added flatly. "But nice speech anyways Derek." She added. Kathleen giggled as well then added "I don't spend the night in hospitals unless I have no choice and is on call, sorry Mere."

"Carly's the only one suggesting this preposterous idea and it's only because she's scared of the big bad ferry boat." Sam snarked causing Carly to slap Sam's arm and instantly get defensive, "I am not scared."

"Okay, okay. Sam don't be mean to your sister and Carly don't hit, you're not he child in the room." Meredith said trying to take control of the situation since Carolyn was gone and she wanted to try out the disciplining parent role.

"Sorry mommy." Sam said rolling her eyes and laughing. Derek decided to let Meredith take over feeling a headache come on and just went to stand beside the bassinette that his son was presently sleeping in.

"Carly, it's an island. Seattle is surrounded by water on three sides. You need to get on the ferry boat. Leave the car and come up on deck, its better that way. It'll feel just like the cruise ship just minus all the tropical drinks we had."

"Okay." Carly nodded agreeing to go. She went on cruise ships, the biggest in the world she could handle a boat stacked with cars. She stayed in the car garage the last time that probably is where her fear came from.

"There's a thought, let's get a drink at that bar across the street. Get her liquored up then she'll be fine on the ferry." Kathleen suggested as Derek scrunched his face and couldn't keep quiet anymore. "Get drunk and you won't notice, great professional advice coming from the shrink. Hope that's not what you tell your patients when they come to you with a phobia."

"Ok ok…Meredith said again trying to stop Kathleen to snark back at Derek. No drinking!" She said sternly, "you can't go on the ferry drunk that will just make her sick and you can't show up at the house drunk either. Your mother is there waiting for you remember?"

"It's been a long time since we all came home drunk. I would kind of like to see the look on her face if we did it." Sam said seriously.

"Sam! No! Now out, shoo, all of you go home, sleep, rest, enjoy my beautiful house while I'm stuck here for the night." Meredith smiled as they all came up to her and kisses her good bye and went over to also hug Derek which he obliged. Once they were all gone out of the room, down to the lobby to meet up with Mark, Derek went back to crawl into his wife's hospital bed.

"Now do you see why I insisted on the guest house." He told her with a tired and deadpanned expression on his face as she laughed out loud at remembering their conversation all those years ago when they were so young and planning their dream house.

"I didn't figure the baby would be the easiest one in the room to deal with." She giggled as she snuggled into Derek's side and the too tried to get some sleep before Devin woke up from his nap needing to be fed again.