207. Chapter 207

Derek spent the night with Meredith and Devin in her private room, refusing to go home to the house of horrors he called it with all his sisters plus Mark and Addison staying there to keep them company in the city they weren't accustomed with especially with them being on an island.

He refused to go home until his son and wife were coming with him for support. Meredith laughed at his antics telling him he'd have Mark at least. But Derek muttered that he wasn't enough.

During mid-morning both Meredith and Devin were released to go home. Addison had come in to check out Devin herself and release him. Mark had taken the day off and was still with everyone at the house waiting for Derek and Meredith's return home with Devin for the first time.

"You ready?" Derek asked Meredith as he wheeled the standard protocol wheelchair into her room. He had finished with all her and Devin's paperwork and signed all their discharge papers. Including his paternity leave forms.

"All set." She smiled as she packed up the rest of her and Devin's things in their duffle bag as Devin sat quietly buckled into his carrier waiting to begin his journey.

"Hey there's my boy." Derek smiled walking over the Devin, the baby's eyes lit up in recognition of his father's face and voice looking around at him.

"Since I buckled him in, he's been quiet and waiting patiently." Meredith added coming up behind Derek and wrapping her arms around his waist and locking her hands together, leaning over his arm to look down at the quiet baby.

"He must know we're breaking him out of this joint and taking him home."

"He knows something big is happening, but I hope he doesn't hate it too much. He'll be seeing the daycare someday."

"He's going to love hospitals, your mom says he's a future doctor." Derek added with a laugh as Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Of course she did."

"I don't really have to sit in that wheel chair do I?" Meredith asked Derek as they still stared at Devin. Knowing he'd never make her be wheeled out of here like a regular patient. "Everyone around here stares at me enough as is." She pouted.

"No, you don't have to sit in the wheel chair. But you're still sore and recovering and I can't hold the bags plus the carrier. You can't hold the bags either, so I figured instead of sitting in it, we'd drop the bags in it and you can push it." He laughed, "So you're still wheeling out the chair, just not in it."

"Ah, what a smart man your daddy is, isn't he Devin." She cooed to her baby as he smiled and little with a gurgle sound.

"I think that means he agrees." Derek laughed. "You ready to go home and see your room?" Devin made another sound and Derek and Meredith looked at each other with smiles on their faces. "I think that's another agreement, we have the smartest baby ever."

"Let's just hold off on telling your mother she's probably right." Derek laughed as he picked up the bags and dumped them in the wheel chair. Meredith looked around to make sure she hadn't dropped anything of hers or Devin's while she was getting them ready. Seeing that she had everything she went to push the chair as Derek grabbed the carrier with one hand and held onto Meredith with the other.

"Let's go home." He whispered down to Devin and to Meredith as the family walked out of the room and towards the private elevator.