208. Chapter 208

After six days of home, the house was finally in silence. Derek sighed as he grabbed another laundry basket and headed towards the mud room to dump in a new load. He had no idea a tiny baby could accumulate so much dirty laundry in such a small short of time. Meredith was taking a nap after spending the entire day with Devin and the sisters, soaking in as much time with them as she could.

The house had been busy and full of laughter and fun for the past week. The girls and mom had both stayed the entire week giving Derek and Meredith all the help and love they could handle.

A little too much for Derek, he was counting down the days to when he could come down to his back outdoor patio and sit out there without his sisters talking and yapping away. However they did help Meredith a lot, they all took turns with Devin for them giving Meredith and Derek chances to sleep, rest, watch TV and just spend some time to themselves and doing normal things.

They both had a feeling all the noise missing from the house was going to cause Devin to start crying because he was so used to being spoiled and having so much people around him. Now that Mark had just taken the girls and mom to the airport to catch their flight Devin's been looking around from side to side of his bassinette. Most likely in wonder of "where did everyone go?" Yet he still amused himself and didn't make much noise. He wasn't much of a crier, so far he was a quiet baby which they believe was because his surroundings were so loud. He whimpered instead of cried when he was hungry or wet. The only tantrum he threw was when a rattle he was liking the noise of suddenly disappeared and it became quiet again. Once the rattle started shaking, Devin quieted down and went back to enjoying the sound. Mark deemed him a club goer and Meredith laughed saying he was right.

Carolyn had promised she'd be back soon, because Christopher was aching to see his first born namesake grandson. He couldn't get a week off the hospital this short notice, but he was coming down for the weekend before the end of the month and Carolyn was going to join him for the visit.

Both Addison and Mark had been in and out of their house all week long as well with the sisters and mom being around. Having her home cooking was something that he was enjoying during the week after all the hotel food he's been consuming since his move.

Mom had packed them up leftovers every night and also lectured them on finding their own place to live where they had to cook for themselves and owned the furniture in the room. As Derek folded the laundry he pulled out of the dryer, he thought that Mark better start looking soon because once Dad arrived in a few weeks he was going to get the lectures all over again and two-fold tag team with both of them in town.

Finished with the clothes he decided to go to the great room and join Devin who was still just laying there looking around.

"Hey there..." Derek smiled looking down at him as Devin's face instantly changed from boredom to happiness that someone was around, blue eyes sparkling like Derek's have been known to do.

"Lonely huh?" Derek laughed as he picked him up from his bassinette as he kicked in excitement of getting some attention and then laid back on the couch with Devin in his arms. Derek thought that Meredith was right, he's going to be a night owl, spoiled and thinks everyone is around to cater to him. Derek laughed in thought of Ellis's reaction to Devin being a lot like Meredith. Then thought of Meredith as a teen and narrow his eyes at Devin. "You're going to give me gray hair when you're a teen aren't you? Please don't, we'll watch TV. How about we watch some sports? We've had enough Sex and the City to last us forever haven't we? With all your aunts around that's the only thing anyone gets to watch." Derek told him as they flipped through channels on the TV, settling on ESPN.

"What ever sport it is, doesn't matter, just as long as it's a sport..." Derek and Devin agreed as they lay together on the sofa both looking at the images glancing across the screen.