214. Chapter 214

"Is this some type of Halloween prank months early Derek?" Ellis asked sternly as they stood in front of the old airstream trailer that still resided in the same spot it always has since Derek and Meredith moved in.

Derek stifled back a laugh, wishing Meredith had come out with them to tour the property or that he had least brought out his Blackberry to snap a picture.

"Not a joke at all Ellis, this was our home for months. After we first found the land and moved out the hotel. We bought this trailer and this was our home." He told her with glee while Ellis stood straight and looked sternly looking at the silver box on wheels.

"This is amusing Derek Christopher, you made my daughter who I gave to you at a ridiculously young age live in something that could fit in her closet back in Manhattan?

"She enjoyed it." Derek said as Ellis flashed him another glare before adding "well not having a big closet part, but it was like a vacation. " He added suddenly realizing may be Meredith was right on not telling Ellis about the trailer.

"Vacation? She used to go to 5 star resorts in the Caribbean, take off to Paris or London for weekends and I'd only find out when she returned with macaroons and a new Chanel handbag. This is what she now deems a vacation?"

"Well…she was an intern she spent most of her time at the hospital. But it was warm and cozy." Derek mumbled knowing for sure now it wasn't a good idea. Ellis was going to chew him up and spit him out.

"Why is it still here?" She asked.

"Sentimental value, a play house for Devin."

"You're going to let my grandson play in a tin box on wheels that has electricity and gas lines?"

"No, not now, when he's older. Much older."

"Older like when, when he intends to use it as a make out point? If I know my daughter and I've noticed how much that child may look like you but trust me that baby is all Meredith in spirit. Giving the child a make out point and place to rebel in not a smart idea."

"Older like ten then?"

"You were only keeping this here to show me weren't you? To show how you have my Upper East Side debutante daughter living in a tin box on wheels in the middle of nowhere.

"May be." Derek replied, wondering how Ellis can just turn the tables and figure things out the way she did. He never could play 'Ellis' games the way Meredith could. Meredith could read her and go toe-to-toe. Derek sometimes was scared of them both.

"Or may be what?"

"Meredith also mentioned keeping if she's mad she could send me to it." Derek added. With that comment Ellis's stone face changed into a sly smirk that Derek thought held a little bit of pride.

"Well that's acceptable then. Let's get this tour going shall we?" Ellis stated turning from the trailer and continued along walking on the trail leaving Derek to catch up and wonder what the world just happened and how Ellis got the upper hand on him.