215. Chapter 215

Dinner went off without a hitch, Ellis was pleased that Meredith catered and didn't try to cook herself.

They did normal cordial doctor like chit chat that Ellis and Meredith had mastered over the years. The opposite of what dinner was like when Derek's family was in town. Which was loud, laughing, joking around meals that were home cooked and full of love.

This dinner and family meeting was more formal, stiff and refined in a classy and old money way. Derek never could figure out how they considered this family interaction every time they interacted with Ellis. It was like strangers converging politely and chatting over politics and weather. Keeping all their real

They had dinner, and dessert and coffee. Ellis bid them their farewells and kissed Devin on the head as he was asleep when she was leaving. She said she had an early flight back in the morning and they wouldn't see her again until her next visit. She offered also for them to come visit Boston which made them both raise their eyebrows since they were never invited before.

Derek looked on shocked and confused while Meredith smiled a thank you knowing that she wasn't really inviting her and Derek, but really inviting her grandson into her life and it was her way of saying that she wanted to be a part of his life.

Meredith glanced stifling a laugh at Derek and knew she'd have to again explain Ellis code later since he looked confused at the invitation.

They bid their farewells and Meredith and Derek walked her out as she departed in the car service heading down the path towards the ferry.

"That didn't go that bad?" Meredith smiled as they stood on the porch looking out to the car pulling away.

"For you may be, she's scary and I feel like I'm playing a game I don't know the rules to sometimes with you two." Derek laughed.

"She was scary because you insisted on showing her the trailer when I told you it wasn't a good idea." Meredith laughed. "And as for the rules to the game, you're right, but it's because you grew up the way you did and I grew up with Ellis the way I did. You're not supposed to know the rules of the game."

Meredith smiled at him and gave him a light kiss on the lips. "I'm the master and will play for you. Now lets go open the gifts she brought for Devin." She added as Derek wrapped his arms around her and they walked back into the house and shut the door behind them.