217. Chapter 217

Meredith had a regular back to work day. She had to run down to Human Resources to fill out paper work, back to work forms, new ID badge and more paper work. She come in during her maternity leave and completed her intern exam that was held while she was away. Dr. Bailey had given Derek the results which he had already known and brought home to her last week. She had passed, the highest mark in her entire intern class which was quite an accomplishment since she was pregnant and on maternity leave.

So her first day as a resident was now upon her, Chief told her she was going to be spending the rest of the week in the pit. Getting a feel for being back to work and just in the swing of things again. Being in the pit also gave her more free time when it was slow to run off and check on Devin which Meredith was sure was the real reason she wasn't being placed on a residency service right off the bat like the other residents.

She currently had some time in between patients in the pit, she ran to the cafeteria grabbing a muffin and a bottle of water. She thought it was odd she hadn't seen any of her former fellow interns yet this morning. Alex at least she figured would have seen around to say hi. Meredith figured being residents now they all were probably in surgery or busy being new residents.

She waved to Chief Webber who she saw was sitting getting a bite to eat with Mark and thought she'd make a run to check on her baby with her free time. Second guessing herself as she headed towards the nursery, Meredith turned and went in the direction of her husband's office instead. Thinking it was odd that Mark and Richard were having a manly friend lunch without Derek.

Now Meredith had a feeling that while Derek put on the strong husband and daddy type this morning he'd be more freaked out about leaving their little boy in with other unknown babies and with strangers. Coming up to his office her suspicions were confirmed when she slowly peaked in the door seeing Derek sitting at his desk with a cup of coffee and signing some charts while her little baby sat in his carrier wide awake and playing with his toy carousel hanging over him.

"New assistant Dr. Shepherd?" Meredith smirked as she walked fully in and Derek snapped his head up to look at her while her eyes nodding towards the baby carrier.

"He's a doctor in training, figured to get him started early." Derek shrugged knowing he was caught. As Meredith walked further in dropping her snack on the desk and going over to the carrier to kiss Devin.

"Hello my little boy, did you have fun at daycare?" She asked him as Devin gurgled in response recognized and instantly wanting his mother to take him. His arms came out and she instantly lifted him out of his seat and nuzzled him into her chest. "Did you? Have fun for the five minutes you were probably there." She giggled looking at Derek as he looked sheeply at her.

"I'll have you know I just got him twenty minutes ago and they said he was a perfect baby for the morning." He told her while grabbing her muffin and taking a bite out of it.

"That's my boy." Meredith smiled as she sat on the sofa with Devin in her lap and played with him while Derek ate out her lunch.