218. Chapter 218

"Alex..." Hey! Meredith finally saw a familiar face as she entered the pit after her lunch. She had dropped Devin back to daycare, not really trusting Derek to do it. She saw that Derek was having too much fun with Devin in his office, but she could tell that it wasn't the greatest idea for either of them to get too attached to that. If and when Derek got paged, Devin would have to be rushed back to daycare or have Derek's secretary watch him and it was just going to be a good idea. As much as she too didn't want to be without her baby all day they both needed to let go a little for all them to become well adjusted back to being a working family. Devin needed to adapt to daycare and those people, not to Derek's office and his secretary babysitting him. Derek had also been paged and run off leaving Meredith to her baby for some alone time proving her point she talked to him about right when his pager went off. Now she had been back on pit duty.

"Shepherd, long time no see." Alex said as walked over. "I got called down for a consult, doing Sloan's dirty work to see if it's worth his precious time while he sits up in the cafeteria getting a meal with the Chief. " Alex told her as he rolled his eyes.

"Lots of work and labor I take it?" Meredith smiled sympathy.

"Worse than being an intern, I thought being a resident would be a step up. Now it's an intern with just more paperwork and running around doing more on top of what we still have to do."

"Well that's because you are Chief Resident, congratulations." Meredith smiled.

"Yeah yeah." He rolled his eyes although a small satisfactory smile graced his lips. "Everyone knows it was yours though, if you hadn't gotten knocked up there was nobody going to be able to fight you for this position. Yang tells me every day." Alex muttered.

"Well I wasn't in contention, it was yours you deserve it. Cristina's just jealous, ignore her and don't let it get to you. You got Chief Resident on your own merits, if it were me she'd be telling me I only got it because of Derek."

"And if was her none of us would be telling her that she only got it because of a certain cardio attending." Alex said as he rolled his eyes.

"Well tell her that next time." Meredith laughed as she grabbed a chart.

"I would have already if I didn't think it was very "Chief Resident." Alex muttered.

"True, you should be setting an example and rising above. Have Izzy do it for you." Meredith winked as she walked towards the curtain area patient. Leaving Alex standing there surprised.

"Hey! You just got back today how do you know about us?" Alex yelled out.

"Won't give away my secrets." Meredith called back with a smile.