219. Chapter 219

"Izzie…" Meredith called with a smile seeing Izzie enter the pit.

"Hey Meredith, welcome back. I heard you were back today and I kind a saw the crowd outside of daycare." She mentioned shyly. Trying to hope Meredith didn't catch on that she happened to be passing daycare herself to catch a glimpse of famous Shepherd baby.

Meredith laughed at Izzie's embarrassed reaction. "It's ok Izzie, we knew he'd be popular today, at least until the novelty wore off and everyone got some new people to gossip about. And you didn't have to go to nursery, I'd be glad to introduce you to Devin myself one day." Meredith smiled watching Izzie's eyes light up at the thought of seeing the baby.

"Oh thank you so much Meredith, I love babies and well you know everything. I'd be great with him and if you ever need help I know we got on really really bad foot but ..."

"It's ok Izzie, it's all gone now. And I'll keep your baby sitting services offer in mind, thank you very much for the offer. "Meredith smiled at the selfless offer.

"It would be no problem at all, I'd think of all types of activities for us to do."

"Well he doesn't do much right now." Meredith laughed. "Watching TV with his dad and uncle, and hitting his toys is pretty much his days."

"Ok..." Izzie sighed. "We can keep the activities and baking until he's older."

"I'm sure the baking will be more fun and come in more handy when he can eat solid food and has teeth." Meredith smiled before continuing deciding to change the subject to offer her help to Izzie.

"I saw Alex earlier…" she threw out there waiting to see Izzie's reaction. Izzie made an 'O' form but nothing came out. "I know a lot about dealing with loving and working with the same person, plus all the gossip around here. If you need a friend to talk to or vent to when he's being an ass. I'm here." She smiled.

"Thank you, I can't imagine Dr. Shepherd being an ass to you though like Alex sometimes gets."

Meredith laughed."Well he may hide it well but trust me bad days at work and seeing that person all day at work and all day at home sometimes ends up blowing up on the person at home. Balancing home and work with the same person can take some work, I had Derek's sisters around to vent and go to."

"Thank you for the offer Meredith." Izzie smiled "This entire thing with Alex is so new and different for both of us. We both feel lost sometimes. I could use someone to talk to."

"Well it's settled then, I'll help you out when you want to throttle Alex at home or whip surgical instruments at his head at work and you'll babysit and bake for me." They both laughed and smiled at each other nodding at their agreement.