220. Chapter 220

"Someone called for a consult?" Meredith heard from a familiar voice behind her.

"I did." She called out to Addison to come her way. Smiling and giving a slight wave to her old friend to head her way.

"Mere" Addison greeted her with a hug. "I wanted to welcome you back on your first day since this morning and haven't been able to see you all day. It's been one birth after another running from one OR to the next. I did have a lot of time running back and forth to peek in on a certain future heartbreaker in the daycare." She smiled.

"Well that was probably before his father stole him." Meredith laughed.

"Derek took him out of the daycare? When?" Addison said with a lot of sudden interest.

"Yes, at lunch time why?" Meredith asked in confusion, narrowing her eyes thinking something was up with Addison wanting to know the time Derek took out Devin.

"Mark won the bet. He said Derek wouldn't last until lunch "Addison shook her head in defeat.

"And you bet that I'd be the one to take him before lunch?" Meredith asked putting her hands on her hips.

"No, I bet Derek wouldn't take him at all and you'd be the one to grab him after lunch."

Meredith laughed and shook her head at how wrong in her bet Addison was. "You were far off the mark, Mark's never going to let this down, I hope the bet wasn't a big one."

"No, just a hundred dollars." Addison said rolling her eyes. "But it's the gloating that will be the worst of it."

"You should have known better than to bet with Mark, you've been to Las Vegas with him." Meredith told her reminding Addison of all the gloating and possessiveness of winning Mark has when he gets anywhere near a betting machine. Weighing odds and never letting any of them forget how much he won, although he's very quick to forget how much he's lost.

"Ugh, Can I stay at your place tonight? Or better yet I think I'm going to put myself on call so I have to stay." Addison whined slapping her head while Meredith laughed as they started to head towards the patients room that Meredith needed Addison's consult on and leading her that way. Before they reached the area to pull back the curtain, Addison put her hand on Meredith's are and whispered. "Never let me bet against him again!" As Meredith laughed while pulling the curtain back.