222. Chapter 222

Merry belated Christmas everyone! Its been a busy and crazy time with school and flying and airports, then holidays. Sorry for the lack of updates. Hope everyone had a good holiday!

"Meredith...how are you doing?" The Chief asked coming into the pit to check up on his star resident. He had been doing paper work when Adelle showed up with an excuse to stop in at the hospital and say hi. Then she wanted to go for a walk and when they were walking passed the hospital daycare, Richard figured out that she wanted to see little Devin and needed him to get her into the daycare because they couldn't say no to the Chief.

"I hope you know you've got a babysitter on call twenty four hours a day now." Richard added before she could answer his first question.

"You offering your services Chief?" Meredith laughed getting up from where she sat finishing some charts.

"Not me, Adele showed up randomly in the middle of the day just she could take a walk around this hospital." He told her raising his eyebrows to look at Meredith to see that she'd understand what he was getting at. Meredith laughed and nodded her head in understanding.

"And how is my little boy doing? His father didn't kidnap him again did he?"

Richard raised his eyebrows at hearing that tidbit of news and then realized he should have expected Derek to do that. He tried to be strong for Meredith and then caves himself when she's gone.

"No, he's still there. So his father hasn't grabbed him and Derek's been in surgery for a couple hours so he hasn't had the opportunity." Richard laughed. "He's a little angel and star in the daycare, I don't think they've had such a perfect child and that's not my bias talking. Adelle couldn't stop cooing over him, you need to be worried of her grabbing him." He laughed as Meredith smiled.

"Well with all our parents on the East coast, you and Adele are the closest he has to grandparents, you're his honorary grandparents, and so tell Adele I'll be taking her up on the babysitting." Meredith smiled as Richard looked on at her with an honored smile on his face.

"An honorary grandparent means a lot to me and to Adele, with us not having our own."

"I know. It'll mean a lot to us and Devin too. " She smiled as she leaned up to hug Richard.

"We're going to spoil him rotten," Richard said as he pulled back and decided to let her get back to her charting and walked away as Meredith started to laugh.

"Join the club, he's going to be the most spoiled kid." She joked shaking her head as she went back to her charting.