223. Chapter 223

"Dr. Yang..." Meredith greeted to her fellow doctor as Cristina entered the pit looking for the patient she had been called down to check up on.

Meredith was being polite greeting her fellow co-worker she hadn't seen in many months. She had heard the news that Addison and Mark would bring back to her. Derek wasn't in the same gossip circles, he usually just avoided it all together. He didn't like knowing information that he wasn't supposed to know, he was too honest and gave away a lot in his reaction. Derek trying to pretend something is brand new information when he really already knew is funny to observe, he has no poker face which is why he usually sticks to slots in Vegas.

Addison had let it slip that she was now friendly with Dr. Bailey and Bailey had let it slip that she had one of her interns jumping through hoops and doing extra grunt work because she didn't like that the intern was trying to capitalize on being in a relationship with her attending.

Meredith knew it was Dr. Burke, but Addison didn't know who it was. Meredith didn't want to spill, but wanted to figure out a way to clue Addison in. Another visit Mark let it slip that one night after a drink with Richard, that he had Burke in the doghouse because of how he was behaving with an intern. Meredith realized that they both had two different clues, so she told Mark to tell Addison and have them compare notes. Sure enough on Addison's next visit she told Meredith who the intern was, apparently the entire hospital now new. Both doctors were being treated differently from their peers, with Derek and Meredith gone they had become the gossip mills favorite topic.

"You're back." Cristina pointed out flatly while continuing to read up on her prospective patients chart.

"I am." Meredith replied nicely.

"What did you do with the kid?" Meredith wasn't sure how to respond to that. "He's in daycare."

"Oh, you brought him to work with you?" Cristina asked surprisingly.

"Yes, he's still small and we thought it would be better for all of us if he was close by."

"Convenient." Cristina said in an approving tone. Meredith assumed that since Cristina was a little like her mother, living in the hospital would be something she approved of.

"We think so, for now. " Meredith added.

"Well, I won't be ever using those services but good it's here and that you're back. Now these useless nurses eavesdropping can talk about someone other than me. "Cristina said raising her voice directing it to a couple of nurses lingering nearby.

"You can have your rightful place again as the most popular girl in school again." Cristina added before grabbing her chart and going towards the curtain area with the patient. While Meredith stood there still trying to process that exchange before muttering "strange girl" under her breath.