224. Chapter 224

"It's been a full tiring day." Meredith yawned in the elevator she said to Dr. Bailey as she entered the elevator. Meredith had finally finished her shift and was off to change and grab her things from Derek's office and then go pick up her baby. Derek was still stuck in his surgery, so Mark was going to drop him home while Meredith took Devin home for the night. It would take a little while for Meredith to change, go down to daycare and get Devin ready to go home so she was hoping Derek could be finished enough to pass off the closing to one of his residents.

"First days back usually are tiring, especially with a little one at home." Bailey added.

"Is your son in the daycare too?" Meredith asked thinking back wondering if she had seen Bailey's son when she passed the little children playing this morning and went to the infant daycare area.

"No, he's at home with his father." Bailey said a bit tensely. Meredith realized from Bailey's tone there was an issue there and knowing Dr. Bailey and her lines of work and personal Meredith didn't want to cross any lines by getting involved.

"Well that's good, at least he's with one parent at home." Meredith smiled.

"Sometimes no choice is the right one, daycare, babysitter, husband, husband's mother." Bailey said rolling her eyes. Meredith decided not to comment and let Bailey get her bitterness and anger out. Obviously her home life had some issues. As Bailey muttered about her mother-in-law and how her husband complains about her work schedule Meredith saw glimpses of her mom in Dr. Bailey. A strong woman who didn't want her career to stop for a second due to family. Meredith felt a little sorry for her because she didn't have that balance that so many doctors need in life.

As the elevator reached the 3rd floor both Bailey and Meredith waited for the new occupants and Meredith's eyes lighting up as Bailey rolled hers at the swaggering Derek walking in.

"Hello, beautiful wife." He said glancing down at his watch to make sure her was officially off the clock.

"You're finished." She smiled leaning into his arms as he wrapped one around her.

"I am, Dr. Quan is closing as we speak and he will email me the post-ops at home. My schedule is to change, get our son and go home." He said tiredly as Meredith rubbed his back soothingly and Bailey watched the interaction between the two out of the corner of her eye noticing they were like a well oiled.

"Sounds good, did you tell Mark you won't need a ride?"

"Texted him while waiting for the elevator." Derek answered.

"I'll call for takeout while you're changing, don't feel like cooking tonight." Meredith said taking out her Blackberry.

"Good call." Derek said as the elevator reached their desired floor of Derek's office.

"Bye Dr. Bailey, have a good night." Meredith smiled as she stepped off the elevator, her husband's hands in hers while Derek nodded a good bye to Dr. Bailey also. Leaving her in the elevator thinking they were like two halves of a whole.