8. Engaged

Disclaimer: If Shonda wants to share, I'm game. Otherwise, I own nothing.

Thanks to those that review.

"Oh my God", she whispered, kissing his cheek. "Derek."

"I know", he said as he gently rubbed her back, afraid that any second he'd wake up from a dream.

"This is it?"

"This is it", he assured her. He had never been more certain of anything in his life.

In this moment, the world was confined to Meredith's bedroom. Nothing else mattered. It was just Meredith and Derek. Right then, life was perfect. And as long as they were together, it always would be.


They sat on the bed, neither wanting to move for fear that they would collapse without the support of each other's arms. Derek gently pulled her light body into his lap, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you", he whispered.

Meredith wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his blue eyes, still glossed with tears. "I love you too", she whispered back.

Derek smiled at her before capturing her lips with his own. She moaned in pleasure when he brushed his tongue past her lips, begging for entry. She granted his wish and their tongues collided. Derek gently nudged her onto her back, their lips staying locked in position. "Der", Meredith breathed. "Blue…prints."

"Okay", he said softly as they parted. He gathered up the blueprints and dropped them to the floor, giving them more room on the bed.

Derek quickly hovered over her, continuing to kiss her passionately. Meredith lifted her arms to run her fingers through his hair. "Derek", she said again, this time it was a low, pleading moan mixed with pleasure.

Derek nodded, knowing full well what she meant without speaking a word. He tugged at the bottom of her shirt before gently sliding it over her head. He began trailing a line of kisses from her neck down to her collarbone, before making his way to the valley between her breasts. Meredith drew in a deep breath before grasping at his shirt, attempting to take it off. Derek helped her, and it was next to hers on the floor in a matter of seconds.

He then returned his attention to her, nipping and kissing the sensitive spots on Meredith's chest and neck he knew all too well. "I love you", he murmured into her soft flesh.

"I love you too", she said quietly. "Pants", she mumbled, her fingers leaving the dark waves of his hair to untie the drawstring. It was a small struggle, but she finally succeeded in pushing them down past his legs, joining the puddle of clothes already forming on the floor.

Derek hooked his fingers in the elastic band of her pajama pants. Meredith arched her back as he slowly eased them down her legs, giving her enough time to reach behind and unclasp her bra. Derek made his way back up her body, and removed it from her shoulders. He cupped her breasts in his hands and kissed each one softly. "Der", she moaned. "Panties…off."

"Okay", he said softly, lifting his face to kiss her before gently easing her panties down her legs. Meredith was now completely exposed to him, but there was no apprehension or embarrassment. Derek looked directly into her green eyes, so full of trust and love for him. Once again, Derek pressed his lips to hers, while hastily shimmying out of his boxers.

"I love you", she panted against his lips, feeling his arousal against her inner thigh.

"I love you too", he said softly as he gently nudged her knees apart, leaving her open to him.

"Der", she moaned. "Now."

"Okay", he nodded, needing no further encouragement, knowing she was more than ready for him. He slowly slid into her, and they both stilled, savoring the perfection of the moment as he fit himself inside of her. He found her hands and pulled them up next to her ears. Derek laced their fingers, palm to palm before they began moving.

After several moments of peaceful quiet, Derek began to slowly thrust. As they moved together, Meredith looked deep into Derek's eyes, forgetting everything else but him and her, joined as one. Amazing feelings washed over her. This most certainly was not S&M. This was two people, after months of pain and heartache, finally rekindling the passion that had been pent up for so long. This wasn't just sex. This was making love.

"I love you", Meredith breathed as they moved in a slow, synchronized rhythm, neither wanting to rush this moment between them.

"I love you too", he mumbled into her neck. Several minutes went by and the slow, wonderful torture continued. Derek could feel that Meredith was close. He wanted to drag out the pleasure as long as he could, so he stopped thrusting, using the time to catch his breath before capturing her lips with his own. "Der…please", she begged, running her fingernails down his back.

"Okay", he said softly before regaining his rhythm. The feeling of Meredith clenching around him caused him to thrust deeper and harder, as he quickened his pace. Meredith soon climaxed around Derek, forgetting everything but the feeling of him inside of her. Derek followed Meredith over the edge. Meredith panted as she felt him release inside of her. For many moments afterward, they remained silent, still enveloped in the fog of their shared passion.

Derek collapsed onto her chest as they both tried to steady their breathing. She ran her hands down his back, feeling the familiar smooth muscle, while he gently kissed her chest and collarbone. The spark and intimacy between these two had never been stronger. It was amazing how much they could communicate through gestures rather than words.

"Der", Meredith breathed, her eyelashes fluttering in an attempt to look into his eyes.

Derek lifted his face and leaned up to kiss her. "I love you so much", he said softly.

"I love you too", she smiled, running her fingers through his hair. He gently pulled out of her and moved onto his side, pulling Meredith close to him. She nuzzled her face into his chest, the comfort and security of Derek's arms wrapped around her making her feel so safe and calm. This was the part she loved. The moment afterward, when the whole world stops. Making love to Derek was amazing, but this part was just as important to her.

Derek pulled the blanket over their naked bodies, before instinctively pulling Meredith even closer to him. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "I love you", he repeated softly.

"I love you too", Meredith said sleepily. Keeping her eyes open had become increasingly more difficult.

Derek noticed her dark eyelashes fluttering. "Sleep", he whispered to her as he gently rubbed her back, lulling her into a peaceful slumber.

They didn't need words right now. The physical and emotional contact was enough for them at the moment. As Derek watched the love of his life sleeping in his arms, he couldn't help but smile. This whole night had been a crazy and amazing whirlwind. He fell even more in love with her, if that was even possible. Moments like this made all of the pain worthwhile. Their journey hadn't been an easy one. But they made it.

With this thought, Derek gave Meredith a soft kiss on the cheek, not wanting to wake her. "I love you, Mer. And I'm here. I promise. I'll be here forever."


The next morning, Meredith attempted to wriggle her still naked body from his arms. Derek just pulled her closer, causing Meredith to let out a giggle. "Der."

"Hmm?", he mumbled sleepily.

"Let go."

"No", he said, keeping his eyes closed.

"I have to pee", she pouted.

"Okay", he said sleepily as he released his hold on her. "Come back."

"I am. Go back to sleep", she whispered, kissing him on the cheek.

Meredith crawled out of bed and walked into her private bathroom. She returned several minutes later to join Derek in bed once again. "I don't want to go to work today", she groaned.

"We'll stay home", he said, still in his sleepy state.

"I can't", she yawned, looking over at the clock. 5:20. "And we have to get up soon."

"No. We're staying home today", he told her.

"You're an attending. You're allowed. I'm a resident", she said as she nuzzled her face into his chest.

"Now you're a resident who's engaged to an attending", he reminded her.

"Crap. I am."

"'Crap'. Please don't tell me you're going back on the whole thing. That would be mean", he teased.

Meredith smiled at him before kissing him softly. "No, definitely not going back on it. I just…it sounds weird."

"Good weird?"

"Yes. Good weird", she nodded. "But seriously, we have to get up."

"Have you taken one sick day yet? Ever?", he asked, already knowing the answer.

"No. But I really should go in. I'm supposed to scrub in with Mark on—", Meredith began before Derek cut her off.

"Don't worry about Mark. I'll call the Chief. He won't mind", Derek said with a slight smile.

"Oh right, you can just tell him you and your new fiancé, AKA me, want to stay in bed and have sex all day. He won't have a problem with that", Meredith said sarcastically.

"Cranky?", he joked.

"No, not cranky. Just tired", she yawned.

"Which is why we're staying here", he insisted.

"Der", she whined.

"Stop", he laughed as he reached over to get the phone off the nightstand.

"What are you going to tell him?"

"I'll just tell him we need a personal day, that's all. He won't ask questions. I don't have anything scheduled for today anyway."

"Ugh, fine. But if you get me in trouble…", she grumbled into his chest.

"I wouldn't do that", he said as he dialed the hospital. Thankfully, Patricia answered and Derek didn't have to explain himself to Richard. "All settled", he told her as he returned the phone to the nightstand.

"Mmm. Thank you", she said with a sigh.

"Aren't you glad you have me?", he asked, pulling the blankets snugly over their bodies.

"I guess", she yawned.

"You guess?", he asked amusedly.

"Fine, yes. Now, we're sleeping. All day", she told him, pressing her body closer to his.

Derek wrapped his arm around her and kissed her softly. "Love you", he whispered.

"Love you too", she mumbled sleepily before falling back asleep.


"Mer. Baby wake up", Derek said softly as he gently nudged her.

"No. And don't call me baby", she grumbled, pulling the covers around herself tighter.

Derek chuckled softly. "It's ten o'clock. And I wanted to take you out to breakfast."

Meredith opened one eye to look at him. "Don't bribe me. Bribing me with food isn't nice, especially when I want to sleep."

"We can go wherever you want."

"Can we get it delivered?", she asked, her voice sounding muffled in the pillow.

"We're not in a hotel", he laughed. "Come on. Up.", he said as he pulled the covers away from her face.

"You suck", she said frankly as she looked him in the eyes.

"You love me", he said with a knowing nod. "Admit it."

"Fine. I love you", she sighed, sitting up. "And I'm still naked."

"Yes. You are", he laughed.

"Maybe we could do something…maybe in the shower…the thing…the bendy thing?", she asked with a smile, knowing he wouldn't say no.

"I guess we could", he grinned. "But we have to do it fast. We have things to do today", he said as he scooped her up and walked across the hallway with her in his arms.

"Der!", she yelled. He put her down and locked the door. "You're lucky no one is home."

"You're the one who's naked. That makes you the lucky one", he said as he wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and kissed her softly.

"Clothes off. Now", she told him as she pulled back and turned on the shower.

"I can't wait to marry you", he smiled. "It's going to be fun."

"Don't think I'm doing this every day. The bendy thing is only for special occasions", she reminded him.

"Then I guess we'll just have to make every day special", he said with a shrug, pulling his boxers off and stepping into the shower after her.

"I guess so", Meredith said as she pressed her lips against his, the hot water spraying down on them as they once again got lost in the hazy fog of their passion.


"That was a nice morning wake-me-up", Derek laughed as they were getting dressed after their shower.

"Are you kidding? I'm ready for a nap", she giggled, collapsing on top of the bed closing her eyes.

"No, no more naps. We have plans today", he said as he easily scooped her up into his lap.

"Breakfast won't take all day", Meredith said, her arms wrapped around his neck.

"You need a ring", he said with a smile.

"Oh…right…ring…yeah, I guess", she said, biting her lip.



"What's wrong?", he asked, tilting his head in a way that made her heart melt for him.

Meredith blushed. "I just…I guess I'm still a little in shock", she said quietly.

"Me too", he smiled.

"Why…I mean, not that I…I'm happy…but why did you ask me last night?", she asked with a slight smile.

He shrugged. "I was going to do it eventually. Last night just seemed like the right time."

"Mmm", Meredith smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too", he said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.

Meredith rested her head on his shoulder, still sitting on his lap. "Do we really have to leave the house today?"

"Yes", he laughed. "I got you the day off. And did the bendy thing. The least you can do is pick out your engagement ring."

Meredith let out a dramatic sigh. "Fine."

"Where did you want to go to eat?", he asked.

"Remember that place we went to a long time ago, with the fountain? The outdoor place? Could we go there?"

"Where we went when you decided to go out with me?", he smiled, kissing her on the cheek.

"You just didn't want me eating left over grilled cheese", Meredith giggled.

"I can't even believe you would eat that", he said as they got up and headed downstairs.

Meredith shrugged. "I don't cook. And don't expect me to cook for you when we're married." Meredith paused. Okay, that sounded weird", she said as they got into the car.


"Saying that."

"Get used to it", he laughed as the two made the short drive to the café.


"What kind of ring do you want?", Derek asked after they had been seated and ordered their breakfast.

Meredith looked up at him. "Oh...uh…I guess I diamond one?"

"I would hope so", he laughed. "Do you know what band or cut you want?"

"Oh…I really don't know anything about rings. I guess I'll just look around once we get there."

"Okay", Derek smiled as he took her hand in his own.

A married couple with a baby took their seats at a table next to them. Meredith's eyes lit up when she saw the little girl. "Aww. Derek, isn't she adorable?", Meredith whispered.

"She is", Derek agreed with a smile.

Meredith waved to her, and the giggling baby waved back. Derek just looked at Meredith, a confused expression on his face.

"What?", Meredith asked when she noticed him staring at her.

"I just…nothing", he smiled, shaking his head.


"You're amazed by that baby", he laughed.

"No I'm not. I just…she's cute…I like babies", Meredith shrugged.

"Meredith Grey, I'm in love with you", Derek smiled sincerely.

"Because I like babies?", Meredith asked dryly.

Derek laughed. "Because you're just as giggly and excited as the baby is."

"Shut up." She playfully smacked him on the arm.

"It's true."

As they sat at their table and ate their breakfast together, Derek couldn't help but smile at Meredith. First, she had agreed to marry him, and now they were going to buy an engagement ring. And she was completely in awe over the baby seated near them.

After they were finished eating, they made their way to the jewelry store. "What one are you taking me to?", Meredith asked.

"The one downtown. I hear they have a big selection."

"We don't have to go anywhere fancy", Meredith told him.

"I'm not getting you something cheap from a bubblegum machine, Meredith. I want you to have the best ring out there."

Meredith laughed. "Okay."


"You", she continued to laugh. "You're just so…"

"So what?"

"I don't know. I just…I love you." She put her hand on his thigh and smiled at him.

"I love you too."


"Holy crap, Derek. This place is huge", Meredith said in awe as she looked around. It seemed as though the cases full of potential engagement rings went on for a mile.

"I told you", he joked.

"Derek…I", Meredith stammered, suddenly overwhelmed by the immensity of the store. Before she could say anything more, they were approached by an employee.

"Hi, I'm Kristen. Can I help you with anything today?", she asked in a pleasant tone.

"I um…need an engagement ring", Meredith told her with a weak smile.

"Right this way", she told them. Derek quickly took Meredith's hand and squeezed it gently as they followed her.

Kristen led them in the direction of various cases. "You're welcome to look. If you see anything you like, let me know."

"Okay. Thank you", Derek smiled.

Meredith walked over to the first case and peered down into it. "Wow…I didn't realize there were so many things to pick from", she said, biting her lip.

"You'll find one, I promise", he assured her.

After several minutes, Meredith looked at Derek. "What one do you like?"

"Mer, the ring isn't for me. I'll like whatever one you pick", he smiled.

"I need help."

Derek laughed. "Okay. Well, do you know what kind of diamond you like?"

"I think I like these pear shaped ones", she told him.

"Okay. That's a good start. Do you know what kind of band? Gold, silver, platinum…?"

"Maybe platinum?"

"Do you want to see some samples?"

"Yeah", Meredith nodded.

Derek quickly found Kristen, who pulled every pear shaped diamond in the case and lead them to a table. "You can take a seat if you'd like", she smiled.

"Okay", they said as they sat in the two empty chairs.

"There are a few different kinds. Some are more pointed and some are rounded. Which do you like more?", she asked Meredith.

"The round", Meredith said with a nod.

"Okay then. What type of band?", she asked.

Meredith looked at Derek. "I think I like platinum. Do you like that Der?"

Derek smiled at her. "It's up to you, Mer. But yes, I like that."

"Okay. I'll go with platinum I guess."

"Great. These are a few samples. But if you don't like any of these, we'd be happy to special order one. You can think it over." She stood up and gave them some privacy.

"Do you see one you like?", he asked.

"Hmm…", Meredith said as she examined each of the rings closely. "Oh, Der. This one", she gasped.

Derek smiled at her. "I love it."



Meredith's smile quickly disappeared when she noticed the price. "Crap. Never mind."

"Why? What's wrong?", he asked, a look of concern on his face.

"It's almost eighteen thousand dollars, Derek! No, I'll find another one."

"No. We're getting this one. I don't care about the price. It could cost a million dollars and I'd still get it for you", he said with a nod.

"Derek, no", Meredith insisted.

"Yes. I saw your face when you saw this one. I'm not taking that away from you", he said taking her hand.

"Der", she pouted.

"Meredith", he teased.

Meredith let out a heavy sigh. "It's too expensive. I can find another one, Derek. It's really not a big deal. Look, this one looks like it. I'll get this one instead", she said, showing Derek a different ring.



"Stop talking", he said with a smile before kissing her softly. "We'll take this one", he said as Kristen approached them.

"Okay, great. Let me just measure you're finger and then I'll have it made for you", Kristen told them.

"You can make it now?", Meredith asked.

"Absolutely", she said as she reached for Meredith's left hand and sized her ring finger. "I think you're a size five and a half. How does that feel?"

"Good", Meredith said with a nod as she wiggled her finger around just to make sure.

"Okay. I'll be back in a few minutes", Kristen told them as she gathered up the rings and placed them back in the case.

"Thank you, Derek", Meredith said genuinely. "I appreciate it."

Derek kissed her forehead. "I love you. And you don't have to thank me."

After Derek paid, Kristen returned with Meredith's ring. "All set. Try it on first to make sure it fits."

Meredith quickly tried it on and put it back in the box. "Yep. It's fits perfectly", she told her, knowing Derek would want to be the one to officially put it on her finger.

"Great", Kristen smiled. "And congratulations. We hope to see you in the future."

"Thanks", they said in unison as they made their way out of the store.

"I can't believe you just spent eighteen thousand dollars", Meredith scolded, trying to hide her obvious excitement over buying her engagement ring.

Derek shrugged. "It's worth it", he said as they got into the car. "So, where to next? We have the whole day."

Meredith bit her lip. "I um…we could…I didn't see the land yet."

"You want to see it?", Derek asked, his blue eyes shone with excitement.

"Yeah", she said softly. "I mean, we're going to live there eventually. And, you know, raise our…", she paused. "I just wanted to see it."

Derek's heart swelled with love for her. Raise our kids. That's what she was going to say. "Yeah, sure", he smiled. "And the word you're looking for is kids, right?"

"I uh…well, I guess…I mean I'm not saying right now but…yeah", she breathed.

Derek looked over and smiled. "Just making sure."

When they finally made their way out to the land, Derek parked the car. "It's just a short walk in that direction", he pointed.

"You mean it's not here, where the trailer is? I…how much land do you seriously own?", Meredith asked in surprise.

Derek shrugged. "I thought about building it here. But I thought you'd like the view from the top of the hill more. I can't wait until you see it", he said excitedly, taking her hand and leading them in the right direction.

"Did you say hill? And…wait…you're building it there just for me?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"I….Derek", she said, clearly touched.


Meredith smiled at him. "Nothing."

When they reached the top of the hill, Derek smiled. "Here we are."

"Derek", she gasped. "Oh my God."

"Do you like it?"

Meredith took in her surroundings. From the hill she could see the vast expanse of Seattle as well as the bay and the ferryboats. "Derek", she repeated quietly, tears forming in her eyes.

Derek wrapped his arm around her, kissing her softly on the cheek. "Nice view, huh?", he smiled.

"Yeah", she gasped. "Are you…is this…we're seriously going to have house right here?"

"Just say the word. And we'll have a house right here", he said, taking her hand.

"I love it", she said softly, tears now free flowing down her face.

"We're doing this then?"

"Yeah, we're doing this", she said with a small nod.

Derek reached into his pocket and pulling out the tiny ring box. He got down one knee, thankful that it was one of those rare sunny days in Seattle. "Meredith", he said after clearing his throat.

Meredith looked down at him, directly into his blue eyes, suddenly overcome with love and joy.

"Meredith, every time I look at you, I can't even believe how much I love you. You're the love of my life, and you always will be. You are my future, my purpose in life. I love you so much." He paused, wiping away the tears escaping his eyes. "Meredith, will you marry me?"

"Yes", she said immediately, smiling despite her tears. She watching in amazement as Derek took her hand and put the ring on her finger. Her entire body erupted into chills as she tried to process the moment. Me. Meredith Grey. The one that never thought she'd have a happily ever after. And yet here I am, the love of my life down on one knee, putting a ring on my finger while I stand in the spot where our house will be. A house that we'll live in together with our children. For the first time in my life, I have complete faith. "I love you", she said as he stood up to come face to face with her.

"I love you too." Derek placed his hands on either side of her face and captured her lips with his. When they eventually parted, Derek wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

Meredith returned the embrace, pressing her body as close to his as possible. They both stood in silence, overlooking Seattle, knowing this would be the view they would wake up to every morning for the rest of their lives.

Please review. :)