9. Being A Couple

Disclaimer: Don't own it. I just wish I did.

Thanks for the reviews! This picks up the next day.

After spending the night at the trailer, Derek and Meredith drove into work the next morning.

"Hey. You okay?", Derek asked, taking her hand in his.

"Oh. Yeah. I'm just nervous about how I'm going to break the news to everybody", Meredith said softly while twisting the new engagement ring on her finger.

"It'll be fine. They'll be happy for you", Derek assured her.

"I know…I just…this is a big step…but it'll be fine", Meredith said with a nod.

"Did you want me to tell Richard?"

"Yeah that's good I guess. I'm more scared about Bailey's reaction", Meredith giggled nervously.

"She'll be happy for us. Nothing is going to change. I promise." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

Meredith let out a breath. "Okay. So…I'm off at eight. When are you done?"

"Eight.", he said with a smile. "What did you want to do tonight?"

"We could just hang out at the house. I think Izzie and Alex are on call, so we'll have it all to ourselves."

"Hmm, I'm sure we could find some form of entertainment", he said as they pulled into the parking lot.

"Not until you cook for me", Meredith smiled.

"Is that all I'm good for? Sex and cooking?", he teased.

"You clean too."

"You're so mean to me", he said as they walked into the hospital hand in hand.

"I'm kidding. I love you", she said before kissing him softly. "So I'll see meet you in the lobby at eight."

"Okay. Love you too", he said as she stepped onto the elevator and headed to the residents' lounge.

"Hey. Where were you yesterday? Were you sick?", Cristina asked immediately.

"No. Derek and I just took the day off", Meredith said with a shrug.

"He's ruining you."

Meredith laughed. "No he's not. I just…I was tired."

"Ah, so the beast was fed", Cristina said with a knowing nod.

"Shut up. And yes, it was", Meredith giggled, careful to not reveal the ring on her finger as she changed into her scrubs.

The two walked out of the lounge and met up with Izzie, George, Alex, and Lexie in the hallway.

"Hey. Where were you yesterday?", Izzie asked.

"Oh…I just used a sick day. I was tired", Meredith explained quickly, rocking back and forth on the heels of her feet.

"You're all jumpy and nervous", Alex pointed out. "What the hell's going on?"

Meredith let out a deep breath and removed her left hand from her white coat. "I um…", she said nervously.

"You got engaged? Oh my God! Meredith!", Izzie shrieked, taking Meredith's hand in her own to admire the ring on Meredith's finger.

"Seriously?", Cristina asked in surprise.

"Yeah. It was…unexpected. I'm still a little shocked by it", Meredith laughed.

"Congratulations", Lexie said with a genuine smile.


"Yeah, congrats Mer. We're so happy for you", George said, hugging her softly. The others followed suit, all giving Meredith congratulatory hugs.

"So how are you? Are you…okay?", Izzie asked.

"Yeah. I am actually. I'm really happy", Meredith smiled.

"How did he do it?", Lexie asked curiously.

"He…we were looking at the house plans he had drawn up, and I just…I don't know. It was weird. We kind of got caught up in the moment and he just asked me. I think he even surprised himself", Meredith laughed. "But I said yes. And I feel good about it."

"Feel good about what?", Bailey asked as she walked up behind them, dropping off charts at the nurses' station.

"Oh, Dr. Bailey. Hi. I um…I got…engaged", Meredith said meekly.

Bailey simply smiled at her. "Congratulation, Grey." She took Meredith's hand in her own. "It's a beautiful ring."

"Thank you", Meredith smiled.

"So is Shepherd walking around the hospital gloating about it?", Bailey joked.

"Yeah, probably", Meredith said shaking her head.

"I'm happy for you two", she said with a sincere smile.

"Thank you, Dr. Bailey."

"How's Tuck doing?", Alex asked.

"He's doing much better. Off all the meds and eating on his own", Bailey said with a smile.

"That's good", George said with a nod. "Congratulations."

"Thank you. Now get to work, all of you", Bailey said firmly but kindly. Even though she wasn't technically in charge of them anymore, they still listened to her every word. Bailey chuckled softly to herself as they scurried down the hallway.


After his surgery, Derek knocked on the Chief's door. "Chief?"

"Come in", Richard said politely. "Oh, Derek. It's good to see you. How are you?"

"I'm fine, how are you?"

"Good. So, are you and Grey okay? You weren't in work yesterday."

"Yeah, we're fine. Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about", Derek admitted quietly.

"Oh, well okay", Richard said kindly.

"Meredith and I…we got engaged", Derek said with a small smile.

"Congratulations, Derek. I'm happy for you."

"Thanks", Derek said sincerely.

"Thank you, Derek. Thank you for making her happy…I…it means a lot to me."

Derek gave an understanding nod. "I love her, Richard. I love her more than I ever thought it was possible to love a person. She's just…I love her so much", he said with a smile, tears pricking in his eyes.

"I know you do, Derek. And thank you for telling me about the engagement. I appreciate it", Richard said as he and Derek stood up and gave each other a hug.

"You're welcome", Derek said as they pulled back.

The men said their goodbyes and Derek left his office.

"Hey, man. What's up? Where were you and Grey yesterday?", Mark asked as the two made their way to the coffee cart.

"Hey, Mark. Yeah, uh…Meredith and I are…we got engaged", he said with a smile.

"Congratulations, Derek", Mark said, pulling his friend in for a hug.

"Thanks", Derek said with a nod.

"Am I the best man?"

"I don't know if we're getting married anytime soon. But…yeah. I guess you're the best man."

"Seriously? I thought for sure you'd say no."

"Well, until a better candidate comes along, you're in", Derek joked. "But I swear—you sleep with her and I will kill you."

"You have my word. Besides, Grey is like my little sister. That would be awkward", Mark laughed.

"Yeah, probably", Derek agreed as they paid for their coffee and headed toward the nurses' station.

"Did Mer freak out when you asked her?"

"Actually she didn't", Derek laughed. "I wasn't planning on asking her. It just sort of came out. But she said yes, so I couldn't have planned it any better."

"I guess the answer is all that matters", Mark joked.

"Yeah", Derek laughed. "I guess so."

"I have to go scrub in. Talk to you later, man", Mark said, patting Derek on the shoulder before heading toward the OR.

"Alright, see you later." Derek took a seat at the nurses' station to fill out his charts. Luckily, his shift was ending in an hour, and he'd be able to spend a relaxing night at home with Meredith.


"Hey, Meredith", Lexie said as she caught up to Meredith in the hallway.

"Oh, hey Lexie. What's up? You okay?", Meredith asked with a small smile.

"Yeah. Um…actually, I had a favor to ask", Lexie said nervously.


"Molly and Eric are in town with Laura. You know, our niece", Lexie said plainly.

"Oh, I um…yeah", Meredith said, a little surprised that Lexie referred to the baby as Meredith's niece. This whole sister thing was actually turning out okay, but it still felt a little weird, considering she was still getting used to the idea.

"Anyway, um, we're taking dad to a rehab facility. I'm moving out of the house soon, and I can't leave him by himself. So until he gets himself straightened out, we're putting him in rehab."

"Oh…okay", Meredith said, somewhat curious as to where this conversation was heading. Lexie knew that Meredith and Thatcher weren't close, and the news didn't directly concern Meredith in any way.

"So, he's probably going to be difficult. I mean, we told him about it. Sometimes he agrees with it, other times he's angry. So we don't really know what to expect. That's why Molly and Eric are here…we're taking him there together."


"So um, I know it's sort of short notice, but I was wondering if you and Derek wouldn't mind watching the baby for a few hours tomorrow", Lexie asked, nervously biting her lip, a habit she and Meredith had in common.

Meredith's eyes got wide with panic. "Oh, I don't…I've never…", she stammered.

"I know…I'm sorry to ask, but Molly didn't want Laura to be there. She was worried so I told her I'd ask you. She said that you were her doctor when the baby was born…she said my mom really liked you", Lexie said with a sad smile.

"I don't have a problem with it…I just…I've never…you guys trust me with the baby?"

Lexie shrugged. "You're our sister. Of course we trust you."

Meredith was taken aback by the sister comment. She hadn't really gotten used to the idea of sisters yet, mostly because she never expected to have any. Meredith smiled, "Uh…yeah…sure. I'll do it. And I'll have Derek there, so it'll be fine."

"Really? If you two had plans...I know tomorrow is Saturday, and you both have off…"

"No, we didn't. Really, it's not a problem", Meredith assured her.

"Thank you, Meredith. This means a lot to us", Lexie smiled, hugging Meredith slightly.

"Yeah…it'll be…we'll take good care of her. So, when were you guys going to drop her off?"

"Probably around noon, if that's okay. And I don't really know when we'll be back…knowing dad, he'll be…a pain in the ass", Lexie said, already dreading the task ahead of her.

"It's okay. You guys do whatever you have to do. We'll be fine."

"Thank you so much, Mer. I just…you're a life saver. Thank you", Lexie smiled, soon interrupted by the sound of her pager. "Crap. I have to go. Thanks again, Meredith."

"Yeah…you're welcome", Meredith said as Lexie turned as headed for the elevator. Crap. What the hell did I just get myself into, Meredith thought as she brushed a few stray strands of hair out of her face. She walked to the resident lounge, thankful that her shift was over. Now all she had to do was talk to Derek.

After she got changed out of her scrubs, she took the elevator down to the lobby. "Hey", she said as she saw the unmistakable curls on the back of Derek's head.

He turned around and smiled. "Hey. Ready to go?", he asked, reaching out for her hand.

"Yeah", she said, taking his hand in her own as the two made their way out of the hospital together.

"How were your friends?"

Meredith laughed. "They were excited. Even Cristina hugged me, sort of."

"Good day then?"

"Yes, good day. Did you tell the Chief?"

"Yeah. He's happy. I don't think I've ever seen him that happy", Derek joked.


"Yeah. He does care about you, Meredith", Derek said as they got into the car.

Meredith just smiled and nodded. "So, I hope you weren't planning on doing anything tomorrow."

"No…why?", Derek asked curiously.

"We're babysitting."

"Babysitting? Who?"

"Remember Molly, Lexie's sister? And my…sister…I guess. I don't know. Anyway, she had a baby a few months ago, and I volunteered us to watch her", Meredith said, biting her lip.

"Seriously?", Derek asked with a smile.

"Yes. Why?"

"I just…that's very…sisterly."

"Well, apparently, Laura—that's her name by the way—apparently, she's my niece."

"Ah, so that would make you Aunt Meredith", Derek grinned.

"Yeah, well, if that makes me Aunt Meredith, you're Uncle Derek…or you will be one day."

"I'm already Uncle Derek in case you've forgotten, and you're going to be Aunt Meredith one day, too", Derek reminded her.

"Oh, yeah. I…there's fourteen of them right? That should be fun…" Meredith said nervously.

"Relax, Meredith. You're going to be a good aunt. You volunteered to babysit your niece. That's a start, right?"

"I uh…yeah, I guess."

"So why exactly are we babysitting?"

"Tomorrow they're putting Thatcher in a rehab…whatever. Lexie's moving out, and it's dangerous for him to be there by himself", Meredith explained.

"Oh", Derek said quietly. He decided it was best to drop the subject, knowing Meredith was uncomfortable discussing her father. "So, we're playing parents for a day? I'm actually excited. It's going to be fun."

Meredith looked over at him and smiled. "Yeah, I guess we are."


"What did you make for me?", Meredith asked sweetly as she walked into the kitchen in her pajamas, her hair still wet from her shower.

"Spaghetti and meatballs", he said with a smile as he put some on a plate for her.

Meredith walked over and wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you", she said before kissing him softly and pouring drinks for them.

"My pleasure", he grinned. "So, what did you want to do with the baby tomorrow?"

"I uh…I have no idea. That's your thing."

"What do you mean 'my thing'?"

"You know…the uncle stuff…playing with them, changing diapers…"

"You're changing the diapers", Derek laughed.

"That falls under the uncle role."

"Aunts change diapers too", Derek teased.

"Fine", Meredith sighed. "I'll try."

"Good", Derek laughed. "We're both going to need practice anyway."

"I uh…yeah", Meredith said nervously.

"I didn't mean to freak you out, Mer. I'm just saying…you know, one day we'll be doing this for real."

Meredith looked up at him and smiled. "I know. But not for a while. I want us to get married and have the house first."

"Me too", Derek smiled.

"But eventually…yeah, I want to do this for real", Meredith breathed.

"Good", Derek smiled. "And practicing for a baby is going to be fun."

"Mhm. We're already good at practicing", Meredith giggled.

"True. But lots of practice can't hurt", Derek grinned.

"I guess not…so, I was thinking you could call the contractor soon, you know, just to get a head start…I mean, if that's okay."

"We can wait a while. It's no big deal", Derek assured her.

"We're going to have to build it eventually. We may as well just do it now. It won't be finished for a while anyway", Meredith said with a shrug.

"You're really okay with all of this? I don't want to rush you. We can wait if you want", he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as they ate at the island together.

Meredith nodded. "Yeah. I'm okay. I promise. I'm all for building it…under one condition."

"What's that?"

"I want balcony…you know, attached to our bedroom."

"I like that", Derek smiled.

"And a huge bathroom, with a big shower and a big bathtub."

"As long as we can have sex in both of them."

"Deal", Meredith giggled. "By the way, did you ever call your family…to tell them you got engaged to some mystery woman?"

"Nancy met you."

"Yeah, that went well", Meredith said sarcastically. "But seriously, I want you to call."

"I will. They'll all want to meet you before the wedding anyway."

"Oh…yeah. I guess…I guess that makes sense", Meredith stammered.

"Relax, Mer. It'll be fine. I'll call over the weekend." Derek noticed her nervousness and smiled. "Meredith."


"I love you. And they'll love you too. I promise", he said, kissing her softly.

Meredith smiled. "Okay."

After dinner, they just sat on the couch and watched television, sharing a pint of ice cream. "We're so boring now", Meredith giggled.

"Yeah. I guess we are. But I like boring", Derek said with a smile.

"Me too. I just…it feels like we never got a chance to do this stuff before…the couple stuff. I like it."

Derek kissed the top of her head. "I like it too."

Meredith snuggled into Derek's chest and he tucked the blanket around them. The two fell into a comfortable silence and watched the made-for-TV movie for a while. Eventually, Derek heard the familiar snoring coming from her nose, the vibrations tickling his chest. He replaced his body with some pillows and snuck upstairs to take a shower.

When he returned, Meredith was in the same position on the couch under the blanket. He chuckled softly before easily scooping her up in his arms and carrying her upstairs.

He gently put her under the covers before climbing in next to her. Derek wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to him.

"Love you", Meredith mumbled sleepily into his chest.

Derek kissed the top of her head. "I love you too."

Fluffy enough? Hehe.

So, I decided to put Thatcher in rehab. He probably doesn't deserve help, but it was more for Lexie's benefit. Now she can move out and not feel so guilty knowing she's helping him but also living her own life. I'm a fixer. :)

I know it's sort of unrealistic that Meredith and Derek would babysit Laura, but I thought it sort of worked. I think it would be so cute to see them experience a baby, even if it's just for a day. A MerDer baby is my dream…

Reviews make me happy. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up soon. That's when they'll babysit. :)