66. Big Day

Disclaimer: Nuh uh. Not mine.

Hey guys. So, I have 177 story alerts for this fic, and I normally only get 12 or so reviews. I'm extremely grateful to those awesome reviewers - you know who you are. But obviously, the lack of feedback is frustrating. So...in the spirit of the holidays, would you mind leaving a review? Pretty please?

Enjoy the update. I hope you like this one. :)

Today was the day. Four years in the making, and today was the day Meredith and Derek were going to officially start "trying" for a baby. They decided to ditch the condoms and if it happened, it happened. There would be no stressing out if it didn't happen right away; baby-making had been pushed up a little on their schedule anyway, so for now, they would just enjoy the time spent trying to make a baby. That was half the adventure.

But their fun day was now being put off until night because Derek had gotten an emergency page this morning, and Meredith had to go to dress shopping with Izzie, along with Cristina. And with the added fun of Izzie's mother, this day was bound to drag on for quite some time. As she sat on the fancy red couch in the bridal boutique next to Cristina, Meredith found herself checking her watch constantly, counting down the minutes until it was just her, Derek, and their bed. And really, it couldn't come soon enough.

"So Isobel tells me you're married to a doctor. And based on that ring on your finger, he seems like quite the catch," Izzie's mother complimented while the three of them waited for Izzie to try on another dress.

Meredith giggled at her remark and subconsciously ran her fingers over her wedding ring. "Yeah. Derek. We've been married a little under a year. Feels like a lot longer than that though. We've known each other for a long time. Love of my life," she said purposefully cheekily, much to Cristina's disgust.

"Why don't you show her a picture, Mer?" Cristina smirked as she mindlessly flipped through a bridal magazine, not that she had any interest in the contents.

"Oh, do you have one? I'd love to see," Robbie asked excitedly.

"Oh. Yeah," Meredith nodded, pulling her phone out of her bag. She flipped it open and the background picture of her and Derek on their honeymoon lit up. "That's him," she said with a small smile.

"My goodness, he's gorgeous. And so are you, dear. You two are going to make some beautiful little babies," Ms. Stevens grinned.

Meredith's heart fluttered a little as she was again reminded of tonight. Baby making. That's what was getting her through today. "Oh. Thank you," she said softly.

"How's this?" Izzie asked as she emerged from behind the curtain, dressed from head to toe in white taffeta, the tenth or so dress she'd tried on so far, each more beautiful on her than the last.

"Oh, Iz," Meredith gasped, a smile coming over her face.

"Oh sweetheart, you look like a princess," Robbie all but cheered.

"What do you think, Cristina?" Izzie asked.

Cristina put on her best fake smile and nodded. "Pretty..."

Meredith and Izzie both rolled their eyes in unison. "At least pretend that you care," Izzie laughed.

"What? You look hot in all of them," Cristina pointed out.

"True," Meredith shrugged. "But this is my favorite. You look beautiful, Iz."

Izzie smiled, running her hands over the beaded front as she looked herself over in the mirror. "I think this is the one, mom."

"I think so too, Cricket," Robbie said, wiping tears from her eyes as she snapped a picture of her daughter. "I'm going to go call Jade after I send her a picture. She wanted to see you."

"Okay," Izzie laughed softly, shaking her head in amusement. "So you guys really like it?" she asked after her mom went outside to make her call.

"Yeah, I do," Meredith nodded. "Alex will too."

"He'll just be staring at your boobs the whole time," Cristina joked, setting the magazine down on the small table next to the couch. It was her and Meredith's turn now, and no matter how little either felt like trying on piles of assorted dresses, that just came with the duty.

"Alex doesn't stare at my boobs. He looks at my face," Izzie corrected, smirking at her friend. "Okay, I'm going to go get this fitted. Go pick out some dresses you two like. Think autumn colors."

"What are 'autumn colors?'" Cristina asked with air quotes, looking out over the endless racks of potential dresses.

Meredith checked her watch again and sighed. Yeah, this really was going to take forever. But still, she grinned and bared it. Izzie had been extremely helpful for her and Derek's wedding, and it was time to return the favor.

"Reds, yellows, browns," Izzie called out as she followed the seamstress.

"This sucks," Cristina groaned, walking with Meredith over to a rack of shiny brown dresses.

"Just...be nice," Meredith sighed. She pulled one off the rack and scrunched her nose. "Eww. Not this one."

When Meredith checked her watch for the millionth time, Cristina eyed her suspiciously. "What are you plotting?"

"What do you mean?" Meredith giggled, pulling another gown from the assortment.

"You're checking your watch every thirty seconds and you're all...giddy," Cristina said knowingly.

"I am not," she rebutted lamely. Cristina saw right through her and there wasn't much she could do to pull one over on her.

Cristina walked to the yellows, already giving up on the brown. "Someone's a liar..." she said in a sing-song voice.

"Fine," Meredith sighed. She looked around to make sure they had enough privacy before she spoke. "Derek and I...we decided to start...trying for a baby and I'm just--I'm excited," she confessed softly, running her fingers over a light yellow dress.

Cristina's eyes softened and Meredith swore she saw a smile struggling to break through on her friend's face. "You are?"

"Yeah," Meredith nodded. "We are."

"What happened to July?"

"I dunno. It's almost June already. We just...we're ready," Meredith said simply.

"Well uh, congratulations, I guess," Cristina said sincerely. "I'm happy for you guys."

Meredith had expected mocking or at the very least, an eye roll. So her person's reaction took her a little by surprise. "You are?"

"Yes," she nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I dunno. You and Derek were never really...close," Meredith said before quickly adding, "Not that you hate each other but--"

Cristina groaned. "If you ever tell him I said this, I'll deny it until the day I die. But he's...a decent guy. He's a good person, and he loves you. So, yeah. I'm happy for you two."

"Thank you, Cristina," Meredith said softly.

"So have you started yet or is tonight the first 'hurrah?'" Cristina asked as they walked over to some burgundy dresses.

"Tonight is the first official night," Meredith said, feeling relieved that she could confide in her best friend. She and Derek hadn't talked about whether or not they were going to share the news with their friends, but this was Cristina. And Meredith knew she would keep it to herself. Having the moral support was nice. "I went to my OB/GYN a few days ago and she gave me prenatal vitamins and these pamphlets with huge pregnant bellies on them. My reproductive...whatever is healthy. And I got the all-clear, so yeah. Tonight. Which is why I would rather not spend all day in this bridal shop," Meredith rambled.

Cristina pursed her lips in approval and let a small smile cross her face. "Wow."


"I don't know," she said rather blankly. "Should we hug or...?"

Meredith giggled, brushing some hair out of her face. "No, that's okay. Unless you want to."

"Maybe if we weren't standing in a wedding dress store," Cristina said. "But because we are..."

"Yeah, got it." Meredith laughed. She pulled a dress off the hanger and held it up to herself. "How's this?"

"Pretty," Cristina rolled her eyes.

Meredith put it back on the rack and sighed. "You're right. It sucks."

"Wait, so are you going to tell Iz? I mean, what if you get pregnant? Gonna squeeze the baby bump into...crimson satin?" Cristina asked, reading the tag on one of the gowns.

"If it even happens that fast. It could take months. Besides, I wouldn't show that early," Meredith countered.

"Please. You and McDreamy had sex thirty times a week before you were even trying to get knocked up. Now it's going to be nonstop. I give it a month," Cristina said with a laugh, though Meredith knew she was being serious.

"Just...don't say anything to anyone. Not that I think you will but I just--"

"I won't." Cristina shook her head.


Cristina nodded in concordance. "Alright, well, here," she said, grabbing a few burgundy dresses off the shelf and handing them to Meredith. "Let's make this quick then."

"What...what are you talking about?" Meredith said as she gathered up the shiny, satin fabric into her arms.

"It's a big day for you. So this is me, helping. Even if it means you get to go home and get laid all night long while I'm...not," she said with a sigh.

Meredith smiled. "Thank you."

"Yeah. You owe me sex details."

"Fine," Meredith giggled as they trudged toward the dressing rooms with a pile of dresses draped over each of their arms. Cristina really could be a good friend when she wanted to be. And on a day like this, she really appreciated it.


It was five o'clock before Meredith walked in the front door. She'd been out longer than she anticipated; between all of the dress shopping, and Izzie's mom's insistence on treating the three of them to a late lunch, it was a relief to finally be home. It had been a fun day, but nothing beat a night in with Derek, especially this night.

"Derek?" Meredith called out, setting her bag down in the foyer and kicking off her shoes.

"In here," he called back from his office next to the would-be playroom for their would-be kids. As Meredith passed by it, her excitement level escalated a little more. Each second she grew more and more anxious to drag her husband upstairs and sex him until neither of them could walk.

Meredith stood in the doorway and smiled at him, watching as he filled out some paperwork for a pro-bono surgery he'd told her about yesterday. "Hey."

"Hey." Derek scrawled his signature on the form and set it atop the pile before turning his attention towards her. "Finally home," he chuckled. "How was it?"

"Uh...amusing," was all she could do to describe the day so far. Meredith walked into the room and seated herself on Derek's lap, his legs in between hers. "How was your day?"

"Oh, fun," he said dryly, giving her a smirk. "The only thing that got me through it was you."

"Me?" she giggled, running her fingers through his hair.

Derek wrapped his arms around her and pulled her towards him. "Mmhmm..." he murmured, his lips finding hers.

"I um...did you eat?" Meredith asked, already getting hot and bothered by the way her husband was kissing her.

"Yeah. You?"

Meredith ran her hands over his shoulders and nodded. "Yeah. Izzie, uh, her mom treated us to lunch. Not hungry."

The same thoughts seemed to be running through both of their minds because Derek easily picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Derek smiled widely at her as he walked towards the stairs. "Well, I guess we're ready to start then," he laughed.

Meredith mirrored the smile on his face and kissed him again, possibly hazardous as he ascended the staircase, but at the moment, it was difficult to care. When they reached their bedroom, Derek gently set her back on the bed and kissed her again, softer this time. She sighed contentedly against his lips. "I've been waiting all day."

"Me too," he whispered, reaching for the bottom of her shirt. She arched her back and he pulled it up over her head, tossing it onto the floor below.

While he removed his own shirt, Meredith managed to shimmy out of her jeans and panties, adding them to the discarded pile of clothes accumulating next to the bed. By the time she unhooked her bra, Derek was already naked above her, just as eager to get started as she was. "Normally now is when I would tell you to grab a condom," she giggled.

"No more condoms," he chuckled, cradling her head in his hands as he leaned down to kiss her again.

"Last time...with no condom...was the prom," Meredith said in between kisses.

"Hmm...and now we're married and trying for a baby," he said softly. "So much better now."

"It is," Meredith smiled. She slowly opened her legs for him and ran her fingers over his chest. "Make love to me, Derek," she whispered.

He saw his eyes reflected in her own as he pushed inside her and stilled. They were quiet besides their breathing and everything was perfect inside their room; nothing else mattered. Meredith stared up at her husband and smiled, tears pooled in her eyes. "Derek."

"Oh God, Mer," he sighed, resting his forehead against hers. She was bliss. The feel of her was enough to drive him over the edge right then, but he was determined to hold back. Slow and intimate, that's how they wanted it to be. Savoring every feeling until holding back wasn't possible.

Meredith clenched around him, holding him in place. "I love you," she murmured as she kissed him again, threading her fingers through his hair, holding onto him like an anchor to ground herself.

"I love you too." Derek wrapped his arms under her shoulders and hugged her to him. The need to touch every part of her overwhelmed him. To hold her and never let her go. Meredith pressed down on his back with the pads of her fingers, his signal to move. With each thrust, each time she arched her back and he moved inside of her, they were brought closer to that moment when they would fall over the edge together. He knew she was close when her breaths became short puffs of air against his face and her walls began pulsing around him. All he could do was keep moving within her, unable to stop her from her imminent peak. She looked too beautiful to force himself to slow down.

"Der. Derek. I'm..." Meredith gasped, her fingers locking on his curls. She looked up and met his eyes, encouraging him to let go. She was ready, and she knew he was too.

Derek released with a heaving sigh, thrusting deep once more as he felt her own orgasm consume her, her muscles spasming around him, milking him of all he had. After those long perfect seconds ended, Meredith eased his head down atop her breasts, letting them both rest as they came back to earth. "Meredith," he said almost reverently, kissing her breasts and raising his head to her clavicle and kissing her there, too.

Meredith felt him seeping inside her and she kissed her husband's forehead. "Derek." Her voice came out so quietly that she wondered if he heard her. He lifted his head to look at her, and noticed the tears in her eyes before she even knew they were there.

He wiped one away as it slipped from her eye and began racing to her ear. "I know," he whispered.

"Wow," she giggled through her tears.

"Yeah," Derek laughed too.

"We're really trying to have a baby," Meredith said, the wonder of it all rising to the surface as she lay in her husband's arms.

Derek smiled, pulling the blanket up over them as he finally slipped out of her. "That's what we just did," he said amusedly as he trailed his lips against her neck.

"Not to sound flip, but..." she began, still catching her breath. "No more condoms, ever again."

"So much better," Derek agreed, smiling against her skin.

"It was so much more..." Meredith said as she searched for the right words.

"Us," Derek offered. "It was just us." Bliss.

"Perfect," she said after a few seconds, wiping away a few lingering tears before they could spill over her eyelids.

Derek grinned at Meredith, completely calm and happy and she smiled back. "Wanna go again?" he chuckled.

She answered by pulling her husband on top of her and biting her lip. "Yes," she giggled. "I do."

"Do you wanna...?" he asked, ready to switch positions with her if she wanted to do so.

Meredith shook her head. "Gravity, Derek. I have to keep your swimmers in there so they can do their job," she smirked.

Derek dropped his head to her shoulder and laughed audibly. "That's very...clinical of you to say."

"We're doctors," Meredith pointed out.

"And now we could be parents," Derek smiled, pressing a kiss to her lips as he nudged himself between her knees.

She closed her eyes in pleasure when she felt Derek against her, ready to make love to her for the second time that night. If this is what they'd be doing until the stick turned blue, Meredith was more than willing to enjoy the ride. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled back at him. "One day."