72. Vacation at Home

Disclaimer: I wish, but no. It's not mine.

Derek had never seen Meredith so relaxed. Three days into their vacation at home, and they'd gotten more sleep than they'd had in weeks. It was nice, the chance to sleep in and have sex and lounge around without the worry of pagers going off or having to get up before sunrise to get to work. Though they only had seven days to take a time out and relax, it was an appreciated seven days of bliss.

He watched as she walked around in the kitchen in her camisole and panties, attempting to cook something that vaguely looked like pancakes on the stove. The smoke alarm hadn't gone off yet, which Derek took as a good sign. He still got worried every time she played chef in the kitchen. Meredith wasn't exactly Martha Stewart, but she tried. And Derek always found her efforts amusing.

"Hey," he chuckled, leaning against the door frame in his boxers and tee shirt.

Meredith spun around and smiled at her husband. "Hey."

"What're you making?" Derek asked. He took a seat at the counter and peered into the frying pan. Definitely pancakes. And they even looked surprisingly edible.

"Pancakes," she said. "I'm making eggs now. What kind do you want?" Meredith asked as she opened the refrigerator door and pulled out the egg carton.

Derek poured himself a cup of coffee. Decaf as usual. "Scrambled, please," he requested.



Meredith noticed the look he had on his face and giggled. "What?"

"I'm...impressed," Derek said with a laugh.

She tossed a dish towel at him and smirked. "Excuse me, I made cheeseburgers last night. And they were so good that you sexed me on the table in gratitude," Meredith reminded him.

"That's what I'm saying," Derek said, amused. "Seeing you cook really turns me on."

Meredith giggled. "Does it?" she asked, cracking egg after egg into the glass bowl.

Derek walked around the counter and grabbed another frying pan from the overhead rack. "It does."

"Hmm...well, I would say we could have sex right here, right now, but then we wouldn't have breakfast because it would be burnt to a crisp," Meredith pointed out.

"Breakfast first, sex later," Derek compromised.

Meredith pulled the whisk from the drawer and smiled. "That's all we've been doing for the past three days. Eating and having sex."

"Two things we're very good at."

"We are," Derek chuckled. "Here, let me help." He got up and poured the whisked eggs into the frying pan while she went back to tending to her pancakes.

"This is nice," Meredith mused out loud, resting her head on Derek's shoulder for a few moments. "Just being home with you and Charlie. Cooking in my tank top and panties. Getting to sleep in until noon."

"I especially love the cooking in your panties part," Derek smirked, pressing a kiss to her temple. "You should do that every day."

"Mmhmm..." Meredith agreed sarcastically. "Maybe I should just walk around naked."

"I think so, yes," he winked.

She turned the stove knob to a low flame, then wrapped her arms around his neck. "I think we're getting closer, Derek."


"I think...I don't know. This is the first time in months that we're both relaxed and energized and...I just think that we're going to make a baby soon. I can feel it," Meredith whispered, resting her forehead against his.

Derek pulled her to him and smiled. "Me too."

"Or it could just be overly orgasmed brain, but I think maybe, I might be right," she said.

"We should probably read the book Izzie got us...you know, not just the sex position part," Derek said playfully, trailing his fingers up and down her back.

"After breakfast?" Meredith suggested. "Or brunch, I guess, considering it's after eleven already."

He laughed. "Love to."


Meredith stretched out on the couch with the "how-to" book on conceiving resting on her stomach. Derek sat on the opposite end, leisurely folding a basket of laundry as she read things out loud. Lounging around doing laundry may have been a mundane task to any other couple; but for them, only having to do laundry was a rare gift.

"A list of tips and tricks to help you and your partner make a baby," she dictated. "In no specific order, blah blah blah...okay, start taking folic acid even before trying to conceive. Doing that already. Aah, something we're experts at...keep baby making fun. Have sex in different rooms at different times of day so sex doesn't start feeling like a chore..."

"Sex is never a chore," Derek chuckled, folding one of Meredith's tee shirts and setting it on the arm of the couch.

"Never," Meredith agreed, giggling.

"What's next?" he asked.

Meredith found her spot on the page and read the next tip. "Don't run to the bathroom right after making love. Lying down for a minimum of five minutes after intercourse will help the sperm get to where it needs to be," she said. "Words like "intercourse" and "sperm" make all of this very un-sexy," Meredith cringed.

"We're doctors," Derek pointed out with a laugh.

"Still," Meredith maintained. "Okay, uh...have sex often during your five day fertile window to ensure a fresh shipment of sperm waiting in the fallopian tube at any given time." She sighed amusedly. "It's like we're back in anatomy class."

"We could play professor and student tonight...reenactment might be fun," Derek teased.

She just rolled her eyes and laughed. "Moving on," she dismissed. "Oh! Switch to decaf coffee. Caffeine is thought to restrict blood flow to the uterus, which can stall the baby making process. I haven't had any caffeine in months, so we're good there."

"Good," Derek smiled, folding a pair of his socks.

"Be sure to schedule your preconception checkup to review your medical history and make sure your body is ready to carry a child," Meredith read. "Did that the week after we decided to start trying. Keep track of your menstrual cycles. Do that too. Then there's about ten bullet points that have to do with my hoo-hoo, which I'll kindly skip over and read to myself later for the sake of our sex life..." she skirted.

Derek lifted a pair of her panties from the basket and smirked at her. "Mer, I'm folding your panties. Pretty sure I can handle that stuff. I've seen it all anyway..."

"Some things, I just don't want to say out loud, even though you're my husband," she insisted humorously, turning the page. "Getting enough sleep...that's something we need to work on," Meredith sighed.

"That's what these seven days off are for," Derek said, always an optimist. "And having marathon sex."

"Well, obviously," she giggled. "It says that missionary, though it gets a bad rap for being boring, is one of the most effective positions because of gravity. I happen to like missionary..." Meredith stated.

"Me too," Derek agreed. "And that doesn't make us boring..."

Meredith smirked. "Well, after what we did last night, I don't think anyone would ever call us boring," she said, resting her bare feet on his lap.

Derek gently grasped her ankles and pulled her to him so she was eventually settled in his lap. "Hmm...never," he said softly, leaning in and kissing her.

"I think we should do that again," Meredith whispered into his ear. She reached into his boxers and lightly ran her fingers over him. That always did him in.

He quickly pulled her camisole over her head and grinned. "Definitely."


Just as they were putting their clothes back on after their sex session on the couch, their house phone rang, pulling them both from their post-sex fog. "Der, can you get that?" she asked, pulling her camisole back over her head.

"Yeah." Derek reached over to the end table and grabbed the phone from the receiver. "Hello?" he greeted.

"Hey, it's Izzie."

Derek smiled. "Hey, everything okay?" he asked, noticing the slight nervous pitch in her voice.

"Yeah, everything's fine," she said. "So, uh...I know this is your week off and I hate to ask..."

"What's up?"

"Is there any chance you and Mer could run a few errands for Alex and me? We're both on call tonight, or else we would do it ourselves, and I'm--"

Derek looked to Meredith and rolled his eyes amusedly. "It's alright. What do you need?"

"If you wouldn't mind, could you swing by the caterers and give them a check? It's right by the hospital, so I'll meet you at the front. Oh, and tell Mer not to forget that she has an appointment to get her dress fitted today at three; otherwise, they won't have it done in time for the wedding. And, if it's okay, would you mind picking my dress up at the store and bringing it to the house?" Izzie asked, holding her breath while she waited for an answer.

"Uh...sure," Derek reluctantly agreed. "I guess we could do that..."

"Thank you!" Izzie said, releasing a heavy sigh. "Really, you have no idea how much that means to us. Thank you," she repeated.

"It's no problem" Derek said. "We'll, uh, we'll meet you at the hospital."

After Derek eventually hung up the phone, Meredith narrowed her eyes at him. "What was that all about?"

"Izzie needs us to do wedding stuff for her. I would have said no, except she helped plan ours, so that would be tacky," he laughed. "Oh, and you have to be fitted today."

"Damn, forgot about that," Meredith sighed as they began to walk upstairs to get dressed to go out. "Well, now we have an excuse to rejoin the outside world," she giggled.

"I'm beginning to forget what that's like," Derek chuckled. "It's kinda nice not leaving the house for days at a time."

"And walking around naked."

Derek grinned. "And the inappropriate sex in inappropriate places."

Meredith turned around to face him, then pulled off her shirt again. "Quickie in the shower?"

He answered by picking her up and pressing his lips against his. May as well make the most out of a whole week off.


"You look hot in this," Derek said while he and Meredith waited for the seamstress to do the final fittings on her dress.

Meredith looked herself over in the mirror, running her hands over the front of her crimson satin bridesmaid dress. "Is that your way of getting dressing room sex from me?"

"No," he chuckled. "I'm just saying that you look really pretty. Red suits you."

Another seamstress popped her head into the dressing area. "Nina will be with you shortly. She's just running late with her last appointment."

"Okay," Meredith nodded. She turned to Derek and smiled. "Come on, we can have a quickie while we wait," she said, already taking his hand and leading him into the dressing room.

"What if she walks in?" Derek asked halfheartedly as she pushed his jeans and boxers down to his ankles. He loved it when she was feisty and daring, but this was risky, even for them.

"We're trying to make a baby, Derek. Sometimes we have to be spontaneous," Meredith shrugged, giggling when he picked her up.

Derek lifted the dress up so it pooled around her waist and pushed her panties aside. "Okay, then..." he grinned, gently propping her up against the wall for support.

When he slipped into her, Meredith gasped and dropped her head to his shoulder. "Derek," she whispered, pressing kisses to his neck to keep from screaming.

"Meredith," he moaned. Risky or not, inappropriate sex in inappropriate places was still incredible.

"Faster, Der," she commanded before reaching down and massaging the tiny bundle of nerves between her legs with her fingers. "Oh crap!"

He continued thrusting in and out, trying to push them both over the edge before someone walked in and caught them. "Come on, Mer," he said softly, replacing her fingers with his own and stroking her with more pressure.

"Derek! Derek!" she chanted softly, wrapping her legs tighter around his waist as she came. "Holy--Derek!" she panted. Moments later he released into her and her walls spasmed all around him.

"Oh God," he breathed, hugging her tight so she wouldn't fall boneless onto the floor. "Good idea."

She giggled through her erratic breathing. "Told you we could do it."

Before they jinxed their luck, Derek slipped out of her and gently set her back on her feet, taking hold of her arm to keep her upright. "You okay?" he chuckled.

"That was the fastest sex we've ever had," Meredith laughed. She looked in front of the mirror and smoothed out her dress and hair, so no one would be suspicious of their sexcapade.

"You really do look beautiful," Derek smiled, pressing a kiss to her neck.

"Hmm...thanks." Meredith turned around and draped her arms over his shoulders. "But it's probably just my sex glow," she giggled.

"Sex glow or not, you're beautiful," he said.

Meredith leaned in and kissed him then, slowly, letting herself enjoy the brief intimacy with her husband. "I love you."

"I love you too," Derek whispered.

"We should probably get back out there," she decided. "Let's just get this over with..."

"Okay," he chuckled.

They walked out of the dressing room, bracing themselves as they made sure no one heard them. When the coast was clear, they both breathed a sigh of relief. "Alright, back up on the pedestal," Derek smirked.

"I just gave you dirty sex in a dressing room. You can't mock me," Meredith warned him.

"Not mocking. Just...saying," he defended.


Derek laughed. "What?"

"Seeing me dressed up like Bridesmaid Barbie amuses you."

"A little, yeah," he admitted.

"That's all I'm saying."


Errand number three, dropping Izzie's dress off at the old house, was finally completed and not a minute too soon. Running errands all around town wasn't the most relaxing way to spend a day off, but they still made the most of it and managed to have fun. As they drove down the road on their way home, Meredith looked to her husband. "Let's get food; I'm starving."

"Alright," Derek nodded. "An eat-in restaurant or..."

"I was thinking more like a Big Mac," Meredith laughed. "Flip flops and shorts aren't the best attire for booths and candlelight."

Derek pulled onto another road, lined with shops and restaurants. "You really want McDonald's?"

"Ooh, no, Taco Bell," Meredith changed her mind as she saw it approaching on the left. "Let's get that."

"You're sure?" he asked before entering the parking lot.

"Yes," she affirmed. When they pulled into the drive-thru, Meredith studied the menu board for a few moments. "I want a Nacho Bell Grande, a soft taco, and...one of those potato bowl things with the nacho cheese on top, and some nachos," she decided.

He laughed. "Is that all?"


"Okay," Derek said. After ordering her epic meal and a taco for himself, he handed her the bag and pulled back onto the road. "I don't think I want to share a bed with you tonight..." he joked.

Meredith pulled a nacho from the bag and crunched on it. "Why?"

"All that Mexican food? Do I really need to spell it out?"

"Derek Shepherd!" Meredith couldn't help but laugh. "First of all, Taco Bell is not authentic Mexican. Second, if you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting, I'm seriously going to kick your ass."

"What?" he asked defensively.

She tossed a nacho at him and scoffed. "Fine. So I've burped in front of you a few times. Accidentally. What's the big deal?"

"And...that which comes from a little further south," Derek said with an amused smile, attempting to sound vague, but failing wholeheartedly.

Meredith's face turned bright red in mortification and she turned her head toward the window. "Oh my God," she gasped. "You're making that up. When have I ever...in front of you?"

"I'm a light sleeper," Derek shrugged. "Besides, we all do it. And we're both doctors. It's no big deal..."

"Oh my God," Meredith repeated, unable to look him in the eye. Or even have him in her line of vision at all.

"Meredith," he laughed. "We're married. We've seen each other naked a thousand times. I buy your tampons without you even having to ask. It doesn't matter."

"I won't be able to look at or talk to you for weeks," she groaned, keeping her head trained out the window.

Derek stopped at a red light and took her hand. He found the entire conversation, and her freak out, entirely too amusing. "Mer, I love you. And you know what? We're gonna make a beautiful, giggly, gassy little baby one of these days and you're gonna realize just how funny all of this is..."

"You can't be an ass and bring up a baby in the same sentence," she hissed. "You know any baby talk turns me into a pile of mush..."

"Which is why I did it," Derek smirked. "Spit up, diapers, potty training, getting pooped on. We're in for years of that fun stuff."

"I know that's gross, but I can't wait for it," Meredith said, her resolve always melting instantly when Derek said things like that.

"Still mad at me?"

Meredith nudged him with her elbow. "Hmm..." she mumbled. "Mortified. But not mad."

"I love you, Meredith," Derek chuckled, taking her hand and kissing the top of it.

"Yeah, yeah," she sighed. "If we weren't trying to make a baby, I'd be withholding sex for a week..."

"Neither of us would make it that long," he pointed out.

"Oh, I could make it. I was once celibate, remember?" she asked, pulling her taco from the bag and peeling back the paper wrapper surrounding it. Screw waiting until they got home. She was hungry, and the taco was still warm. "I could pull out the knitting needles...channel all my energy into knitting a quilt for our bed."

Derek rolled his eyes playfully. His wife was a terrible bluffer. "Mmhmm..."

"What? I could do it," Meredith said, biting into her taco and moaning at how good it tasted.

"Good thing sex is a requirement for making a baby then, huh?" He looked over and winked at her. "Can I have a bite of that?"

"Will you stop making fun of me?" she teased him.

"I never made fun of you," Derek said.

Meredith narrowed her eyes at him. "You're so full of it," she giggled, but still handed the taco over so he could take a bite.

"This is really good," Derek agreed as he chewed.

"Now who's gonna be gassy?" Meredith smirked.

"Both of us."

She shook her head amusedly and laughed. "I think all this time off is making us crazy."

"I think it has," Derek grinned.

A week of no work, spontaneous sex, fast food, and odd conversations in the car. As far as vacations went, this one was almost as good as their honeymoon.


I hope nobody was offended by that last scene. But I love the idea of those two having a conversation like that. Because they're married now, and comfortable with each other, and I love that about them. :)

Reviews make my day!