Chapter 9

The cab crept slowly along the road side. Chris sat in the back with a duffle bag full of weapons and clothes. Besides the passing of a few cars the cab was silent. Chris watched out the window as the trees moved past in a blur. He was headed to the location agent Newton sent him. He wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do once he got there though. Would he play nice as agent Newton suggested? Or would he end the lives of those who have killed his sister and taken his niece as a hostage. He fiddled with the locket around his neck. He had to get Bella back, even if it meant swallowing his pride. The cab came to a stop at the end of the road. There was a blocked dirt road leading to his destination.

"This is as far as I can take you sir. But your destination seems to be just ahead." The cab drive looked back at Chris through the mirror.

"Thanks." Chris handed him money before exiting the cab with his dufflebag in hand. He stood for a moment watching the cab pull away and drive down the road. He checked his phone one last time before putting it in his Jean pocket. He walked around the barrier that blocked the dirt road and followed the road to a large warehouse looking building. Four men in suits stood outside it's entrance. And several armed men walked around the perimeter of the area. Chris walked up to the four men that seemed to be waiting for him. One of them men he knew. Agent Newton.

"Ah, just the man we have been waiting for!" A well decorated solider approached Chris with his hand out to greet him. Chris noticed his annoyed smile. Chris felt a surge of anger swell up inside him. He grabbed the man by the throat and put a knife to his temple.

"What're you doing!?" The well decorated solider demanded.

"Chris, I would think before you act." Agent Newton said with a smirk. Chris let the man go tossing him to the dirt.

"Good boy." Agent Newton said helping the general up.

"Why you insolent brat-"

"General, that is no way to treat an honored guest." John approached Chris.

"Welcome Mr. Mase, we have heard alot about you." He stuck out his hand to shake Chris's but Chris just stared at him.

"Oh? Did you hear how your little agent killed my sister and kidnapped my niece?" Chris hissed at John swatting his hand away.

"Ah, yes. Unfortunate." John said pulling his hand behind his back before continuing. "We never intended to make an enemy out of you Mr. Mase. But we are in dire need of your assistance. I apologize that it came at such a great cost." Chris gritted his teeth.

"A great cost!? You murdered my only sister!"

"Well we wouldn't have had to go to such lengths Mr. Mase if you had only came when we asked the first time." The general spat at the ground.

"I'm not some dog you get to call on as you so please." Chris was furious now. His body language became sinister which made the men take a step back.

"Yet here you are." Agent Newton smiled at Chris. Chris looked away. He couldn't stand that smug bastard.

"Look, before things get out of hand why don't we head inside." Nicholas attempted to defuse the situation. He knew nothing about the lengths John went to to get Chris here today. Pity and guilty began to rise through Nicholas.

They all headed inside to a room with a round table. Each person sat down and Chris sat at the end of the table.

"Now, why don't we introduce ourselves. I am the American leader John Smith."

"I'm general kodos"

"I'm the French leader Nicholas Butch."

"I think you already know our associate Mr Newton."

Chris was silent, he didn't look at any of the men or acknowledge them.

Nicholas felt uneasy but broke the silence.

"We are currently in need of your assistance for the dome war about to take place between us and Russia." Chris still said nothing. Nicholas swallowed a lump in his throat before continuing. "You are highly skilled and defeated the Russian bear once. All we are asking is that you use your skills to train our current warriors and defeat the Russian bear once again." Chris chuckled. Everyone in the room seemed uneasy and shifted in their chairs. Chris laughed harder holding his sides.

"You mean to tell me..." Chris said inbetween laughs, "that you sought me out, killed my sister, kidnapped my niece, all for me to train some guys and kill some guy I've already defeated before!?" Everyone was silent. Even the smile on agent Newtons face disappeared. Chills ran through everyone's spine. This man, with the highest kill count, with weapons and skills he has honed for years could easily kill them all in this room without a second thought.

"Mr. Mase..." John tried to cut in.

"Fine. I'll do it. But once it's finished you give me my niece and your lives." Chris looked each man in the eye as he said those words.

"That isn't going to happen!" The general slammed his hand on the table. "You can't threaten the leaders of the world so carelessly!"

"Oh?" Chris eyed the general. General kodos felt fear as he looked into this mad man's eyes. "Fine, I won't take the lives of your precious leaders. But I will take his life in exchange for my sisters." Chris pointed at agent Newton. Everyone was silent and agent Newton was sweating. Before the general could interject again John spoke.


"What!?" Agent Newton jumped up from his seat. "You can't possibly be serious!? I acted on your orders alone!-"

"Enough." John said, he rubbed his temples before continuing. "As he said Mr. Newton, a life for a life. If you win us this war-"

"No no no." Chris interrupted. "You see that's not at all what you said John."

"How dare you be so disrespectful!-"

"General! You will do well to stay silent." John shot a look at the general. General kodos sat back down in defeat.

"You said, I need to train your warriors and defeat the Russian bear. That is all I plan to do John. And once I'm finished I want my niece back and agent Newtons head."

Agent Newton was visibly scared now. His cocky behavior vanished the moment he saw Chris's sinister eyes.

"Ah, yes. I suppose you are right Mr. Mase or should I call you Chris? Sense we seem to be on a first name bases." Chris smirked, he knew what game John was playing at.

"Call me whatever you want. But those are my terms John."

"Haha." John chuckled a bit, Nicholas was unsure what was happening. These two men were monsters if he had ever seen one.

"Well, I hate to break it too you chris." John wipped a fake tear from his eye. "But you are in no position to make demands. You see we are holding your niece somewhere you will never find her. And unless you WIN this war, you will never see her again." The laughing stopped. The conversation had taken another dark twisted turn.

"Is that so..." Chris's smirk was now gone but the fire in his eyes raged on. "If you let me kill this man right here, I'll win your war." The room fell silent once again. The general was at a complete loss of words for this young man's behavior. Nicholas wasn't sure he could intervene now. The conversation had gotten far to out of hand. John sat for a moment and thought.

"So, if you can kill agent Newton right here right now, you won't fight us anymore? You'll do as your told?" Chris nodded making eye contact with only agent Newton.

"Sir, you can't possibly be serious! He won't obey you even if he kills me!" Agent Newton seemed to be begging for his life at this point.

"I thought you weren't scared of me?" Chris taunted agent Newton.

"I wonder how scared my sister must have been when you held a gun to her head..." Agent Newtons blood went cold, Chris meant business and it seemed John was going to side with Chris.

"Deal-" before John could say another word a knife went flying between the men striking agent Newton directly in the center of his forehead pinning him to the wall. Blood trickled down between his eyes and down the back of the wall. Nobody moved, the air was filled with the scent of blood and death. The men were shocked and in awe witnessing such great skill. Nicholas looked away, but as he did he noticed john was smiling in a way he had never seen before. He felt a cold chill creepy down his spine as he realized john might be just as dangerous as Chris. Chris stood from his seated position and walked over to where agent Newton was stuck to the wall. He pulled his blade from agent Newtons skull and watched the man slumb to the floor lifeless. Chris wipped his blade off on agent Newtons black suit and holstered it back into its case. He turned to the men with a sinister smile and blood stained hands.

"Well gentlemen, shall you introduce me to the rest of the crew?"