
"I'm excited, aren't you excited?" Ivy asked Jackson, practically jumping.

"I thought we made a rule that you weren't aloud coffee. Who gave you coffee?" He ignores her questions, settling his hands on his shoulders to stop her.

Ivy pouts, "No one. But it's trauma certification day. You know how much I love trauma."

Meredith walks in and joins them, "Am I early? I tried really hard not to be."

Ivy frowns, "Why am I the only thats kind of excited for this? Why are you being gloomy?"

"We did the same thing with Bailey when we were interns. Take turns treating a dummy, get an early lunch, then get back to work. It's lame," Alex dashes Ivys hopes.

"You-" she starts before interrupts her.

"Charter plane was forced into an emergency landing and collided with a Greyhound bus. Mass-casulty situation. Do I need to say it again? Let's move," He puts down the gowns, walking backwards.

Everyone quickly moves out, listening  as he explains the situation, "Close to 30 victims in the field, some critical. Multiple blunt trauma injuries."

They all run after him, Ivy right behind Hunt and therefore the first resident out the doors. They see dummies laying on the ground. They spread out to look around, Ivy and Jackson walking together.

"And I was so looking forward to an early lunch," he jokes.

Ivy puts her hair up in a tight ponytail, "Oh, this is what I'm talking about."

"Welcome to trauma certification. You will work in teams of five. Each team will be responsible for nine casualties. You may treat your patients using only what you can carry with your two hands from this ambulance. The evac helicopter is on its way. You get your patients on the helicopter, you get certified. Are you ready?" Owen explains as an intern comes around putting tape on everyone's chest.

Ivy is blue with April, Jackson, Meredith, and Alex. She is the only one who is smiling and ready to go.

"Get to work," he moves out of the way.

They all rush forward to grab supplies. Ivy, being used to having to fight for things being the youngest child, uses her small stature to go into bodies and grab as much as she can.


Ivy reads off, "According to this card, this guy has a blown right pupil, an atlantooccipital dislocation, open-book pelvis, a large open abdominal wound, a sucking chest wound with seven broken ribs. Wow, he's either really messed up or he's dead. So, moving on."

She moves on and checks the patient right next to Jackson, "You know, with Callie leaving, maybe I'll focus on trauma."

"No, you will do both. Just like you've been planning. Don't let Torres leaving stop you from being a kickass ortho surgeon," Jackson looks at her quickly, while focusing on his dummy.

Owen dismisses Meredith to go with Cristina so they are down to four members of team blue when he calls for a status report.

"Blue team, status report."

"We arrived on the scene to find nine casualties. We identified three as priority one, requiring immediate evacuation. Four were priority two, allowing for delayed evac. One was priority three, and the last was sadly... dead on the scene," April explains for the team.

Owen paces in front of them, "Nice work, Kepner. But it seems to me that you now have two dead patients."

Ivy cocks her head to the side, "Excuse me?"

Owne puts his arms behind his back, "Well, while you were standing around waiting for the helicopter to arrive and not keeping a constant eye on your patients injury, this one developed a femoral bleed, bled out and now is sadly dead," He flips the patient over.

Ivy and April are both shocked and go to speak, "No, a femoral bleed-" "-Wasn't on the card."

"Really? Well, it's on this one," he snaps his fingers for the card.

"Oh, what? No. Thats not how real life works!" Ivy says.

"Yeah, and it's not fair," April adds.

Owen teaches them, "Patients don't suddenly die. It just seems that way when you stop paying attention. Food for thought. Red team, go."

Ivy whispers to her team, crossing her arms, "What about trauma surgeons?"

The intern helping Hunt looks to them, "I'm sorry you guys."

Suddenly, it starts to rain. Ivy just starts laughing, "Oh, Seattle. You're just the best."

"Shes lost it. Whos turn is it to keep her sane?" April asks the two hugs next to her.

Hanging his head, Jackson says, "Mine."

They get back to work, April and Ivy double checking all the patients labeled as priority one.


April looks at the sky, "The helicopter has to be getting her soon. It's been three hours. Just-just a few more minutes. Right? Right, Dr. Hunt?"

"Here. Take these," Owen hands the intern something.

"The helicopter will be here any minute?" April asks.

He ignores her question, looking to Alex, "Nice rain gear, Karev. Shouldn't you be more concerned with your patient staying dry?"

"Yeah, well, he's a dummy, and I'm a person-" he starts but Ivy cuts him off.

"Sometimes, I would debate that statement," she smirks at him.

Owen chuckles at her, "You know, a dry patient is less likely to die of hypothermia or shock. Something to think about."

As he walks away, April starts talking to Alex as Ivy made her way over to him, "Alex, you can't break the rules like that. Thats unsanctioned use of a trash bag. You're gonna mess up our certification."

"Oh, you need to relax, this whole uptight thing? This is why-hey!" Ivy rips the garbage bag off of him and covers a patient.

"Like Owen said, patient is more important. You might be like the wicked witch, but you won't melt like her," Ivy looks down on him.

"This is why you don't have any friends," Alex snarks at her.

"Hey!" Jackson and April snap.