Night Shift

Ivy scrubs out with Callie, "Are you on night shift or are you off duty?"

"I'm on night shift with the rest of the house, minus Derek. You need me?" Ivy asks.

"Yeah, can you check on my post-ops, otherwise, help wherever," Callie directs.

Ivy nods and walks with Callie to meet the other attendings and residents. As she turns a corner, she feels herself being dragged away, "Derek! You really need to stop with the dragging thing."

"I got it."

"Got what? Wait, the Philips Grant? Oh congratulations big brother!" Ivy hugs him.

Derek laughs, "Yeah, I thought I would catch you on my way out, I'm going home to tell Meredith, see you later. Love you."

As Ivy meets the other residents out front, she is practically jumping in place, Mark looks at her weirdly, "How do you have so much energy?I mean, Kepner just yawned."

"Don't tell us that you're tired after getting to sleep all day," Teddy snarks.

"Its not as easy as it sounds," April defends.

Bailey turns to her, "Not easy? Not e- when I was a resident, I actually worked for a living. I did every other night call for five years."

"There were days that I didn't go home for 72 hours. I loved it," Stark added.

"As you trudged through the snow while you whittled your own scalpels," Alex jokes, causing the residents to snicker.

Stark looks at him, "Sorry. I didn't quite catch that, Karev."

Alex stumbles, "I just asked how does Shepherd have so much energy right now?"

"Shes always like this on night shifts. Ever since we were interns, it's weird but helpful," Jackson sighs.

Bailey redirects the conversation, "Uh, Karev, I need you to follow up on my post-ops. And here. Take this research. Divide out all the fistula cases."

Teddys next, "Avery and Little Grey, Hunt is waiting for you in the pit."

"All right, Shepherd, you know what I need from you, otherwise, try not to screw up our patients. Good night and good luck," they walk out.

Mark giving Ivy a forehead kiss as he passes her, "Gonna be over at the bar. Try not to need us."

Ivy heads to check on Torres' patients, walking with April, "Oh, I'm so looking forward to tonight."


Ivy is charting when Owen comes up to her on his way out, "Hey, Ivy. Can I talk to you quick?"

"Of course, what's up?" She gives him her full attention.

"I'm worried about Jackson. He needs to talk to somebody and I know how close you two are, so maybe you can talk to him. Try and get him to open up?" Owen suggests.

Ivy sighs, "I'll try, but no promises. Jacksons stubborn and I don't know if he knows what he's feeling right now."

"Okay, have a good night."

As he leaves, Ivy turns back to the desk and sighs, "Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. What are we gonna do with you?"


Alex, Meredith and Ivy sit in the attendings lounge eating pizza when April comes in, "What are you doing in the attendings lounge? You could get in trouble."

"Pizza?" Ivy holds a slice out to her.

"I have stupid teenage patients who superglue themselves together so their parents can't tear them apart," April complains.

Ivy sighs, "Aw, that's so romantic. And I'm so lonely," she lays her head in Merediths lap.

April disagrees, "Yeah. More like moronic. I have no idea how to get them apart without taking off half their skin."

"Try acetone," Alex suggests.

April snaps, "Try going away. Meredith, Ivy, any ideas?"

Meredith chews some pizza, "Mmm. Acetone."

"Thank you," April leaves.

Meredith looks at Alex, "So whats the deal with Stark?"

He doesn't miss a beat, "Hes a lazy, a backstabbing weasel. Why?"

"Because I called him in to examine this patient-" Meredith can't even finish.

"You called him in? Ha! I wish I coulda seen that. You don't call Stark," Alex laughs.

Meredith continues, "Well, my kid just had pectus excavatum surgery, and he was in serious pain."

"Yesterday my fundoplication patient was vomiting. You don't call Stark," Ivy jumps in.

"Well, this kids mother is a nurse at Seattle Pres," Meredith tries again.

Alex sighs, "Lets play a game. Theres one rule."

Ivy and Alex say it together, "You don't call Stark."

"Alex, Ivy, I'm serious. Normally I would handle this myself. But I haven't been on peds in a while, and you know the complications with these kids," Meredith eyes her pizza slice.

"Okay, basics. Did you order blood work and a C.T.?" Ivy asks.

She nods as Alex adds, "I'd add an L.D.G, a C.R.P. and a sed rate. I mean, with Stark, you have to cover all your bases so if you do end up calling him, he has no excuse but to get off his ass and come in."

Ivy nods, "Alright, I'm off to check Torres' post-ops, remember Mer, don't call Stark until necessary."


Ivy sees Dr. Altman stumbling around the hallways, "Um, Dr. Altman? Can-can I help you?"

"I just need a-a place to b-buy time to get my keys back," She stumbles.

"Oh, your drunk. Let me get you a banana bag and some place to sleep," Ivy guides her to a secluded room.

She grabs all the supplies she needs, quickly inserting the I.V., she sees Altman already passed out, "I want the night you had."


Since she arrived at a different time then everyone else, she drove home alone. She enjoyed the silence. She ended up getting home before anyone else and jumped in the shower. She could hear the commotion downstairs as everyone got home.

"Seriously Ivy? I called shower," April whined.

"Thats why you should have ridden with me," Ivy sings.

She hears Jackson and Lexie laugh at them. Ivy finishes up and exits, "All yours Apes."

"Thank you!"

"Yeah, also there is only co-," Ivy yells over her shoulder.

"Ahh! Cold!" She hears April yell.

Ivy winces, "Sorry!"


AN: this is probably the shortest part since the first one. I just wanted to get one out to you all.

Thank you, as always, for all the reads, votes, and comments. Please leave suggestions of things you want to see happen! I would love to hear them