
Ivy bumps into Jackson as she's walking out of her room, "Hey, sorry. Wait, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just nervous for my interview with Hunt today," Jackson tries to play off.

Ivy just stands there and gives him the mom brow. You know, the brow that basically says, 'I know you're lying to me and you better tell the truth before I force it out of you,'brow.

"Just the diabeties trial-" Jackson starts.

"Awards? How it can win bug awards like the Harper Avery. You're worried that Webber could lose the chance if you're on it," Ivy interrupts.

After seeing his look of confusion, she continues, "Jackson, I've known you for years. You're not that hard to read. Plus, part of my qualifications for chief resident is the fact that I'm in the know with my fellow residents, the attendings, and the interns."

Jackson shakes his head, laughing, "Who are we kidding, Hunt gonna make you chief resident for sure."

Ivy smiles, "Yeah but, I've gotta be kept on my toes which means that I have to have some competition every once in awhile."

She starts heading to the hospital to meet Derek, apparently he has someone he wants her to meet.


"Okay, Derek, I'm here. Who am I- well who is this cutie. Oh, look you. Pretty girl. Can I hold her?" Ivy asks her brother.

"Yeah, here, take her," he hands over the baby.

Ivy immediately starts cooing at her and making her laugh, "Okay, not that I don't love babies, but who is this?"

"This is Zola. Shes one of the kids Karev brought over and Meredith and I are trying to adopt her," Derek watched his sisters reaction closely.

"Really? So Ms. Zola here is on her way to becoming my niece? Well, we are going to have a great time. Yes we are, oh you're adorable," Ivy smiled.

She couldn't be happier for her brother. He's always had the partent gene in him. He raised her and now he will get the chance to raise his own little girl.

Ivy sighed, "Okay. As much as I would love to sit here and bond with my future niece, I have to go prepare for my interview with Owen."

"Ivy. You probably have the best chance out of everyone. Everyone respects you, listens to you, goes to you for advice, you're organized, a surgery machine. Hunt would be crazy to not give it to you. Don't tell Meredith I said that," Derek hugs her and Zola.

"Yes, but I can't just assume that I'm going to get it. I have to shown him why I should and that I would work even harder. So, I'm going to go prepare and you are going to take your future daughter," Ivy hands him Zola and quickly makes her way out of the room.

Derek kisses Zolas cheek, "Thats you're aunt Ivy. She's a little crazy but we love her anyways. She'll look out for you always."


"Well, if it isn't the new married momma," Ivy greets Callie in the pit.

Callie laughs, "Are you on my service today?"

Ivy nods, "Yes, but I have my chief resident interview in a few hours. So don't need me then or go into surgery."

"How could I go into surgery without the next chief resident and ortho goddess?" Callie asks as Hunt comes up.

She quickly pulls Ivy to follow her, "Hunt. Uh, my knew replacement got canceled, and I need to break some bones."

Ivy giggles, "This is why I love ortho," she sees the look on Hunts face, "I also love trauma, don't worry."

"Aren't you supposed to mend bones?"

"Well, it's my first day back, and I left my baby for the first time since we got home. I need to remember why I love being a surgeon so much or I'm afraid I will walk out of here and never come back. It doesn't have to be big. Just a sprained ankle, hairline fracture, anything," Callie explains as a baby starts to cry.

Hunt nods as Ivy adds, "Also, remember I have my interview at-"

"At 2. I remember, I'm looking forward to what you got, Shepherd," he walks away as Callie walks over to Mark and Sofia.

Ivy stays over by the desk but here's Hunt say, "Torres. You're in luck. Motorcycle crash 20 minutes out."

"Yes. Okay. Oh, I love you, but mommys gotta go to work. Take her, Mark," Callie tells him.

Ivy laughs as Mark holds out his arms, "Give me the baby."

"Physcially left her out of her arms," Ivy suggests, prompting Mark to.

Callie nods in thanks to Ivy and then they walk off as Sofia starts to cry. Ivy nudges Callie, "Crack baby. Interesting nickname. I would have gone with Sof."

"Oh shut up or you won't get my recommendation for chief resident."

"I officiated your wedding."

"I'm making you an ortho goddess."

"I'm Godmother to your child."

"Fine. I wouldn't do that to you," Callie eventually gives up.

Ivy smirks, "Oh, I know."


Ivy sits in a chair outside a conference room, waiting to be called in. Soon, Meredith and Owen exit, "Shepherd, give me a second."

Ivy nods. Meredith walks towards her, "You'll do great. See ya later."

"Shepherd, come on in," Hunt opens the door.

She take a deep breath, then walks in. Quickly taking a seat, Ivy smiles politely as Owen gets his notes out.

"All right. Let's start with qualifications. What do you think some of yours are?"

"Well, I am extremely organized, I am able to problem solve easily and I believe I have the trust of those I work with. A lot of them come to me for advice whenever they have a problem because I'm a quick thinker as well as able to see things from multiple sides," Ivy lists.

"Okay, here's a scenario. Two coworkers have a disagreement on something completely unrelated to work but it then gets brought into the work place. What do you do?" Owen quizzes.

Ivy pauses for a second, "I would talk to them individually before ever talking with them as a group unless their in surgery together and aren't doing their jobs. I would stick with facts before bringing emotions in but making sure to validate their feelings so they know that I'm there as an ally as much as anything else."