Ivy walks in the hallway as Meredith, Jackson, Alex, April and Cristina all ask her, "Is it up yet?"
"Jeez, it's going up now, have you-" she replies.
"Haven't heard anything," Meredith cuts her off.
April asks, "How are you even here?"
Meredith explains, "Well, there's nothing I can do, and I have to do something, so I might as well do this. It's up!"
Ivy doesn't even bother looking at the board because she's on trauma today. Any trauma that comes into the E.R. today is hers. And Hunt has to sit back and watch her thrive.
"O.R. 3. Yes! I love O.R. 3," Cristina dances back to them.
"Wait. Bowel resection? I thought you had a peds case," April asked Alex.
"I switched last minute," he tells her.
Ivy doesn't look up from her clipboard, "Yeah, thanks for switching, cause I didn't already have a bunch of paperwork."
Cristina makes fun of Jackson, "Oh, plastics. I thought you were the gunther. Wasting all your capital on boob jobs, huh?"
"Plastics is more than just boob jobs, they change lives," Ivy is ignored.
"Its a cleft lip. I'm changing a kids life today. Look at Kepner, she's fixing a bum knee. Way to shot for the stars kid," He teases.
Cristina points to the board, "Hey, McBaby. Where's your surgery?"
She smiles, "Can't predict trauma. So, I have to wait to see what comes in. Anyways, skills labs start today, which we all teach. I've made up a schedule on the board in my office."
"In your what?" Meredith asks.
Ivy rolls her eyes and gestures for them to follow her. She opens the door and goes to sit behind her desk. Cristina asks, "When did we get this?"
Ivy snorts, "You didn't. I did as chief resident."
Alex sits down on the couch, "This is good. I can sleep on this."
"Where do you think I've been sleeping the past few nights."
"Wait, why haven't you been sleeping at the house again?" Jackson asks as Meredith looks through the fridge.
"Because, between interns screwing up, residents asking for different services, and attendings bitching about their residents, I have had mountains of paperwork so staying here is easier," Ivy tells them.
Cristina notices the board, "Why is my name on this?"
Ivy chuckles, "Skill lab assignments for the interns. You all have been given one lab to teach and if you argue with me, I'll make it three."
"I can't teach today, I'm on a mitral valve," Cristina points out.
"Fine, just switch with one of these guys," Ivy tells her, turning to the paperwork she needed to do.
"Aneurysm." "Bowel Resection." "I got a baby's face."
Ivy rubs her temples, "You guys, I divided these up fairly. Come on."
Jackson argues with her, "You come on. Every surgery we do this year could end up on the oral boards."
Alex adds, "And they love picking up the crappy outcomes."
"This could affect which fellowship I get," Cristina says.
"Yes, cause the two specialties I'm doing are a walk in the freaking park. I gave you all the chance to accept the one a month, now you each will take a month and teach all skill labs in that month. Hmm, let's see, who should get this month," Ivy says, walking to the board as Jacksons phones rings.
Meredith suggests, "Whoever has the worst outcome today."
April argues, "Thats terrible. You know that's disgusting."
"You guys get this email?"
April continues, ignoring Jackson, "No, we can't wager on patient outcomes."
Ivy thinks, "Hm. Okay, deal."
Everyone nods, as Jackson reads out, "Whoa, Webber resigned. He's no longer chief of surgery."
Everyone looks to Meredith, "Dr. Owen Hunt is now chief of surgery," at that, all eyes turn to Cristina.
"At least, I know I work well with Owen," Ivy muses.
Ivy heads down to the E.R. to see what cases she should find as Alex runs up to her, "Hey, I need an intern to scrub in on my bowel resection."
"Good luck finding one, they're all taken," she dismisses him.
"Isn't that you're job?"
"No. I make the schedule, which by the way you screwed up, but I think that, yes, Donaldson is free. Go find him and he's yours. Now leave me," she gives him a name.
Ivy picks up a chart and heads to bed three, "Hello, Mr. David, I am Dr. Shepherd and-"
"Wait, Ivy Shepherd? It's me, Jonathan David. From high school," Ivy looks up.
"Oh, my God, hi! How long has it been now?" She asks, putting the chart down.
"About 15 years. I mean, the last time we really talked was when your brothers..." he trailed off.
Ivy winces, recalling the night, "Yeah. Um, sorry about that again. Anyways, what are you in for?"
He gestures to his hand, "Oh, um, I think I just sprained my wrist. My boss told me I had to get it checked out. So here I am."
Ivy laughs, "Yeah, okay. I am going to-" she is interrupted by her pager.
Looking at it, she sees that Meredith is paging her, "Um, okay. I'm going to send someone to come by and check it out. I will be by later to double check their work and catch up a little bit."
She quickly runs to a lab where everyone is standing around a glowing pig, "Um, Meredith, whyd you page me?"
"You want an aneurysm?" She asks.
"No. What's everyone doing, don't you have patients?" She looks at them.
"I don't remember an appy." "Robbins is giving my surgery to Sloan." "I'm worried Derek is going to exploded if I mess up in the O.R." "I need Alex to come talk to the patients family," everyone speaks at once.
She shakes her head and gathers her thoughts, "Okay, um, Cristina. Use the interns, quiz them on appys. It's great review for both parties. Meredith, if you piss Derek off, send him to me. Half my job is dealing with pissed off attendings. Jackson, just show Robbins you can do the surgery. Alex, go talk to your patients family. Everyone good now?"
They all nod as Ivy pager goes off again, "Sweet. Incoming trauma. Looks like I'll get a surgey today after all."