
Ivy and the rest of the residents sit on a gurney in the E.R. Then Altman calls Cristina over. Bailey then groups them in front of the trauma room and gives them details.

"She was pinned under her car, her leg was amputated in a pit of dirt, her abdomen is pulp, and her pelvis is probably crushed. You will work together to assess her injuries and repair them," they listen as they put on trauma gowns.

"Oh, in the O.R.?" April asks.

"No, at the Jiffy Lube. Yes in the O.R. Now Dr. Torres will supervise your work. If you're killing her, she will step in. Otherwise, you're on your own. Don't screw this up like you screw everything else up you've touched lately. Ladies and gentlemen, step away from the patient," as soon as Bailey says that, the residents rush forward and talk over each other.


Jackson looks at some scans, "Its an open book pelvic fracture."

"And a comminuted femur fracture. Has anyone fully examined the stump?" April asks.

"Pneumopericardium and an enlarged cardiac shadow. She needs a chest tube and a C.T.," Cristina lists.

Alex looks at the ultrasound, "Free fluid. She needs the O.R."

Ivy examines the stump, "This stump is highly likely to become infected, it needs to be cleaned. And an embolization and angio would help stabilize the pelvic bleeding."

Alex argues, "An angios just going to waste time."

"We could pack her in the O.R.," Jackson adds.

"Call the O.R. and tell them to prep for an emergent laparotomy," Alex calls out.

"Hello? A C.T." Cristina says.

Ivy sighs as Cristina sasses, "Who did and made you God?"

April takes a breath, "Okay, look, I think what we need to do is-"

"April, you're not chief resident or chief surgery. Stop," Jackson says.

"Did somebody call the O.R.?" Alex asks.

"And tell them what? To prep for ten different surgeries? We don't know what the hell our plan actually is. We just don't agree with each others," Ivy calls out, ultimately being ignored.

Cristina just continues, "No, because she needs a C.T. to assess her cardiac injuries."

Alex starts, "What did I say about-"

"No one gives a crap what you have to say," Cristina snaps.

The monitors start beeping rapidly, Ivy looks at her, "You still want to take her to Radiology? Possibly kill her? Nurse, can you call the O.R."


They roll the patient out of the elevator, Jackson leading, "Lets check the liver first. It's the most likely source."

"Hey, Yang. Where's Meredith?" Derek comes up to the group.

"I don't know. Shes in cardiogenjc shock. That's our main concern," Cristina dismisses.


She turns to him, "They-they fired her. Maybe she's putting anthrax in Karevs locker."

Alex ignores her, "B.P.s tanking. We need to up her fluids."

Cristina argues, "No. Her pericardium is filled with air and blood."

"Do you listen to anyone else, ever?"

"All the time. Just not you."

"Or me apparently."

Derek calls after them, "Look, she's not answering her phone or her pager."

Cristina yells over her shoulder, "I haven't seen her. I was in the pit. Shes not in the pit. I was in the elevator. Shes not in the elevator."

They roll her into the O.R. and scrub in.


"Give me a 10-blade, please," Cristina asks.

Alex argues, "Don't give her a 10-blade. The woman just had her leg hacked off. She doesn't need her chest cracked open for something we're not even sure she has."

Cristina argues back, "Yeah, well, I'm sure, and if her heart craps out, she's not gonna give a rats ass about her leg."

"Look, we know that she is bleeding from her pelvis and her abdomen, which gives her plenty of reason to be hypotensive-" April starts.

Alex cuts her off, "Lets just do an x-lap and see what we're dealing with."


Jackson ignores her, "Karev, start the incision."

April freaks out, "What, why him? Just because you're passed at me for whatever reason doesn't mean that you can pretend I'm not here."

"You wanna know-"

"We are wasting time arguing. The only logical conclusion is to take care of the heart first," Cristina says.

*Marks POV*

I sit down next to Arizona in the observation deck, "Hey, is the E.R. still a zoo?"

"No, they got everyone who survived out of the hole a while ago. It's quieted down. She got the crossword down there?" I ask, seeing Callie working on something.

"Sudoku. You ever try it?"

I eat, "Bores the crap outta me."

"Amen. Who do you think the Gunther is?" She asks me.

"What do you mean?"

She eats a carrot, "Is this your first one? The name gunther comes from the doctor, not the patient. One of the residents always kind of emerges as a leader when they do this. And the first time, it was this little quiet guy named gunther, and everyone thought he was gonna flame out of the program, but it turns out he's the alpha dog."

I nod, "Great. We know it won't be Avery. He doesn't have any balls."

She joins my speculations, "Karevs got the balls, but everyone hates him. So I don't really see them following his lead."