Overprotective Cavemen


○○○○*A Few Weeks Later*

"Hunt! Why is my name off the O.R. board? I was supposed to scrub in with Torres today," Ivy asks her mentor.

"I just don't think you're ready," he tells her.

Ivy sighs, she'd been having this battle everyday with different people telling her she wasn't ready, "I was cleared by Nelson, then you asked my to get cleared by Wyatt and I did. Now who do I need to get cleared by to prove that I'm ready?"

He shakes his head, "I don't know. For now, schedule surgeries, study for your-"

"Hey, Hunt. I know that you want her sidelined, but with the twins, I need her," Ivys savior came in the form of Callie Torres.

Ivy smirks at Owen as he sighs, "Fine."

"Thank you," Ivy tells both of them, quickly following Callie to scrub in.


She stands next to Alex as Owen paces in front of them, "Practice, practice, practice until it is perfect, people. This is a long, complex procedure with many parts. Therefore many opportunities for error. So we're gonna go over this again. Team leaders, let's get in place."

"All right, green team over here, please," Derek says.

"Lets go, red," Ivy follows Arizona over to the red side, as she is the ortho surgeon for the red team.

"We've offered this family every pro bono dollar, every surgical hand, every resource this hospital has. So I'm asking you for every resource that you have. Be sharp, be present, be focused. Dr. Robbins has been caring for these children since the day they were born. They will each get a new life today. Our actions will decide what kind of lives they will be. Let's begin," Hunt says, flipping over a blanket to show two baby dolls together.


Mark address the two teams as Ivy stands next to Callie, "Flaps are inset and viable."

Owen then counties, "We are looking at at least 18 hours, so come and go if you need to," he directs that part at Ivy who rolls her eyes, "hydrate, eat, but be here at least 30 minutes before your procedures."

"All right. Next up, general surgery. First we need to establish each baby's blood supply to the shared colon," Arizona says.

"Then we seperate the colon, making the first incision-" another surgeon says.

Arizona interrupts, "will make the first incision. separate the colon."

He continues, "Okay, and now I checking the displaced kidneys-"

"-to make sure they're intact and functioning," Arizona, again, interrupts.

"Uh, that's implied."

"I don't care. Say it."

Ivy turns to look at Callie, the same time as Derek, causing Callie to whisper, "Man, you two are really alike. It's sort of freaky."

Ivy shakes her head as the surgeon continues, "Checking the kidneys to make sure they're intact and functioning."

She feels Derek come and stand next to her, "Are you sure you're ready to be back? Cause I'm sure that Torres has another resident she can use."

"She does. Just not one as good as I am. Relax, Der. I'm fine and you hears Hunt, if I need to go, I can go. But I won't have to because I'm fine and you all-" Ivy is cut off by Arizona.

"You forgot to cauterize. You want this baby to bleed out?"

"Do I- no, I-"

Jackson and Ivy make eye contact as they both try not to laugh at this surgeon getting his ass handed to him, "Yeah, I should think not. Did you check the pelvis? Okay, it's time to flip them."