Decisions, Decisions

*Callies POV*

Hunt writes Avery on the board, "Where are we with Avery?"

Mark lists, "Holding offers from U.S.C., Penn, Tulane, and Emory. Tulane and Emory are in love. They want him bad."


"Uh, still between Boston and Seattle," Derek says.

Hunt tells him, "If I'm gonna lose one of my talented residents and my top neurosurgeon, I'd love a decision sooner than later."

Derek closes his folder, "You and me both, Hunt."


Everyone stares at him but Mark is the first to question, "Well, she didn't tell you?"

Teddy answers, "Uh, Stanford and Columbia are playing hardball, but I'm confident we're still in the mix."

He then lists a bunch of other residents that have sort of faded to the background. Arizona and I share a look before she says, "Well, Karev is staying."

Hunt then rights Shepherd on the board, "Okay, then of course, our double board certified in orthopedic and trauma chief resident. Torres, she tell you what's going on? Cause I know everyone is after her."

I nod, "Well, my ortho goddess-"

"And my sister," Mark and Derek interrupt at the same time as Hunt, "My trauma soldier."

I glare at all of them, " ortho goddess has decided... to stay with us."

Hunt nods, smiling and writes a check next to Shepherd, "If we are out this many surgeons, I'm gonna need to hire now, so let's get answers from our people as soon as possible. Thank you. And let's not forget that we've agreed to assist Boise memorial with their conjoined twin surgery, so make sure your teams are ready to leave from the lobby no later than 10 tomorrow night."

As I get up, I call out to him, "Ivys going for both of us, right?"

He nods before turning back to the board.

○○○○*Original POV*

Jackson and Ivy dance at the party going on at Meredith and Derek's house. As they are dancing and making out a bit, they suddenly get bumped by April on her way to join Meredith and Cristina on the table.

"Oh, she's going to feel so crappy tomorrow with how wasted she is," Ivy says, looking at their friend.

"Yeah, but at least she's having fun now," he shrugs, pulling her closer as Cristinas phone rings.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Music," once Meredith pauses the music, she answers, "This is Dr. Yang. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Well, that does certainly give me a lot to think about. Thank you so much for calling. Mayo wants to give me a research lab. Guess who's back in the running!"

Everyone cheers as the music comes back on full volume. April starts going even crazier and Ivy can't help but stare sadly at the girl. She failed the boards and lost her virginity in the same weekend. It's a lot to process. April's phone starts to ring, "Music, music."

"Hello. Uh, yes, this is she. Uh-huh. Ih-huh. Okay. Well, yes, thank you. Thank you. Um, thank you so much for the opportunity. U.V.A. wants a board certified surgeon. So they pulled my offer. Come on. Music. Come on. Come on. Music! Come on! Yes!" Meredith quickly turns the music back on when April yells at her.

Ivy looks at Jackson, "I should take that beer from her."

He nods, "Yes, you should."

As Ivy goes to, her phone starts ringing, "Music. Music. Hello, this is Dr. Shepherd. Yes. Mm-hmm. Okay. That gives me a lot to consider. Thank you for calling," she hangs up and looks at Cristina, "Looks like Mayos calling all over because they just offered me the chance to run a level one trauma unit."

Cristina tips her drink in celebration as the music comes back on. Jackson pulls Ivys back against his front and they start dancing again, "Why are you even taking those calls. You're staying."

She turns to him and puts her arms over his shoulders, "Cause, with each offer, Owen gives me a cool surgery. How else do you think I'm getting the chance to fly solo on the conjoined Boise twins?"


"April, you good?" Ivy walks up to her red-haired friend at the trauma counter.

"Well, Hopkins just made up a spot for Alex and I'm getting turned down. How do you think I'm doing?" She sasses.

Ivy rocks on her heels, "So, out of a ten about a six. Got it. So, how about, when I get back from Boise, you and I have that girls weekend we've been talking about forever."

April sighs, "Are you pitying me? Cause if you are, I don't want it."

Ivy laughs, "No, I'm just... realizing how many of us are leaving and I want a girls weekend before you go off to some other hospital and I'm here."

Ivy can see the struggle in April's mind to work out if that's the truth, "Fine. Only cause I would love a girls weekend with you."

"Yay, I'll make arrangements when I get back. Love ya, Apes," she says, heading off to find her brothers.


Ivy finds both her brothers in the elevator and soon joins them, "Lexie told you she loved you and your response was nothing?!" She yells at him as soon as the doors closed.

"How did you know, I haven't told Derek yet?" Mark asks, looking down on her.

"Oh, she called me. To tell me how embarrassed she was and how stupid you were and how innocent Julia was. Mark, how stupid can you be?" Ivy questions, facing her brother.

He sighs, "Julia wants to give me everything I want, but I'm in love with Lexie who doesn't want anything I want."

Of course the doors open to reveal Lexie, "Dr. Shepherd. Dr. Sloan. Ivy."

"Lexie, come on in. Plenty of room," Derek waves her in.

"Evil," Ivy whispers to him.

"You know, actually, I was just gonna update you on the Boise doctors bios, but since you're all here, I'm just gonna give it to you, and then that way, I can..." the doors shut behind her, "Leave."

They sit in silence for a moment before Ivy says to Lexie, "Pretend Derek and I aren't here for a second cause right now he's technically your boss and I'm about to yell at him."

She nods as Derek turns to Ivy, "Yelled at? Why am I-"

He's cut off by Ivy swatting the back of his head, "You want to move back to the East coast? Are you nuts? Mom will love it and so will you at first until you're back to spending time time Kathleen, Nancy, and Liz. Then you'll miss me being the sister you see all the time."