Ivy sits on Derek and Meredith's couch as Callie tries to get everyone on board with her idea, "I am telling you, once we got those doctors talking, it was a horror show."
Arizona shushes her, "Shh. I just got Sofia back down."
Ivy adds what she knows, "Portland Gen has quotas now. It's unspoken but understood you have to have a certain number of procedures. And, no research," she sees them look at her confused, "When I heard about Pegasus, I made some calls to find out more about their hospitals."
"They're only interested in high volume, high price tag procedures. Barely any patient interaction. So no research, no innovation, no opportunity to do what it is we got into medicine to do," Callie expresses.
"Well, we won't let that happen to us here," Derek argues.
"Der, that won't work. They said that as well. Next thing you know, anyone who fights it is out. Then you either get wore down or you leave. None of those options are good. Nobody at the hospital wants to leave but some of them will if they can't actually do what they came to do. I think Callies idea is a good one but we are going to need help," Ivy sighs.
Meredith looks to her husband, "Maybe they're right."
Arizona holds her hands up, "Just wait. What if we don't want to? I'm sorry. It's never been my dream to run a hospital."
Callie argues, "Okay, well, you might not have to run it."
"Cristina should be here," Derek says.
"I have been texting her," Meredith tells him.
"I just got back to work. And, Derek, you just got your hand back. Don't you want to just work?" Arizona asks.
Ivy laughs, "Do you not hear what we're saying? This isn't going to be work. This is going to be surgical robots. Think about this, the surgeries and patient care that your tiny humans will need, is going to cease to exist. They are going to suffer because we could do something but didn't have the support to. Buying the hospital may be the only chance we have."
Derek shakes his head, "The job is much harder than you think. I wanted it once, and I hated it. We should stay the course. I made a deal with Pegasus that apparently will help the sale."
"What...deal?" Meredith asks.
"Nothing. It's stupid but maybe that's how we make it work, from the inside," Derek suggests.
Arizona asks, "What about Hunt? I mean, he's pushing for the Peagsus sale. He thinks it's a good deal. So what's he gonna say?"
"Cahill is using him. Getting his support and he has no choice but to follow. Plus, he feels guilty. He thinks that the E.R. being closed down is part of his punishment. So no. I don't think he thinks this is a good deal," Ivy argues.
Then they get into the prices, "What are we talking about, like $100 million, $200 million?"
"You know what we're talking about, we have more than we're ever gonna be able to spend anyway."
"Okay, enough! We don't know how much this will cost us. We need help if we're going to do this. But standing here and yelling at each other is not going to work. I know for sure we're going to need more than the $75 million us five have," Ivy gets their attention.
"I had some money before all this. I've got about... 700 grand and I can get to it right away," Callie tells them.
Meredith adds, "Its true. We have money in the I.R.A. and we have about-"
Derek stops her, "No, let's not get ahead of ourselves."
Callie suggests, "Well, just the lawsuit damages then. And, uh, we've got Marks share, too."
"Marks share?"
"Yeah, and Lexies maybe? Is that rude of me-"
"I mean, I would have to ask her f-our-our father-" Meredith explains.
Arizona interrupts her, "Don't worry. Excuse me. Yes, this is rude of you."
Callie tells her, "Okay, I'm sorry, but we can't waste time on politeness here."
Arizona continues, "And Marks share is not our money. It's Sofias. You should've talked about this with me-"
"Um, that's what we're doing."
"I mean privately with your wife."
Callie turns to Meredith, "Where is Cristina?"
She shrugs, "I don't know. I keep texting her. She would say yes to this."
Arizona asks her, "How do you know that?"
Ivy, Derek, and Callie say, "She knows."
"I don't think that it's right to spend all of our money."
"It is an investment," Callie argues with her wife.
"Of all of our money, Callie. If your parents had ever made you have a summer job..." Arizona starts.
"Oh, come one. That is so unfair."
Arizona continues, "You might understand. No, you are ready to bankrupt us."
Ivy jumps in, "And you're ready to let Pegasus Horizons turn us into robots."
"You are ready to sink $75 million into maintaining a good vibe," Arizona looks between the two.
Meredith asks, "So what's the alternative, we leave?
Callie shakes her head, "No, I don't want to leave. We made that hospital. Webber hired us and we need to uphold that."
A baby then starts crying, Callie looks at the monitor, "Shoot. Sorry. Is that mine or yours?"
"Its mine, but she's gonna wake yours," Meredith goes to calm Zola down.
"I think Callie and Ivy are right. This isn't about a financial investment. It's a much bigger opportunity. To stay and make the place we dreamed of work again," Derek says, causing Ivy and Callie to nod.
"Oh, God. Will you three stop it? We are not spending this money. If I have learned anything in the past year, it's that we don't get to know what's coming around the corner. Anythibg can happen, to you, to me. Anything. And our daughter deserves as much protection as we can give her. And we have the chance to not have to worry no matter what happens, a chance to be prepared should the worst happen-" Arizona argues.
"I don't want to live like that... getting ready for disasters that may never happen," Callie scoffs.
Derek plans, "Well we have an opportunity right now to do something about it. And maybe we have a responsibility to do that-"
Arizona cuts him off, "Oh, don't try and make me feel selfish. Don't try and make me feel guilty just because you do."
"Who said I felt guilty?"
"I think-I think you feel, uh, guilty. But that's not-its not-"
Ivy scoffs, "No, no, no. You started, finish what you want to say."
Arizona ignores Callie shaking her head, "Some of us died. And some of us are gonna live with challenges for the rest of their life. And you-you got the money. And then you got your hand back and you got your career back, and I think that feel guilty. I think you feel guilty about your decision to sue and I-I think that you feel guilty about having all this money. And now I think that-"