
"Can we just stay home and in bed all day?" Jackson asks Ivy, who was reading over some protocols to go over at the next board meeting.

"No. We're board members and fellows. We can't just take the day off," Ivy laughs at him.

He traces patterns on her stomach, kissing along her arm, "Can I convince you? Cause I can be very convincing."

As they start to make out, Ivys phone buzzes. Jackson whines as she pulls away to check it, "Oh, knock it off, you big baby. Gas tanker slammed into an S.U.V. on the I-5. There's a huge pileup. Oh, there's going to be so many traumas."

She is up and getting dressed before Jackson could try and convince her to stay. He groans before getting up as well.


Ivy skips up to the other attendings as Hunt tells them, "The tanker did not blow."

"Don't look so disappointed. And people worry about my enthusiasm for traumas," Ivy scoffs.

"Yes. Because it is concerning the amount of joy you get from breaking bones," Derek tells his little sister.

Ivy throws a gown at his head as the other attendings laugh and follow her out to the ambulance bay.

"Cam Miller, restrained passenger in a vehicle t-boned on its side. Vital signs stable. G.C.S. is 14. He's been disoriented," the paramedic opens the doors and immediately, they all start gagging, "Yeah, the tankers been leaking gas all over the road. We did a primary decontamination on scene, but we had to get him outta there."

"Okay, no open flames, no smokers, no use of cauteries. We need to be safe and smart," Ivy warns, going with Cam.


Ivy leaves Cam with Webber and Bailey as she looks over the E.R., "Shepherd, how we doing?"

Hunt comes over with a little boy, "Well, take a look. From ambulance arrival, this entire intake took less than 22 and a half minutes. Our new E.R. works and beats our previous record of 30 minutes."

"Wouldn't expect anything else from you," then a booming sound happens and the building shakes.

"What was that?!" Ivy asks.

"The tanker must have blown," as soon as he says that, Ivy heads towards the desk to tell them to prepare more beds.

Ivy then sees a man on fire, "Um, and let's call the burn unit. We're gonna need a gurney."

The nurse nods in agreement.


Owen and Ivy stand together at the front of the E.R., "Listen up everyone. We're gonna be receiving more patients. Buckle up and get ready, it's gonna be a long day."

With that, Ivy meets the next stretcher, "Elyse Cruse, 37 weeks pregnant, hypotensive in the field, with abdominal bruising and second degree burns on her right arm."

"Page O.B., Kepner. This one's yours," Ivy calls before stepping away.

She doesn't have time to think about it. Now is not the time. But those burns are so similar to hers. But it's not her, it's a pregnant woman that needs the best care. She isn't in any form to help that woman at the level she needs. Ivy shakes her head, gathers herself and heads back into the E.R.


Ivy and Hunt stand with Murphy, catching each other up, "Burn center is full. I just closed us to new patients. What else?"

"Social services came for the little boy-" Murphy starts.

"Ethan! No!" They hear.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Where you going?" Hunt asks Ethan.

"I want to see my parents."

The social service lady goes up to them, "Sorry. He's a runner. Honey, we need to go."

Ivy leaves Hunt to deal with that and finds Jackson treating Matthew, "Matthew? What happened? Does April know?"

Jackson answers, "Hello sweetheart. I missed you too."

"Really?" Ivy asks him.

"Yes, April knows. And I'm sorry that you have to stand there for so long, Dr. Avery. Dealing with my ass," Matthew tells the couple.

"Ah, it's fine. I'm a plastic surgeon. Its not that big a deal," Jackson reassures him.

Matthew shakes his head, "Actually, can we not talk while you do that?"

Ivy laughs, "Don't worry. I speak from experience, Dr. Avery is excellent at healing burns," she then mumbles to Jackson, "And dealing with asses."

Jackson chuckles as April walks in, "Okay. I'm gonna come back later."


"Its cool. I'm, uh, I'm just gonna- I'm gonna leave now. Yep. Now," April says before leaving.

Ivy laughs, "I'll go talk to her. You two just enjoy-enjoy your ass time."

She laughs her way out of the room, "Is she always like that?"

"Lately, yes. And she will remind you of this almost every time she sees you."

"Great. I don't know what I'm looking forward to more: Ivy bringing this up over and over again or having to talk with April later after she's seen this."


Jackson and Ivy sit next to April on a gurney, Jackson having filled Ivy in on what happened, "I don't know why this one is hitting me so hard. It's not supposed to happen this way.'s not right. I can't tell him. I can't tell him. I, uh, and I can't make him feel worse just cause I feel bad."

"April. Trust me, it's better to tell him out right," Ivy takes her hands.

"I know. I know. I'll do it. I can do it. I just..I need a minute," as she starts to cry, Ivy takes her into her arms.

Ivy rubs April's back as she cries into Ivys chest. Jackson wraps his arms around both of the girls and helps Ivy sooth April.

As April calms a little, Alex comes up to them, "Hey. I was, uh, coming to give the mom an update on her baby- Elyse Cruse."

"Yeah, she didn't, um... she didn't make it. We were gonna go tell the husband now," Jackson tells him as April sits up, leaving Ivy still leaning into Jackson.

"No, I was. I was. I-I will. I just- I need...oh. I just have to pull myself together," April shakes her head and wipes her tears away.

"Chest Peckwells names on the file. You want me to make him do it?" Alex asks.

The trio nods, "Yes."

Alex nods before walking away. Ivy and Jackson look at April, "Better now Apes?"

She nods, "Yeah. Yeah. Um, I'm going to go... I don't know yet."

April quickly gets up and leaves the couple. Ivy looks at Jackson, "She was my patient. I gave her to April when I saw the burns on her arm. I couldn't handle it."

"Thats okay. You're supposed to delegate. Not every trauma needs your amazing experience and touch," Jackson tells her.

"I know, I know. But, how am I supposed to do my job if I can't stand the sight of burns? Hell, I can barely look at my own!" Ivy complains.

Jackson messages the burned part of her arm, "Its normal. No one expects you to jump on every burn case. That's why I'm here. Remember, the God that can handle any burns?"

"I don't remember anyone ever calling you that."

"Well, you've called me a God before and you said that I handle burns really well so I meshed the two together. Anyways, don't feel bad or guilty for giving this patient to April. You did what you thought was best for her care. You knew you couldn't so you gave her the next best thing," Jackson reminds her.

"I guess your right. About the patient thing, not the God thing. Come on, we should go round on patients then go home and lay in bed for awhile," Ivy stands.

"Oh, so you want to lay in bed all day."

"You can lay on the couch if you want."

Jackson kisses her forehead and takes her hand, "Laying in bed sound wonderful."

"Mm-hmm. That's what I thought."


AN: this one is a little on the shorter side but I'm using it to reintroduce how Ivy is handling the crash and her injuries, especially with the E.R. back up and running.

Next part should be out tonight!

QoC: what are some ideas you have for how Jackson is 'going to propose'?

Thank you for all the votes and reads and comments!!