New E.R.

Ivy stands with Owen and Cristina in the E.R., "13 seconds to run a low exposure, high resolution, full body x-ray. When we reopen the E.R tomorrow, this thing is gonna save time, money, and lives. Oh, I'm so excited. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go find Jackson."

She leaves them to enjoy the new machine. She finds Jackson waiting for her at a nurses station. Ivy quickly jumps into his arms as he spins her around and she kisses him.

"Not that I don't love this, but where is it coming from?" He asks her.

"The new x-ray in the new E.R.! I love it, I love it, I love it. I'm so excited for the E.R. to be reopened. I get to be a trauma surgeon again," Ivy smiles.

"Well, I'm glad your so happy. Tomorrow, you get your E.R. back," Jackson hugs her.

Ivy kisses him, "And tonight, you get my thank you. Come on, let's go home."

Jackson laughs and follows her out to their car.

"This is a thank you for me only, right?"


Jackson and Ivy stand behind a desk, listening to Webber as the twisted sisters and Derek join them, "I love the new logo. It really catches the eye. And, uh, these coffee sleeves- excellent thermal retention."

"Whats up with the sheet?" Derek asks his sister.

Ivy looks behind her, yawning, "We thought you guys put it there for some kind of unveiling."


"Well, somebody should say a few words, right? I mean, it's unlucky not to," Webber tells them.

"Hey, why are you guys staring at the wall?" Arizona asks, walking up with Callie.

Cristina answers for the group, "Oh, we're waiting for the... big unveiling."

Callie nods, "Mm. Well, you should be staring at my wife."

Jackson looks down at his paperwork as Meredith asks, "New haircut?"

"No. It's her leg. She's wearing high heels. Because she has a sexy high heel leg that makes her ass go pow," Callie turns Arizona around as she shakes her butt.

"Ooh. Wow. Wow."

"Whoa, yeah," Ivy laughs, before turning to Jackson, "You can look."

Callie nods, "Come on, guys. You can comment, too. You have permission. It's the one time in your life you can say it...and, uh, not be gross."

Webber tries to compliment her, "Well, I think it's a fine gluteal-"

"Oh, no. Yeah. Lets just do the unveiling," Arizona stops him.

Jackson turns to look at it, "Um, guys, I think the painters actually just left that there," he yanks it down to reveal the new sign, "Lets get back to work. End of speech."

He wraps his arm around her as they head to the E.R., "You know, it's really hot when you use your boss voice."

"Really? Well, I'll remember that."

"It'll make board meetings more interesting."

○○○○*Jackson's POV*

"Hey, Derek, can I talk to you really quick?" I ask him.

He nods, "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

I lead him into a conference room, "Okay, so. You know I love Ivy more than I've ever loved anyone in my life. Shes the light of my life and I can't picture living with out her. When you were all in that plane crash, it was the scariest time of my life and then to see Ivy in that horrific state when she got back, it made me realize that-"

"Jackson, Jackson. Just tell me what you want to. Save this ramble for her," He interrupts me.

I take a breath, "I know that you're guys dad died when Ivy was young and that you are one of the only father figures she had in her life. So, I'm asking for your permission to marry your little sister. Well, not permission, more like your blessing."

He doesn't say anything. We just sit there for minutes but it feels like hours. If he doesn't give me his approval, I'll still ask Ivy, but what if him not approving affects Ivys answer? What is he says no and I lose Ivy? What if-

"You have taken care of her better than I have the past few months. You may have only been together a year, but you love her. I can see it. Everyone can see it. You have my blessing. Now, how are you going to propose?" He smiles.

"It will involve the whole hospital helping. I want to..." we sit down and start planning.

One Shepherd said yes, now to get the most important one to.

○○○○*Original POV*

Ivy walks with Hunt, showing the interns around the new E.R., "And get to know the new electronic board. It automatically updates the location of your patients and any labs that have been ordered."

"And we now have workstations at every bed, which are fully integrated with the new charting system. And the beds are now numbered differently, so pay attention," Ivy takes over.

They get to the new toy, "And now what you have all been waiting for...the lodox- low-dose radiation x-ray statscanner. It provides full body anterior and lateral views. The low radiation makes imaging safer for children and pregnant woman. It is our most cutting edge tool in diagnostic technology. Murphy."

"When can we use it?"

"Oh! I'll volunteer. When I was six, I stuck a marble up my nose, and it never came out. We checked my stool for over a year," Brooks shares.

"Listen, this isn't a toy. I know we all want to see it in action. But, be patient. The last thing we need is some line forming when some real trauma comes in," Ivy tells them.

A nurse yells, "Dr. Shepherd, we've got an A.T.V. accident two minutes out."

Ivy smiles, "And, we're back."

They all get ready for their first trauma at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.


"What do we got?"

"16 year old female. A.T.V. collision. G.C.S. is 6. Open depressed skull fracture with active bleeding," the paramedic tells her.

Ivy stops them, "Lets take her to lodox. Get a statscan before we take her to trauma."

They wheel the patient over as a couple of interns and Jackson follow her in, "All right, everyone. Lets get ready for this transfer. On my count. Hold on. She's bleeding through these bandages."