Patient Wedding

Ivy and Jackson greet Catherine as she gets off the elevator, "Hello, Catherine."

Catherine quickly hugs Ivy before checking over Jackson, he nods, "Yeah, I know. I'm fine. Hey, look. I need to run to my nec fasc surgery. He's in cardiogenic shock."

"No," she gasps.

"Bailey feels like there's likely some internal necrosis. So, she took him up to the O.R.," Ivy told her future mother in law.

"With this kind of cardiac compromise?" Catherine looks over the chart Ivy handed her.

Ivy nods, "Yeah, and she- she- Catherine?"

The couple follow Catherine as she storms off, "Mom?" But before Ivy could really follow her, she got paged to the pit.


"Hey, I think we should tell your mother tonight, you know, give her something nice to think- why do you have that look on your face?" Ivy asks Jackson as he comes up to her at the E.R. desk.

"Heather Brooks died less than 20 minutes ago. Interns are having the rest of the night off," as soon as he tells her, she feels tears welling up in her eyes.

Ivy quickly wipes under her eyes,cl "Why am I crying? I wasn't even close with her? Give me something else to focus on, please."

Jackson wraps her in his arms, "You're crying because you care. And probably the hormones of being pregnant."

She hits his chest, "Don't antagonize me. I'm carrying your child. And seriously, give me something else to focus on. Cause if you don't, I'm going to go mother all of those interns and we are too busy for me to go crying and mothering them so give me something to do!"

He holds up his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Um, I got a woman with necrotizing fasciitis, you want to scrub in?"

"Yes. Yes, a surgery is exactly what I need. Okay, where is she?" Ivy nods, tying her hair up.

"Already on the table and the anesthesiologists is lighting her up. Come on, let's go," he grabs her hand and starts leading her to the O.R.

On their way up, they see Edwards crying in the hall. Ivy and Jackson share a look before he nods at her to go. He heads up to the O.R. as Ivy wraps her arms around the intern. Stephanie turns her head into Ivys chest, "Hey, I got you. Let it out, I know, this hurts, trust me, I know."

Ivy bows her head as she remembers after she woke up from her coma.



Jackson and Ivy stand over Sasha as they operate together, "This woman's fiance is also a firefighter? They found him?"

"Yeah. And he checked on her, gave blood and was going to go back out in the field but stopped when we took her up here. Forceps," Jackson nods.

"Whoa, this is a deep wound," Ivy mentions, looking closely.

"I think I can get good margins. It's going to be difficult though," He looks as well, before smiling down at her.

Ivy chuckles, "Good thing you like difficult."

He laughs, "Not like, love. I love difficult."

"Remember that when I make you go out for cravings or drive you crazy with wedding planning."

"My mother is Catherine Avery. I don't think you could be any more difficult than her."

"That sounds like a challenge."


They are able to get Sasha a room and are now filling the couple in, "So we were able to remove all of the necrotic tissue, but the labs suggest that your organs are beginning to fail."

Brian asks, "Well, is there anything that you can do?"

Ivy nods, "We're giving you some powerful antibiotics. And we're hoping that stops the process. But..."

"But I might not make it," Sasha finishes.

Jackson moves to stand behind Ivy, "We are going to do everything that we possibly can."


"We want to get married now. Right now. No matter what happens, we want to be married. We need a Chaplin," Brian tells them.

"Okay. Give us a couple hours and either we will find someone, or I'll marry you two myself."


Ivy makes her way into the intern lounge to hear arguing, "Hey, what the hell is going on in here?"

"Oh, Dr. Shepherd. The other Dr. Shepherd told us to think of some good Heather stories and we're just trying to think of a good one," Jo tells her.

"Dr. Shepherd, earlier you- you said that you understand what I was feeling? Ma-may I ask, how?" Stephanie asks.

She nods, "When I was a third year resident, there was a shooting here at the hospital. Dr. Charles Percy was a close friend of mine and Jacksons best friend and roommate. He was shot in the chest and didn't make it. And then-then Dr. Reed Adamson. She-she was the Cristina Yang to my Meredith Grey. We were roommates and best friends. She was shot point blank right in front of me. Then I was shot twice. I ended up in a coma for a week and woke up to the news of them both being dead."