Act Together

"Ugh, Jackson, what is that smell?" Ivy asks, plugging her nose as she investigates the kitchen.

He looks up from the pan, "Uh, I was trying to make you eggs before work, but, uh, I think I accidentally burned them."

She smiles, looking over the pan and gagging, "Oh, babe. That's so sweet and so unnecessary. But I love you for trying."

Jackson chuckles before starting to clean the pan, "Yeah, well, you deserve a nice, home cooked meal, especially after all the hours you and April have put in planning hers and our wedding plus, last night was our first night in our new home. All that is left to do now is-"

"Plan the rest of our wedding, find our the genders of our babies, decorate the nursery, give birth and then parent for the next 18 years at least. Yeah, I'm well aware of what we have to do. For today, I have that interview with Dr. Marling so, I better be off," she kisses him quickly before leaving for the meeting.

As she is on her way to meet with Emma, Owen finds her and starts walking with her, "Her resume really speaks for itself. This is more of a formality."

Ivy nods, looking over Emma's resume, "Well, and maybe more an opportunity to learn a little bit more about the woman you're dating besides she's nice or you'd like her."

Owen rolls his eyes, "Not necessary at all."

"You're right, but I'm part owner of the hospital, pregnant, and the Bailey to your Webber so you can't argue with me," she smiles at him, "Look, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with her but if there is, I'll give you a heads up," Ivy reassures him.

"Please don't."

She ignores him, "I mean, with four sisters and a brother, I'm pretty good at reading people."

They then run into Arizona and Emma, "Hi! Um, this is Dr. Emma Marling."

Ivy sticks her hand out to shake as Owen introduces her, "Dr. Ivy Shepherd."

"Good to meet you. Lets do this," she smiles before leading Emma to a conference room.


Ivy makes some notes, "Okay, so after U.W., you went to the Cleveland Clinic-impressive."

"Mm-hmm. Under Lacy. And the focus there was on congenital heart disorders," Emma tells her.

"Oh, but you left after only a year?" Ivy notices.

"Yeah, there were so many great opportunities out here-in Seattle," she nods.


Emma smiles, realizing Ivy wasn't falling for it, "And there were some personal elements at play, too," Ivy gives her a look to go on, "I was, uh, going through a divorce. And we both worked at the clinic, and that became untenable, it was affecting my work, so I made a move."

Ivy nods, "Understandable. So then you moved to Seattle Pres?"

"Yes. A year as an attending, and then running the maternal/fetal department for the last year. My research..."


"Okay, what does a typically weekend look like for you?"

Emma nods, "Oh, well, listen, I know that new attendings pull the most call. So I have no problem working weekends."

Ivy smiles, "Good cause in a few months, another fellow and I will be taking a couple weeks off."

She chuckles, "Yes and I can see why, congratulations. Do you know what you're having?"

"Not yet, but we do know that it's twins. What about you? Do you see kids down the line in your future?" Ivy asks.

"In sorry. I don't think you can ask me this, legally, in a job interview," Emma reminds her.

"Oh, you're right. Sorry. We started talking about my pregnancy and I forgot that you don't actually work here. You don't have to answer that," Ivy takes a sip of water.

Emma starts to, "I haven't thought much about kids."

"Please, never mind. You don't have to."

"But if I do, or when I do, I imagine girls-two. I know that they'll be hell in junior high, but, uh...I grew up with sisters," Emma shares.

Ivy chuckles, "I know the pain. I have four older sisters, and one older brother. I, uh, had another, uh, brother but he passed away about a year ago. But, uh, we're getting through it. And Owen is like another brother to me. I mean, he let me change the way the E.R. ran my first day here. He trusted me to change his E.R. the second I started here which is huge."

Emma leans forward, "If you don't mind my asking, what are you hoping for with the twins?"

She smiles, "I am thinking it will be two boys. Jackson thinks it will be two little princesses for him to spoil. Everyone else is thinking along the same lines as us except for my brother Derek. He thinks it will be one of each. So, I have just a couple of more quest-"

Ivy is interrupted by Owen knocking and coming into the room, "Hey, how's,'s it all...going?"

"Yeah, it's great," Emma tells him as Ivy mouths that she likes her.

Owen gives her a death stare, "Yes, Owen, we're doing great. Now, can we get back to this or would you like to watch over me do my job? Cause I know what I'm doing."

He nods, "Okay, yeah, um.."

And then he backs out of the room as Ivy shakes her head, "Okay, now, onto the final questions."


Ivy finds Jackson, "Well, I like Dr. Emma Marling but I don't think that she will come work here. She had problems at a previous hospital with other doctors being in her personal business."

Jackson laughs, "Yeah, well, that's all we do here. Derek and I got rid of a man's facial twitch today. Derek made me give Murphy two patients to work on by reminding me of how he told Mark to let me operate and now I have to let the residents operate. It sucks."

She laughs, "What do you expect? Mark left more of an imprint on you than just your surgical skills. He also left the way he taught to you. He also left his way of caring and treating patients influence you. I find it very sweet and amazing how you want to watch over all your patients all the time, but Derek's right. You need to let them do minor things every once in awhile."

"When are you going to let them do more in the E.R. then?" Jackson asks, wrapping his arms around her and cradling the bump.

"When hell freezes over. No one tells me what to let residents do in my E.R. They don't have the trauma training yet and I'm not willing to let them try and play hero and then kill a patient because they can't figure out what's wrong with a patient fast enough," Ivy  relaxes against his chest.