Kepner Wedding

Ivy stands, one hand caressing her bump, the other holding a smoothie as she watches Cristina, Ross, and Hunt sit in front of reporters for the press conference, "Dr. Cristina Yang."

"Thank you, Dr. Hunt. The, uh...the procedure I- is so relatively untried that the associated risks are un-unusually high. Still, that shouldn't be a reason not to try," Cristina closes her folder as Hunt whispers something to her before continuing, "Fortunately, the patient is responding very well for now. His vitals remain stable, and it is our hope that this will continue. And if it does, I am cautiously optimistic that we can call this procedure a success-" Cristina is cutoff by Ross taking the mic and causing feedback.

"Home run is a better word. Dr. Yang hit a home run. Thanks to her, baby Nathan is thriving this morning," as the press start applauding, Ivy makes her way out of the room. She's currently seven and a half months pregnant and she feels it.

She sighs, rubbing her back as Meredith comes up behind her, "How you feeling? More specifically, how are the prince and princess doing in there?"

Ivy chuckles, "They're doing great. Making themselves very comfortable right on my kidney and bladder. I'm so close, so, so close to my delivery date. I just need to get through April's wedding today, then two weeks until I get a c-section, then, two weeks after that is my wedding."

Meredith smiles, "Busy month."

"Yes, but it will ask be worth it. I've got to go meet April, see you at the church," Ivy starts heading to the elevators but is met by April storming out with her hair in curlers.

"Hey, I was-"

"Please say you were coming to meet me," April pleads.

Ivy nods as April starts dragging her. They run into Jackson, "Wow, you look..."

She shakes her head, "Nope! No. Don't say I look nice."

He gestures at her, "Like a train wreck. But I can see where it's going. Um, why are you dragging my fiance and children around?"

"I'm hunting bridesmaids," April sighs.

"I was on my way to meet you at our time," Ivy mumbles.

"Is that a farm tradition?" Jackson asks.

Ivy and April glare at him before April turns to Ivy, "I know, but since Cristina and Meredith haven't shown up to a single fitting, I'm bringing the seamstress to all of you."

She shrugs, "Okay, but can I go get fitted before they are brought in? Cause them together lately is just bad and-"

"Yes, here, I'll take you," April starts dragging her away again.

"See you at the wedding!" Ivy calls over her shoulder.

"Yeah, hopefully you all will be in one piece."

April drops her off with the seamstress, "Oh, look at that bump! How are you feeling?"

Ivy smiles at her, "I'm feeling great, even better once these babies are out. As you can tell, I'm huge! Sorry, this will be a lot of taking out."

She waves her off, "No, no, I made sure this would be huge on a woman seven months pregnant with triplets. I'll still have to take this in on you."

"Aw, you're making me feel skinny! I could cry," Ivy puts her hand in her heart.

"I'm here to make you feel pretty, however that is," she smiles at Ivy as Cristina is shoved into the room.

She looks Ivy up and down, "Not bad for a pregnant woman, McBaby. Especially one with twins."

Ivy laughs, "Thanks. So am I done?"

The seamstress nods, "Yes, I had to take it in a little more than I thought I would but it should make you look like a princess."

"Thank you, but all the attention will be on April. Especially if her hair is kept the way it is. I'm off, see ya at the wedding, Cristina," Ivy waves.


Ivy sees Jackson and Edwards rolling a patient with his wife in the direction of the O.R.s, "Hey."

"Hey, Dalton, Karen, this is Dr. Ivy Shepherd, Dr. Shepherd, this is Dalton and Karen," Jackson introduces.

"Hello, don't worry, Dr. Avery and Dr. Edwards make a great team. Karen, this is as far as you can go, I can walk you down to the waiting room when you're ready," Ivy offers.

Dalton draws Karen's attention, "Hey. Come here."

She leans down as he whispers something in her ear. Ivy and Jackson make eye contact as he winks at her, causing her to let out a little giggle. Karen kisses Dalton, "I'll see you after."

As they roll the bed by, Jackson kisses Ivys cheek. She smiles before turning to Karen, "I can show you to the waiting room."

"Yes please. Thank you, and are you and Dr. Avery..." she trails off.

"Dr. Avery and I are engaged. And as you could probably guess but didn't want to assume, the father of the children currently residing in my uterus. We are getting married in a month," Ivy tells her, absent-mindedly stroking her stomach.

"Well, congratulations. Can I give you a marriage tip?"

Ivy nods.

"Don't be afraid to tell each other anything. Be honest with each other. You'll solve a lot of problems that way," Karen takes a seat as Ivy walks back to the E.R.

On her walk, she feels a pain her abdomen, kind of like a cramp. She doesn't think anything of it. She's been having Braxton hicks contractions for a few days and it doesn't mean anything. When she walks in the E.R., she sees Matthew and April on opposite sides of the wall, holding hands.

Matthew is talking to April, "-And I'd probably pass out. And we'd wind up back here. We wouldn't be married. They'd have to cut off my suit and I'm still paying for it," they all laugh to themselves, "I'm glad I saw you like this, cause I'm gonna see you like this a lot more than I'll see you like that for the rest of our lives. And I love you like this."

April smiles, "I love you, too. I can't wait. Oh! Hey, don't forget black socks. Matthew?"

She moves around the corner and doesn't see Matthew, but instead a crying Ivy, "Ivy? What's wrong?"

"That was so sweet! I swear if Jackson isn't that sweet to me on our wedding day, I'm divorcing him and marrying Matthew," Ivy goes from sobbing to serious so fast that it scares April.

"Um, I don't think that would work. But, okay. Anyways, are you staying or..." April asks, smiling.

Ivy grabs April's hand, "I'm going with you. I'm going to give you tissues, I'm going to help you with your makeup and I'm going to help you into your dress and fend off your sisters. I am yours for the rest of the day."