April's Sisters

*Two months since last part*

Ivy puts on her jacket as the babies kick, "Come on, Jackson. Hurry up, I promised April I would save her and Matthew from her sisters. If I don't do this for her, she won't do it for us when my sisters come to town."

Jackson grabs his wallet and phone before kissing her and putting a hand over the babies kicks, "Well, why do you two need to have so many sisters to be saved from?"

She glares at him, "Why don't you ask my mother."

"I don't know if I want to have that type of conversation with my future mother in law."

"Yes, cause hearing about Catherine's sex life is my ideal way to spend time. Anyways, let's go," Ivy drags him out of the house and they quickly drive to the little café that the Kepner sisters and Matthew are eating at.

She spots the red hair and waves. April sees her and waves back, smiling, "Hey."

Matthew turns to them, "Hey, Avery. Ivy."

April smiles, standing up and hugging Ivy, "Ivy, Jackson, these are my sisters Libby, Kimmie, and Alice."

The sisters all smile at Jackson but give Ivy tight-lipped ones, "Oh, you're Ivy. The one taking one of our places as maid of honor. Nice to meet you."

"Girls, I grew up in New York, anything you try and intimide me with, won't work. Oh, April, I just got a text from Hunt. We're being called in," Ivy looks at her phone.

"Oh, wait. You'll be done in time for mani-pedis, right? And Ivy, surely you'll join us. You look like you could use a relaxing time," one of the sisters ask, as Jackson goes and buys Ivy a muffin.

"I will try. Can you take them back to my apartment?" April asks Matthew.

"Roger that."

The sisters stand up, "Oh, no way. We wanna go with you."

Another tells her, "You won't even know we're there. We can see the room for the shower tomorrow, plan decorations."

The last one celebrates, "Whoo! Field trip. Come on, Duckie."

Ivy makes her way to Jackson, leaving April with her sisters, "If I see them at all today, I might stab them."

Matthew joins them by the counter, "Thank you, both of you, for getting us out of there."

"No problem. We might be borrowing you two to do the same when Ivys sisters come to town. And there's four of them," Jackson smiles, sarcastically.

"Hey, you are choosing to make them a part of you life and your family. I didn't have any choice," Ivy kisses his cheek.

"Here's your muffin," Ivy forgets about their conversation and happily eats her muffin as they walk out of the café.

"All right, well, we'll see you later," Jackson tells Matthew, wrapping his arm around Ivys shoulders.

Matthew nods, "Yes, indeedy," Then walks in the same direction as them.

Ivy smiles, "Are you excited. The big day is almost here. I know that April is, she's just stressed with her sisters here."

He smiles, "Yeah, I don't blame her, their alot. So, when are you two finding-"

A man knocks into Matthew, causing him to lightly knock into Ivy, "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Ivy waves them off.

"Hey, this is my cab!" Someone yells.

The man who knocked into Matthew tells him, "Take a walk, hippie."

The 'hippie' argues, "What? Not cool, man."

As the argument is going on, Ivy feels the babies still kicking so she takes that as a sign that she's okay.

The man questions, "Aren't you people supposed to love bikes or something?"

"People are freaking animals," Jackson shakes his head.

"Right?" Matthew agrees.

The cab starts to drive off with the hippie still attached to the door. The three with medical training start running after the cab, "Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

They get the cab to stop and the man on the ground with Matthew and 8vy triaging him, "Is he breathing?" A woman yells.

"All right, we're doctors and we need you all to stand back, okay, stand back," Jackson tells them.

"He's not breathing," Ivy checks.

"9-1-1 said a rigs ten minutes out, but-" Matthew starts.

"We gotta get an airway now. Agreed," Ivy finishes, as the man from the cab tries to put the blame off himself and Jackson shoves him away.

Ivy takes the knife Matthew offers her and cuts the shirt open. She looks around and sees the straw in Jacksons pocket. Grabbing it, she quickly makes an incision in the hippies neck, causing the crowd to freak out. Ignoring them, Ivy puts the straw into the man's throat, "Good chest rise. He's breathing."

"I hope she knows what she's doing," Ivy hears.

"Hello, folks. My name is Dr. Ivy Shepherd and I am a trauma and orthopedic surgeon at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. I know what I'm doing and please stay out of the way for the ambulance," Ivy shouts.

Matthew looks at her in surprise, "How did you know how to do that?"

Ivy looks down, "This isn't the first time that I've had to use the resources around me to save someone's life. Let's hope this one turns out better than the last time."


The group gets to the hospital, "Coming through! 32 year old male. We just lost his airway. I'm gonna change it over a wire. We need a 5 millimeter shiley and a percutaneous trach kit right away. Let's get him set up for transfer."

April joins them, "By my count, one, two, three."

"All right, let's go. Betadine the neck. Whoa, Kepner, get your sisters out of here," Ivy yells, as Jackson takes the straw out and blood squirts out.

"Damn it. Let the O.R. know that we gotta go up there. At least you know where to cut," Jackson tells Ivy.

"I would hope so. I've only had how many years of trauma training?" Ivy smiles.

The sisters don't move, "Okay, you three need to leave now before I have you forcibly removed."

They argue, "You can't do that."

Ivy snaps, "Yes I can. I'm part owner of this hospital, this is my E.R. that you're standing in. Matthew, can you take them out of here please. Thank you."

The three former Mercy Westers focus back on the patient and the changing of the straw to the wire.


"So, Duckie-" Ivy starts to ask.

"Don't call me Duckie!" April shouts at her.