
"I can't believe that Cristina lost. I mean, she's making hearts and she lost the Harper Avery? Has the committee lost their minds?" Ivy rants to Jackson as he brushes his teeth.

"Ivy, sweetheart, I don't know. Okay? I've told you, the awards committee is separate from the foundation. I was just as surprised as you to learn that Cristina lost. Am I going to be hearing about this for the rest of the day?" Jackson asks.

They hear a knock on their bedroom door. April pops her head in, "Can I borrow some toothpaste?"

Jackson hands it to her as Ivys phone rings, "Amy? What's up, why are you calling?"

Amelia chuckles,

Ivy giggles, "Yeah, I'll leave Jackson and April to take the twins to daycare and I'll swing by. How are you holding up so far? Any injuries?"

she sighs.

"Alright. I'm on my way, stay calm and you'll be good. Zola and Bailey are some of the easiest kids to watch," Ivy tells her sister before hanging up.

Ivy finishes putting her shoes on before turning to Jackson, "Hey, so I have to go check on some things at Derek's. You got the twins?"

"Of course. I'll see you at the hospital," he gives her a quick kiss before she leaves.


Using her key, Ivy let's herself into Derek's house, "Amy? Zola?"

She hears Amelias voice, "In here."

Ivy follows the sound and finds them in Baileys bedroom, "So, he needed his diaper changed and I think I did it right but I don't want to screw Derek's kids up because they're his-"

"Amy, Amy. You're doing it right. Look, the thing about watching kids is to always be on your toes but still relaxed. If you're stressed all the time, they'll sense it and react to it. You've got everything covered and I have to go to work. If you need anything, call me, and I'll help you through it. Wait, why are you here?" Ivy asks.

"James proposed."

"And you freaked. Not flee the country freak but enough where you need to know if this is for you," Ivy guesses.

Amelia nods, "Yes. Thank you for understanding me. Seriously, Derek looked at me like I was kind of insane and you know how the others would react."

Ivy laughs, "Yeah. Have they reached out to you? I know they've been calling Derek a lot more."

"No. They know I'm on your side a hundred percent. Plus, I'm the druggie sister," Amelia shrugs.

"So Derek handed you a kid-"

"-Then said that Zola sticks things up her nose and left. Yeah. Now you see why I called," Amelia adds.

Ivy hugs her sister, "You've got this and congratulations. Now, I'm going to go to work, talk to our brother, then perform an ortho surgery. See you later."


As she walks down to the E.R. to check in with April, Ivy spots Derek. She quickly jogs up to him before hitting the back of his head, "Ow! What was that for? First I've got your husband talking about taking my project away, now I've got you hitting me."

"Yes, well... my husband's thing was work related, this is little sister related. I can't believe you handed our sister a kid and then left and then didn't call me to tell me that Amy was in town," Ivy rants.

"Oh, yeah. Amys in town."

Ivy glares at him, "I'm gonna hurt you."

He chuckles, "Please don't. Look, I've got surgery, can we talk more later?"


Ivy finds April at the desk as Meredith walks in, "Oh, hey. You're back."

Meredith eyes her sister in law, "You're gonna want to stay away from me today."

April asks, "Where's Cristina? She must be devastated. If I were her, I'd be face first in a pile of chocolate chip cookies."

"Stop it! Cristina Yang doesn't need your pity! She was robbed!" Meredith then turns to Ivy, "And you robbed her!"

"Excuse me?"

"You are an Avery by association! That pack of fools can't tell their asses from their elbows, never mind an award winning surgeon versus some half wit who tankers with science kits in his mother's basement!" Meredith rants.

"Meredith remember that your mother won that award multiple times. Does that make her unworthy of it? No! So shut up and stop yelling at me for something I had no control over. And don't you dare start yelling at Jackson later because we wanted Cristina to win it as much as you did! If you want to take your anger out on someone, call the foundation. I'm sure they would love to hear from you," Ivy shouts back, closing the tablet and heading up to the ortho wing.


Ivy runs into Jackson as she has her head in her tablet, "Hey, how's your sister?"

"Shes good. She recently got engaged and is now trying to see if the family life is the life for her. Oh, Derek said something about you how were trying to shut down his-" Ivy asks as they start walking together.

"I'm not shutting anything down yet. We just need to compile a report on the value of people's research projects. I don't think we're gonna be able to keep all of them," Jackson sighs.

Ivy let's out a breath, "Great. Oh, by the way, watch out for Meredith. She just bitched me out in the E.R. cause of Cristina losing. Apparently, since I'm an Avery by association, it's my fault she lost."

Jackson runs a hand over his face, "This is going to be a long day."

"Yup. See you later," Ivy kisses his cheek before heading to the trauma room she was paged to, "What do we got?"

Owen, Wilson, and April are all already working on the patient, "Sam Roane, 23- been walking cross-country for the past three months, stopping only for sleep and the pickup that took him out."

Wilson adds, "Hypotensive with multiple blunt trauma and deformity to the right lower extremity. Paramedics splinted him in the field."

Ivy starts cutting away at the splint as April muses, "So, three months? That means you started walking from..."


"Wow. Were you, uh, walking for charity?" Ivy asks.

"No. I mean, I fell in with a few cancer groups along the way, you know, for the snacks, but it was more about really committing to something and following it through to the end. And then I got hit by a truck," Sam tells them.