"Well, I hear we have a dog bite over here," Jackson says as he walks up to Ivy and the latest patient in the E.R.
Ivy takes a step back, "This is Jill and her parents, Kyle and Nicole."
He takes a seat, "Hi. I'm Dr. Avery."
Nicole signs to Jackson as Kyle translates, "She says, it's nice to meet you."
Jackson turns to Jill, "Now, your dog bit you, huh? That doesn't seem very nice."
"Jill is deaf, too," Ivy tells her husband.
"Okay. Well, luckily, it's not too deep. And since it's her face, I can go ahead and stitch it right up. Nothing to worry about," Jackson smiles.
Kyle gets Jill's attention, "He says, don't worry."
As the parents turn away, Jackson starts, "Thats good. Right here, okay?"
"We are not getting rid of the dog. She was pulling his tail. He growled to let her know he didn't like it. I know she can't hear," Kyle argues with Nicole.
"Excuse me, Kyle, have you and Nicole considered a cochlear implant for Jill at all?" Jackson asks.
"Uh, yeah, we've talked about it. We're not interested," he denies.
Jackson just keeps pushing, "Shes the perfect candidate. Shes the right age, she's healthy, and now is the time where she would get the most benefit."
Nicole signs as Kyle answers her, "Yes, I told him no. It's a no. We feel very strongly about that."
Nicole then starts signing at Jackson as Kyle looks to him, "See? Now you made her yell. He didn't say anything about her being diseased. You're overreacting."
"Oh, n-no, no. I-I apologize. I'm sorry," he starts.
"We understand and completely respect your decision. Let's just get your little girl all stitched up, okay? And maybe I'll throw in a sucker for you guys to take home," Ivy takes over.
Kyle signs that to both Jill and Nicole, causing Jill to nod, "If you don't mind, she would love to take one home."
Ivy smiles, "Of course, I'll get one to you. Any flavor or allergies?"
They shake their head, "No, anything is good. Thank you."
She quickly grabs a sucker and gives it to Kyle and smiles at the family.
Ivy finds Owen and Cristina talking outside of the McNeil family room, "Hey, Cristina. Aren't you heading out soon?"
"Yeah, the parents needed a break, so I offered to stay with them," Cristina nods.
"Aw, Cristina Yang has a heart. Anyways, Owen, I'm going home early. The twins aren't sleeping at like all at home and April's got the E.R. for now, so I'll be back in the morning," Ivy turns to her mentor.
"Ivy, you-"
One of the McNeil girls sit up, "Wait. Your name is Ivy?"
She turns to them, "Yeah. Hi, I'm Dr. Ivy Shepherd-Avery. And you are all the McNeil's right? Ivy, Link, and Frankie?"
They nod, "Yeah. Wow, another Ivy."
Ivy laughs, "Theres another Shepherd and another Avery here too. Uh, Owen, I'm going home. Page me if you need me. And Cristina, you're gonna rock it tomorrow!"
Cristina gives her a thumbs up, "Thanks, McBaby."
Jackson and Ivy sit at the table, taking turns feeding themselves and checking the bottles for the twins, "And its not like I'm insensitive to deaf culture or anything. I just don't...I don't get how, as parents, you don't want your kid to experience hearing, if they could," Ivy doesn't say anything, "What? You disagree?"
"They're her parents, Jackson, not us," she puts Alexus on her shoulder and starts burping her.
"Yeah, well, if it was either of the twins or any of our future kids, they'd be fitted for an implant three years ago," Jackson does the same to Christopher.
He nods, "Yeah."
She cradles Alexus again, "Just like that? What if I...felt differently about it?"
"Do you?"
Ivy shrugs, "I don't know. I think I don't know what I would feel like until we were actually in that situation."
Jackson nods, starting to Fred Christopher again, "Okay."
She looks at him, "What does that mean?"
"What does what mean? Okay? It means alright. I get what you're saying," he tells her.
"But you would put cochlear implants in our child without even asking me?" Ivy puts her fork down.
"No, of course I would ask you," he back tracks as Ivy stands up, "Where are you going?"
She grabs Christopher, "To play with our children on the ground. You can do the dishes."
Ivy lays the twins on the floor. Christopher immediately turns over to his stomach as Alexus ends up putting her foot to her mouth. Ivy mumbles to herself, "Like father, like daughter."
Jackson finishes putting dinner away and doing the dishes before joining Ivy and their kids on the floor, "I'm sorry. I would never make a decision regarding our children without you."
Ivy lays her head on his shoulder, "I know. I know. I'm just tired and took what you said wrongly. I love you."
"I love you, too," he kisses her.
They continue to kiss until they hear laughing coming from the twins. They look over to see Christopher rocking on his hands and knees, "Oh, look at you, big boy! You're so close to crawling."
Jackson cheers along with her, "Theres my boy!"
Alexus, sensing the excitement, starts laughing and rolls over. Ivy smiles as she starts rocking back and forth too.
"Look at them. They're growing up to fast. I-I-I mean, I know that they're only 7 months but soon they'll be crawling then walking then talking then-" Ivy is cutoff by a doorbell.
She leaves Jackson with the twins as she answers the door. On the other side, she sees a crying April, "Can I stay here for a little while?"
Ivy nods, "Of course. What happened?"
"Do you remember the guy I was going out with after our boards? Luke?" April asks, sitting next to Ivy on the couch as Jackson takes the twins to go get them changed.
"After Matthew left me at the alter. I may have...I reconnected with Luke and now...I think that I'm pregnant and we just got into a fight over our beliefs and I-I don't know what to do," she tells her.
Ivys jaw drops, "You're pregnant? Oh, April. No matter what, that's a good thing. All I can offer is that you stay here for a little while, get a blood test done tomorrow and then talk to Luke."
April nods, "Okay. Thank you."
"No problem. But I'm warning you, the twins still aren't sleeping through the night. I guarantee that you'll be woken at least once and I can't do anything about it."
"Thats fine. I'm gonna have to get used to it."
AN: so this is a little shorter than most others because Ivy isn't as religious as April, so the fight between Japril would not happen with Javy.
For clarification: Luke was the guy who April was sleeping with after the crash, and he will kind of take Jacksons place in April's life for now.
QoC: how do you think Ivy is going to react to Alex joining the private practice?
Thank you for all the votes and reads and comments!