Mall Explosion

The Averys are at a family dinner with Derek, Meredith, their kids, and Amelia, "Okay, what news do you have?"

Derek smiles at her, "How did you know we have news? We could just want a family dinner."

Amelia answers for Ivy, "Because she's your favorite sister. She can read you like an open book."

He sighs, setting down his fork, "Okay. When I was in D.C. this past week, I met with the president. He wants me to move out to D.C. and work at the N.I.H."

Ivy freezes. The rest of the table watches her for a reaction.

She takes a second to think about the entire situation. On one hand, it's an amazing opportunity for Derek and his career. But it means him, and Meredith, and the kids would have to leave Seattle and her.

"Oh, Derek...I'm so happy for you," she finally gets out, moving to hug her brother.

"Really?" They all say, not expecting Ivy to actually be okay with this.

"Yeah, I mean, sure I'll miss you but this is an incredible opportunity. W-when would you have to start?" Ivy fake smiles.

"Uh, within the next couple of weeks. Meredith has a job offer out there, we would need to find a house and figure out what to do with this one," Derek gestures.

Jackson puts his arm on the back of Ivys chair in support, "What about your board positions and your service, Derek?"

Derek nods to Amelia, "Well, Amy will take over my service and we can still do board stuff, just consulting from a distance."

They are interrupted by a cry, "Oh, that's Alexus. Better get her before she wakes everyone else," Ivy excuses herself.

Amelia is quick to follow and get her sisters real thoughts, "Okay, out with it. How are you truly feeling about this."

"About you working at Grey Sloan and taking Derek's service? Awesome. I love it. About Derek and them moving to D.C.? Not loving it. I mean, of course I'm happy for him but we've always lived on the same coast. Even that time where we weren't talking, we both lived here. I just don't want to lose my big brother," Ivy rocks her daughter.

"You won't. I guarantee Meredith will want to come back every once in awhile to check on things and see everyone."

She argues, "Theoretically, I know that, but still. He's my big brother and I'll miss him."

○○○○*Two weeks later*

Ivy wakes up to kisses up and down her neck, "Morning, sweetheart. The twins want mommy hugs and kisses before we go."

She rubs her eyes, yawning, "The twins or you?"

"Both. But we don't have time for that this morning. Here are the twins," he chuckles, handing her the twins.

"Hello babies. Daddys going to bring you to daycare while mommy enjoys a day off. She's going to go to the mall and get you some cute clothes and new toys, and some baby locks because you two are close to crawling. And while mommy's having all the fun, daddy gets to tell Bailey that her lab is being taken away!" Ivy bounces the twins.

"You know, we were having a perfect morning. God, why can't you tell Bailey again?" Jackson asks, double checking the diaper bags.

Ivy talks in her baby voice still, "Because, if Bailey starts yelling about how unfair it is, mommy's going to bring up the Braden Morris case and threaten to put her on probation for a month."

Jackson snorts before picking Christopher up, "Yeah, it's a good thing that I handle it. You have fun at the mall," he grabs Alexus before giving Ivy a kiss, "And do something for yourself. You deserve a break and to relax. You don't need to be supermom or trauma soldier or ortho goddess today."

She stretches a little before laying back down, "Well then, I will start the day by sleeping in. Have fun meeting with Bailey!"

He rolls his eyes before heading out the door with the twins.


Ivy exits her car, talking with Amelia on the phone on her way to the mall, "They're calling you what?"

Amelia fills her in.

"Uh, I have a few. When I was a resident, the attendings called me Little Shepherd, but haven't since the crash. Uh, Cristina and Alex sometimes call me McBaby. Long story of how that one came up. And finally, the residents started calling me Posion Ivy when they were interns. I miss that-" She's cut off by an explosion that knocks her to the ground.

Her phone slides away from her as Amelia calls out,

Ivy is to busy looking at the smoke rising from the building in front of her. She runs towards it, leaving her phone. Once she gets to the mall, she sees people and bodies everywhere. Pulling her hair up into a pony tail, she calls out, "Someone call 911! Tell them there is a surgeon on site but to get every available rig out here!"


She finds Nicole, "Hey, reds are over there, yellows over there and greens are here. There are many deaths already. Uh, tell Hunt or Kepner that I'm here and triaging patients on site and well join them in the E.R. as soon as things are controlled over here. Oh and tell Dr. Amelia Shepherd that I'm fine if you see her."

Nicole looks over at her as they get the patient on a stretcher, "You got it. I'm assuming I keep my mouth shut around Avery?"

Ivy gives her a look that tells her all she needs to know, "Got it. See you in a while."

Looking around, she spots someone under a pile of rubble, "I need some help over here!"

One of the Homeland Security guards spot her, "Ma'am, there are first responders on site, please step-"

"Yeah, and I'm a trauma and orthopedic surgeon at Grey Sloan Memorial. They don't have the training or the experience that I do. So get that rubble off that patient so I can do my job. Now!" Ivy shouts.

They all quickly do as she says as Ivy climbs down.


Ivy gets off the back of the rig to find Warren, "Ivy?"

"No time for questions. She need an O.R. yesterday. Let's go," she stops him, already pulling the stretcher through.

They quickly make they're way through, finding Owen, "Dr. Hunt! We need you here, stat!"

She takes over, "We had to dig her out. Coded twice in the field."