Ivy, Jackson and Riggs stand at the nurses desk in the E.R. Riggs asks, "So, Ivy, are you free for dinner tonight? Say about 7?"
She feels Jackson stiffen beside her, "Are you asking me out on a date?"
He nods, "Yes, you could say I am."
They don't see Owen standing behind them, "Nathan, I'm married," she shows the rings pinned to her scrub top, "And I have twins and am currently pregnant."
"Oh, my God. I am so sorry. Please, let your husband know that I'm sorry and I wouldn't have said anything if I knew," Nathan shakes his head.
Jackson wraps an arm around Ivys waist, "Its all good."
Riggs looks between them, "Oh. You two are married. I am so sorry."
Owen moves to stand between him and Ivy, "I told you to stay away from my family."
"Last I knew, Ivy wasn't related to you," Riggs argues.
"Shes like a sister to me. And you don't have such a good track record concerning my sisters," Owen gets in his face.
Ivy steps between them, "Okay, boys, we have at least 5 rigs on their way in. Let's go."
As Riggs heads out to the ambulance bay, Ivy turns to Owen, crossing her arms, "Thank you, but you don't need to go protective over me."
"I know," he leaves Jackson and Ivy alone.
"And you," she takes a step closer to him, "Thank you for not freaking out when he asked me out."
Jackson shrugs, "I trust you. Come on, we've got lives to save."
Ivy heads out and sees Maggie jump out of the back of a rig, "We've been paging you."
"Got a little caught up. Major pileup, multiple wounds. A big rig flipped. Bigger mess," Maggie tells her.
Webber motions to Ivy, "I got this. Go."
They quickly head into a trauma room. As they get into trauma 3, Ivy calls for a neuro consult.
Once Amelia gets into the trauma room, Ivy heads to trauma one to get a status update, she walks in to see Meredith being thrown around by a patient. She calls to a nurse, "Call security! Now!"
Ivy quickly tries to intervene. She gets pushed back into a tray. Ivy quickly finds a sedative and starts to prep it when it's hit out of her hands. She is then feels herself get pushed against the wall where she hits her head. The last thing she sees is Meredith on the ground in front of her and the patient behind her.
○○○○*Owen POV*
I watch as Riggs roles Ivy into the next trauma room. I go to help him but Webber stops me, "Shes family, Hunt. Riggs is the best person to treat her right now. Focus on Meredith."
We lift Meredith onto a bed, "Trauma panel. Send blood for a crossmatch. Belly is soft."
April says, "Bruising on the left chest. Decreased breath sounds on the left."
"Art line is going in. Pulse ox is down to 88," Warren tells us.
"For a trauma series. Hook up those monitors."
"We end a wide bore I.V.," I turn.
Webber calls out, "Get ortho here. Add some left arm and leg films."
April asks, "Has anyone told the chief?"
He shakes his head, "Okay, do not page her. These are two patients. We can do these two, okay? Oh, someone page Robbins for Shepherd-Avery."
"What?" We all look up.
"Shes only a couple months along. Her and Jackson told Catherine and I a couple weeks ago. They were waiting a little longer to tell everyone but her surgeons need to know," Webber informs us.
"The guy who did this- he was stable, non-aggressive. He wasn't a threat. I left for five minutes, and this happens. Ivy wasn't even in the room when I left," Warren shakes his head.
I reassure him, "He was postictal. Hyper-aggression can occur after a seizure."
Webber adds, "Temporary fugue state. He won't even remember it."
April asks, "Where is he now?"
"Restrianed, and being treated right next door to Ivy," Warren says as Alex comes in.
○○○○*Riggs POV*
"Clear," I yell, shocking Ivy as Robbins joins the room, "Come on, Shepherd, don't do this to us."
Robbins gasps, "Oh, my God. What happened?"
I shock her once more and get a sinus rhythm as DeLuca explains, "Attacked by a patient. She was trying to save Grey. Dr. Robbins, she's pregnant."
She nods, "Okay, get me an ultrasound. I need to find a fetal heartbeat."
The ultrasound is quickly in her hands, "Okay, I need quiet so I can find a heartbeat."
We all stay absolutely silent before a we hear it, "Its a little fast but defiantly there."
"Okay, she needs an O.R. There's some blood in the pericardium sac," I say as Nelson comes in.
Doing a quick neuro check and looking at the scans, "Theres a small bleed, in the meninges. Due to her history, I'm worried that it'll get worse so I'd like to book an O.R."
"Already have one waiting, let's go," we quickly get her ready to move.
○○○○*Jackson's POV*
I start checking Meredith's airway as Cross comes in, "Has anyone seen Dr. Shepherd-Avery? I have the scans she requested."
Owen tells April, "Dr. Kepner, please take over with that patient."
"Why? Why can't Ivy do it?" I ask, seeing the looks on their faces, I ask again, "Where is Ivy?"
Just then, we see Riggs run by the outside of the room, Nelson and Robbins right beside her. DeLuca runs into the room, "Uh, Dr. Hunt..."
He trails off as he sees Amelia and I, "Spit it out," Hunt tells him.
"Okay, uh, Dr. Riggs is worried about some bleeding within her pericardium sac and Dr. Nelson is worried about a brain bleed. Dr. Robbins has managed to find a fetal heartbeat. We are heading up to the O.R. right now and Dr. Robbins will continue to monitor the fetus," he rushes out.