Court Day

Ivy crosses her arms as she faces Callie, "Torres, I told you no. I will not go on the stand for you or Arizona."

She scoffs, "You know, Mark would be disgusted at how you're treating me right now. How you are putting Sofia at risk."

"Are you freaking kidding me?! Don't you dare stand there and tell me about my brother. It's insulting. Not to mention, Mark would be more disgusted with your and Arizonas behavior. The only thing that matters to him is his daughter. You know what? Get out. I have patients to see," Ivy turns away.

"No, he would be happy that I'm fighting for our daughter. I know what Mark would want for Sofia-"

"Then stop this insanity! Sofia deserves both of her mothers. What happened to the Callie Torres that did anything to make Sofia happy?"

Callie shakes her head, "I don't know why I even asked, you're being unreasonable," and storms out.

Ivy glares at the door and quickly makes her way out of the room where she bumps into Arizona, "Oh, Ivy. Hey. I have a question, are you-"

"No, I won't testify for you!"

"I was going to ask if you were coming to the court house. Not that I wouldn't love for you to testify for me but you said no and I get it. You are looking out for Sofia and I know it seems like I'm doing this for me but I don't want to lose my daughter. And I don't want my daughter to lose the family she has here. I- I would just like it if you were at the courthouse," Arizona tells her, starting to wall away.

Ivy looks at her watch, "Hey, Robbins. I'll be there. And, I'll think about testifying for you."


"We're here today to determine a custody modification of a minor between two divorced parents, Arizona Robbins and Calliope Torres. The trials witness pool is unusual in that it'll be shared by both parents. The parties have stipulated to call each witness once, at which time, each side will have a chance to examine that witness. If you're testifying, remember- this is not a popularity contest. You are not choosing sides. We're all on the same side- the side if a six year old child. Dr. Torres, Dr. Robbins, custody hearings are, without exception, very difficult on all parties involved, your daughter included. Things said here will undoubtedly be harsh and cannot be unsaid. I ask this of parents before I begin any custody hearing. Are you both sure you want to proceed?"

Arizona nods, "Yes, your honor. I'm sure."

"Dr. Torres," the judge turns.

"I'm sure, your honor."

The judge continues, "Then this court is now in session to determine sole physical custody of Sofia Robbin Sloan Torres."


Owen is on the stand, "Dr. Torres and I worked together on a pro Bono project building prosthetics for injured vets."

Callies lawyer mentions, "And that's a very meaningful project for you because you're a very yourself. Is that correct?"

He nods, "Yes, I served as a surgeon in the army."

"What was the connection for Dr. Torres?"

"Well, she just cares. While she didn't serve, she's always been willing to pitch in, to help. She's a very empathetic person. Big hearted," Owen smiles.

"Has Dr. Torres discussed her move to New York with you?"

"She has."

Her lawyer asks, "Did you feel it was a sudden move?"

Owen thinks, "Um, well, not for her. I mean, it was sudden because Dr. Blake's schedule determined the move, but for Callie, no. This is who she is. She gets thrown a situation- it doesn't daunt her. It inspires her. I've seen it time and time again in the O.R. She just jumps in. And this is no different. She's found a great school for Sofia, and she's making the best of a tough situation with grace. It's something I admire about her."

"No further questions at this time," Callies lawyer says.


Arizonas lawyer stands, "You live with Dr. Robbins, don't you?"

DeLuca nods, "I rent a room in her house."

She smiles, "I bet you never expected to be living with a six year old."

"Yeah, sure. I wasn't, uh, thrilled to be living with a kid, uh, till I started living with one. I had never been around a lot of kids before, but Sofias a blast. She's so smart and hilarious. I mean, she and her mom are just laughing all the time. The place is so happy. Sofia makes the place happy. We see so much dark stuff every day at work. Its- it's really nice to come home to a happy kid," DeLuca tells them, causing Ivy to smile and nod in agreement.


"So, would you say you love Sofia?" The attorney asks Penny.

"I-I have come to. Yes," Penny nods.

The attorney smiles, "Oh, that's nice. And how long have you known Sofia now?"

Penny thinks, "Well, we met w few months ago."

She is surprised, "Oh. And how well would you say you've gotten to know Sofia in the few months that you've spent together, Dr. Blake?"

"Very well."

"Oh. Very well. That's good. That's, uh, very good. Whats her favorite color?"


"Her favorite toy?"

Callies lawyer interrupts, "Objection. Irrelevant. This isn't a quiz show."

Arizonas lawyer argues back, "I'm trying to establish the nature of Dr. Blake's relationship with Sofia."

Judge Kane nods, "I'll allow it "

"Her favorite toy is astronaut barbie. Her favorite cereal is Whole Grain O's. Her favorite animal is a unicorn. Her favorite sea creature is a mermaid. And her bedtime is 8:30. And her favorite thing to so in the morning is pick out her outfit. You can ask me anything you want," Penny lists.

Arizonas lawyer stands again, "And your work schedule will be pretty grueling, I'd imagine."

Penny shakes her head, "Actually, it's a research fellowship, so it will be far more predictable than a surgery residents schedule."