Baby Number 3

Ivy races into the house and stands next to Maggie as they hear Amelia shouting, "Mom. Mom! Mother! I know I was engaged before. I was there. No. I am sober. Because we love each other. Because we didn't see a reason to wait. Because people get hit by cars. We've be together for a year. Yes, we broke up, and then what if it has been off and on? I don't know, mom..."

"Were they serious?" Maggie asks her.

"Yeah. No one in our family but me will be at the wedding," Ivy nods.

"Because I do. If you don't come, it is just Ivy and I. Mom. Mommy, please, I am getting married," Amelia cries.

Ivy can't take it any more and bursts into the bathroom. She cradles Amelia to her before taking the phone, "Wow. Carolyn. Two daughters within three years that you've abandoned. Must be a new record. I'll make sure to call the others, since we know that the only child you ever cared about is dead. Go to hell."

Amelia cries into Ivys chest, "Why? Why is she like this?! What did I do?"

"Hey, hey. It's not your fault. This is all on her, not you. I'm here. You are marrying Owen for you, not for her. Not for me, not for any of them. The only people that matter today, are you and Owen. So, I'm gonna go make a phone call real quick," Ivy kisses the top of her head.

"Owen and I will survive without them there, right? I mean, you and Jackson are," Amelia sniffles.

Ivy nods, "Yeah, you will. You're tying the knot in the rain. A wet knot, is a tiger one. Nothing can pull it apart. Now, are you okay?"

Amelia takes a breath, "Yeah. I'm okay. I'm good."


Ivy leads Owen up the stairs, "Okay. Where is she?"

"Oh, thank god," She hears Meredith sigh.

He knocks on the door, "Amelia, open the door. Amelia? It doesn't matter. If they don't want to be here, then...they shouldn't be. We don't want them. They don't get it, and they don't have to. Ivy does, she'll be there. I do. And I'll be there. And the only one I want there is you."

Amelia opens the door a crack, "You're not supposed to see me before the wedding. It's bad luck."

Owen shakes his head, "I'll close my eyes. I won't see a thing. Come out, Amelia. Come out and marry me."

She steps out and takes his hands before kissing him, "Okay. Go. I will see you at the church."

"I am an excellent sister, maid of honor and best man. I don't know how I got all those titles, but their mine. I will see you at the church, call me if you need me," Ivy turns, "Hunt, hold up, you need to drive me or I will get into an accident because of this bump!"


Ivy is in her dress as maid of honor and best man while sorting through and making sure all of Owens tux is there, "Okay, yeah. So the tux is here, shoes there. Um, is there anything else you need?"

"I'll be fine."

"You're good? No second guesses of Amelia and I's crazy family? Oh, did you remember black socks?" Ivy lists.

He chuckles, "No second guesses and uh..."

Ivy laughs, "Ha, I knew it."

Owen shakes his head, "You know, thank God for you. This is why I had you hold on to the rings."

She freezes, remembering that she left them, "Thank God for me. Uh, excuse me."

Rushing out, she sees Warren there, "Hey, am I the first one here?"

"Do you have a car?"


"Do you have a car?!" She shouts.

"Yes, why?"

She ignores him, "Okay, come on."


Ivy rushes into Meredith's house, which is thankfully empty, "I left the rings...I don't remember where I left the rings."

Warren suggests, "Well, uh, they say if you think out loud while you're looking for something, you find it faster."

She turns on him, "Who says?"

"Scientists...who lose things."

"Fine. I remember there was one point that I went upstairs," she stops when she feels a small contraction.

"You okay?" He notices.

Ivy nods, "Yup. I went upstairs and Amelia was in the bathroom arguing with our witch of a mother. And-okay."


"Okay, so then I hung up the phone, and I went over to the table and-" She groans.

Warren runs in, "What-what? You okay?"

She holds up the ring box, "Found it!"

He sighs, "Alright, look. Let's get out of here."

"Okay, ah. No, no, no," she grunts.

"Okay, you-youre having contractions," he comes back.

Ivy chuckles, "No. Braxton-Hicks all day. I can't give birth today. Cause the last wedding I gave birth at, I almost died, my children almost died, my best friends heart was broken, and the groom ran away with an ex. Nothing else can go wrong with this wedding, therefore, no baby today."

Ben ignores her, "Sit down. Go on. Sit down."

She shakes her head, "We got to get these rings over to Owen, I need to check on Amy and make sure she hasn't flown the co-"

"Shep-Shepherd- Shepherd, have a seat," he guides her into a chair as the pain intensifys.

"Okay, sitting sounds good."


Ivy lays back on the couch, "Okay. Okay."

Warren looks at his watch, "Okay. See, that-that one came a lot faster. They're- they're- they're a lot closer together now. Maybe we should take this party on to the hospital."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Ben. Wait, wait, wait. I don't- I don't want to have this baby in your car," Ivy shakes her head.

"Neither do I. We're going to the hospital," he nods.

She lays back down, "Okay, but figure my contractions are close together plus traffic plus the rain plus any problems caused by the rain... what I'm trying to say is that between your car and this house with head, running water, blankets, I'll stay here. Yeah. Staying here. I'm gonna have this baby right here."