Ivy stands at the nurses station as DeLuca comes up to her, "OK. I got one from the supply room. Also, why do we keep these, anyways? I mean, who needs an instant photo anymore?"
She sighs, "Because an apartment building just collapsed in the middle of Seattle. Right now, we're getting the victims and survivors, but in 20 minutes. We'll be getting their families who want to know where their loved ones are. If they are okay. The only way to know for sure if their here being treated or buried under the rubble of that building are these photos. I want a photo of every single patient on that board in the next hour. Got it?"
He nods, "Got it."
Ivy does a neuro check on a patient in the halls, "Whose patient is this?"
"I've got o-neg!" Edwards walks past her.
Finding Owen, they fill each other in, "I've got a depressed skull fracture, is Amy in yet?"
"I don't know."
"Didn't you two come in together?" Ivy asks.
"Ivy, your guess is as good as mine where she is," Owen tells her.
Ivy looks at him, "Is everything okay?"
A patient blocks them, "Hey. I-I got to get home."
She shakes her head, "Sir, you need to lie down."
"My wife is-"
"I understand that, sir. What's your name?" She asks.
Ivy nods, smiling, "Okay, Charlie, what I need you to do-"
She's cut off by hun splitting blood up all over her. Owen helps him up as Ivy backs away slightly, "Yup. Not the first time I've been spit up on today. Okay, I need an intubation tray and a central line kit. Draw a CVC and a cross-match."
Owen calls out, "You guys open up a trauma room. Riggs, we're gonna need a hand here."
Standing with Owen, Ivy looks up as Riggs comes up to them, "Uh, I updated Charlie's wife."
Riggs looks to him, "Charlie's wife? Charlie's married? Our patient Charlie?"
"Whats the matter with you?"
"I just updated Charlie's girlfriend."
Ivy looks between the two women and then back at Riggs and Owen, "This is why I hate men."
Stepping out of a patients room, Ivy notices a woman wandering the halls, "Ma'am, can I help you?"
"Uh...I'm looking for my h-husband."
Seeing the picture, she nods, "Okay, right this way," leading the way, as she opens the door explaining, "He's intubated right now, but he was talking earlier according to his chart. He was apparently asking for a priest."
"Thank you doctor."
"I'll leave you two alone," Ivy makes it a few steps before going back to the room, "Security!"
She rushes in, grabbing the woman back, and looks to the nurse, "Up the O2 100%."
Webber comes in, "What happened?"
Ivy starts guiding her out of the room, "She tried to disconnect his vents. She tried to suffocate and kill him."
"Someone has to be responsible. He knew it. He has to be held responsible for this. Please," she cries.
Maggie comes up to Jackson and Ivy as she sits with Jackson as he works on a patient, "Hey, you two got a minute?"
"Not really."
"I almost helped a woman murder a patient."
"Look, I don't want to put you two on the spot, but your both on the board of this hospital," Maggie points out the hospital.
Jackson smiles at the patient, "Almost done here. You're doing great."
Maggie continues, "You're Averys. It's an Avery hospital."
"Land the plane, Pierce," Jackson warns her.
"Now I want to see the kids. You always say that when their trying to eat by themselves and play the plane game with their spoons."
"Eliza Minnick works here now."
"We're aware."
Maggie adds, "She thinks she's the new Residency Director, like she's Richard Webbers boss."
Jackson and Ivy look at each other before looking back to Maggie, "Minnick said that?"
Standing next to Jackson, Ivy listens to his speech as Webber and Maggie come in, "Look, I know a lot of you guys didn't come up in this program. But I did. Ivy did. April did. And the difference between the education that we got at Mercy West and what we got under Webber?"
"No comparison. He is the program," Ivy answers.
"So, if you guys are as pissed as we are, and you really, really should be..."
Maggie tells Webber, "See? It's not just me."
Ivy is pulled to the side by DeLuca, "Whoa. Hey."
"Hi, I'm sorry, Dr. Shepherd-Avery, but I really needed to talk to you," he tells her.
"Okay, what do you need?"
"I'm not sure this is the right thing," he admits.
"The trial?"
He nods. She sighs, "Okay. Do you want my honest opinion?"
Sighing, DeLuca nods so Ivy does, "If you answer yes to the following question, then you should continue with the trial. But if you answer no, call it off. Do you think that Alex Karev would beat someone senseless, beat you senseless, for no reason? Or did he do with the facts presented exactly what anyone else would do?"