
Ivy lays in bed as her phone starts ringing, "Hello?"


"I had a feeling he was going to do that. Look, just tell Alex to enjoy his freedom. Don't worry about why he dropped the charges."

"Maggie. Listen to me carefully. Drop it. Now, I'm going to bed, goodnight."

Hanging up, Ivy sighs. Jackson makes his way into the room and starts to get ready for bed, "You know. We could get my mother involved and have you reinstated tomorrow."

Ivy shakes her head, "Nope. I'm proving a point. If it gets terrible over there, she'll be begging me to come back. And it's not like I'm abandoning everyone. Tell all residents and interns if they need my help, to call me. Give them my number and tell them to not hesitate but if they tell Minnick or Bailey about it, I'll hurt them."

He smiles, "Of course you're still helping them. Did you hear about the meeting that was called?"

"No. What happened?"

"Bailey and Minnick called a meeting and sent an email to every attending but Richard. And well you. None of us showed up. We're making a stand," he climbs into bed next to her.

"Good. I'll support it from right here. I'm serious about the call thing. I don't want any patients to suffer because Bailey can't get her head out of her ass."

○○○○Catherine POV

Walking into the hospital with Bailey, Catherine asks, "So, you called a meeting, and they ignored it? How many attendings didn't show up? A few? Five? The entire staff?"

"Well, it was mostly the department heads. It was just their way of sending a message-"

"Oh, you're going to have to send a message right back," Catherine states.

Jackson comes up to the duo, "Oh, she already did. Actually, our message was in retaliation to multiple messages from her. She suspended Ivy yesterday for two weeks."

Catherine's jaw drops, turning on Bailey, "You did what? Do you know how terrible of an idea that is? Do you want this hospital to collapse?"

"Shepherd-Avery said that we have enough money to last us the two-"

"Its not just about the money. Ivy has other responsibilities that keep this hospital running. Responsibilities that even Jackson doesn't know about. You know what? I'm going to call her, get her here and you're going to unsuspend her. Now," Catherine pulls out her phone, quickly calling her daughter in law and heads to Baileys office.

○○○○Original POV

Ivy carries Aurora as Christopher and Alexus run ahead of her, spotting Jackson, "Daddy!"

Jackson turns and kneels down to accept their hugs, "Hey! What are you all doing here?"

"Your mom called me in, so I brought the kids. I thought everyone could use a little joy seeing them and they wanted to visit mommy and daddy's work," Ivy explains before noticing the other people around them, "And I am being rude. Hi, I'm Dr. Ivy Shepherd-Avery, you must be Maggie's mother."

"Yes, Diane. It's very nice to meet you," Diane shakes her hand.

Jackson steps forward, keeping a twin on each side of him, "I'm Dr. Jackson Avery."

Diane nods, shaking his hand, "Are we all set for 2:30?"

He nods, picking the twins up, "We are, yes."

"What is happening at 2:30- what is happening?" Maggie freaks out.

"Just a little consult."

"Wait. What?! You're not getting plastic surgery?" Maggie asks.

"Its not a dirty word, Pierce," Jackson butts in.

Alexus adds, "My daddy's the bestest plastic surgeon in the world!"

Christopher nods, "Yeah!"

Ivy chuckles, "Yeah, that's him. Now, I am running late, so it was great to meet you, but we have to go."

Jackson tells the twins, "Wave bye."

"Bye!" They wave.

"Alright, conference room two. We will see you after," Ivy tells Jackson, making him put the twins down as they enter the room.

Immediately, the twins rush to their grandmother, "Grandma!!"

"Oh, my grandbabies. How are you, my dears?" Catherine hugs them.

"Good. Mommy says that we get to spend the next couple of weeks at home with her. Do you know why?" Christopher asks.

"Because someone who works at this hospital made a bad call and your mother and the hosptial is going to suffer for it," Catherine looks to Ivy.

"Here. Come sit and color and watch your sister while mommy talks to grandma," Ivy sets up a play area for them on the floor in eyesight before facing Catherine, "I'm serving my two weeks unless Bailey begs me to come back. Shes trying to say that it's a lesson for all the attendings, but it's going to end up being one for her. You know payday is supposed to be tomorrow."

Catherine sighs, "Did you get to signing the paperwork for that?"

Ivy shakes her head, "Nope. Which means that the employees of this hospital will not get paid for another two weeks. Some people are working paycheck to paycheck."

She groans, "Okay. I'll talk to Bailey-"

"No. I will. Can you watch the kids?" Ivy smiles at her kids.

"Of course. Go. They're safe with me."

Ivy makes her way to Baileys office and passes Meredith on her way, "Oh, Ivy. What are you doing here? I thought you were suspended?"

She nods, "I am. Meeting with Catherine and now Bailey. Whats going on?"

Meredith hands her tablet to a nurse, "Bailey suspended me too."

"God, she really has no idea how to be a leader, does she?" Ivy shakes her head.

"Good luck."