One-Shot #10: Period

It was one of the weeks where Ivy was traveling for a few meetings, which means that the kids and Jackson were left alone to manage without here. Jackson usually has no problem taking care of the kids by himself. In fact, with Aria and Adelia down for a nap, Aurora off on a playdate and the twins just hanging out quietly in their rooms, Jackson is free to watch the game by himself.


"DAD!" Alexus voice is heard screaming through the house.

He quickly jumps up and rushes upstairs, "What? Where are you? Are you okay? Do we need an ambulance?"

Finding the bathroom door shut, he knocks and starts to open the door before it is roughly shut in his face, "No! Do not come in here!"

"You called for me. What's going on? Are you alright?"

"Mom said she would be home when this happened. Mom said that I wouldn't be stuck with just dad when this happened. She said everything would be okay. Well, apparently, mom is a liar! Ugh!" Alexus monologues in the bathroom, leaving Jackson confused.

"Uh, princess? What's wrong?" Jackson tentatively knocks on the door. 

Alexus groans quietly, "Um, do you know where mom keeps her tampons or pads? There's none in here and I'm sorta bleeding from my uterus."

Jackson is momentarily stunned from how blunt she is about this, "Uh, yeah, le-let me go-go and look."

He stumbles through the hallway and into his and Ivy's room into their private bathroom. He starts looking through all the cabinets and drawers before giving up and fumbling with his phone to call Ivy, "Hey, Love. Quick question."

"No, this will be really quick. Where do you keep your pads and tampons?"

Ivy is quiet on the other side of the line, "

"Not for me, dimwit. Our daughter has started and I can't find anything."


Jackson nods, already heading back into the hallway, "Yeah, okay. Uh, what...size do we get?"


He hangs up before knocking on the door, "Princess, mom ran out of products last week. She told me to tell you to wrap some toilet paper around your underwear and then we can go to the store and get some-"

"No. I am not going in public with you to get period products. We can have everything delivered, I am not leaving this house or this bathroom until I have a pad or tampon."

"Are you sure? Because it would only take-"

She yells, "Yes, I'm sure."

Christopher comes out of his room, "What's wrong with Alexus? Why is she yelling so much?"

Alexus yells from inside the bathroom, "Because I am bleeding from my uterus! And mom's not here so I'm stuck with you two. I wish mom or grandma were here!"

"Me too, princess, me too."


AN: short, sweet little period one-shot.

Alexus and Ivy are for sure two people who, on their periods, are hormone express. 

QoC: who do you wish to see the kids interact with?

Thanks for all of the votes and comments and reads!!!