The ranks:
Recruit- slightly above average human being.
Private- World's strongest man.
Corporal- one hit K.O a level one zombie.
Sergeant- on the level of a level two mutated or undead creature.
Master Sergeant- One hit level two mutated or undead creatures.
Sergeant Major- Can match a level three mutated or undead, creature, in power.
Lieutenant- One hit a level three undead or mutated creature.
Captain- Can match a level four mutated or undead, creature, in power.
Major- One hit a level four undead or mutated creature.
Colonel- Can match a level five mutated or undead, creature, in power.
Brigadier General- One hit a level five undead or mutated creature.
Major General- Can match a level six mutated or undead, creature, in power.
Lieutenant General- One hit a level six undead or mutated creature.
General- Can match a level seven mutated or undead, creature, in power.
Global General- One hit a level seven undead or mutated creature.
The ranks of mutated and undead creatures:
Level one- Athlete to Street Level
Level two- Wall to building level
Level three- Large building to City Block level
Level four- Multi CityBlock to Town level
Level five- Large Town to Small City level
Level six- City to Large City Level
Level seven - Mountain to Island Level
More info: undead or mutated creatures will drop something called celron upon death. It is a tiny crystallized brain 0.5 inches in diameter. Upon consumption, it will increase a person's power. The higher the level of the undead or mutated creature, the more it increases power.
Rank up Requirement: Recruit-1 level one Celron, Private-10 level one Celron, Corporal-20 level one Celron, Sergeant-100 level one Celron, Master Sergeant-450 level one Celron, Sergeant Major-1250 level one Celron, Lieutenant-12000 level one Celron, Captain-100000 level one Celron, Major-1200000 level one Celron, Colonel-10000000 level one Celron, Brigaider General-120000000 level one Celron, Major General-1000000000 level one Celron, Lieutanant General-10000000000 level one Celron, General-200000000000 level one Celron, Global General-4000000000000 level one Celron.